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Having doubts

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    Having doubts

    Hey everyone. I'm here because I recently started dating someone who lives about 6 1/2 hours away from me. Now, we decided to start dating and we haven't met yet. We both just felt like it was what we wanted so we dived on in. He has told me he's 100% dedicated to making this work and I feel the same.

    Now, the doubts I'm having and the question I have. I use to hear from him everyday, pretty much all day and now it's like nothing. I haven't heard from him at all today and only once yesterday and the day before. What I got from him the day before yesterday is that he was really busy with work and he'd call me when he went on break and I never heard from him. Yesterday it was his grandmother is really sick and he had to go out of town and doesn't have a charger but he'd call me when he got back to his charger. I've heard nothing since. I feel like I'm hanging on by a string here and he's suppose to be coming to town this weekend for us to spend the weekend together and finally meet.

    I want to message him to tell him that I feel like I'm hanging by a string over here and need some communication from him but at the same time I don't want to do that because what if 1)I'm being blown off and he's just not telling me or 2)I don't want to bug him and aggravate him to the point of him not wanting to talk to me anymore.

    So, I'm stuck on what to do. Advice?

    Thanks in advance!

    im right their with! i think what happend is you just got out of the "honeymoon stage", thats what everyone told me when i started having doubts. dont worry, my SO lives 5 hours away and we wont be able to talk this whole summer and we still havent met each other yet but dont worry you guys will be fine! im sure their are some veterans here that can give some better advice. good luck


      How long have you 2 been together?


        I would say, in a new relationship like this, that you should give the guy some space. Sometimes people get busy and exhausted and even that simple text is just one thing too much. Now, he might be a douche and stringing you along. He might be just scared of the fist meeting thing, so he's being squirelly, but chances are that he's a genuine good guy with a lot on his plate and you should just give him a bit of time to get on top of things.
        Let him know you care and that he can call you any time he needs to, but don't put extra pressure on him. I know it's hard to just put up with that dangling feeling, but sometimes it's necessary and they'll thank you for it later.
        Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


          That was GREAT advice! Thank you!!! You helped put things in perspective for me and that's what I needed....thank you for that!


            I agree with zephil. Sometimes life gets in the way. My SO sometimes gets so busy i wouldn't hear from him for a day or two, sometimes longer. And all those little fears come up, but now here we are together for the first time. LDR's are hard, but you have to be patient, and ehh never assume the worst until you know the details, or else you will drive yourself insane lol
            I love you Nathan <3
            5/25/09 <3


              It looks like he has pretty much to deal with at the moment. And as others said, it's a new relationship. You can talk with him next time you get the chance, but don't push too much into his comfort zone, leave him time to solve the things which keep him busy at the moment and afterwards everything will return to its normal, calm path

