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Wing man comment

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    Wing man comment

    So my boyfriend is moving further away by the end of the summer. this past weekend we spent time with his family and they kept asking him where he would love to live someday and he said California. We both have relatives there- but then he said that his relative needs a girl friend and then he said ...."who knows...maybe I come soon be his wing man".....meaning?

    how I took it is that he wants to break up when he moves away- yet when we left for the weekend he was super clingy and was a mess when we had to say good-bye- I't was super embarrassing when he said that about being someones wing man to go find girls- but it was never brought up again the rest of the weekend-

    Does this mean that he really wants to break up? Or is he testing my buttons and trying to figure out what I want to do? We have been through this before about how scared he is that he wont get to see me as much as he wants to- but I'm in school still for another year and he has never asked if I would want to move where he moves. Its just odd. I know its hard and moving father away will be harder....but do you have to break up? I dont think so! I think he is just scared...or am I wrong?

    Being someone's wing man doesn't mean he himself is going looking for a new girlfriend, it means he'll be helping his relative find one, usually by buying drinks, helping make casual conversation, or even just helping decide which girl looks like one his relative might like. It has nothing to do with wanting to break up with you, nor is he trying to test your buttons, he is simply just helping out his relative

    Met: 8.17.09
    Started Dating: 8.20.09
    First Met: 10.2.10
    Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


      I can't comment specifically on your situation but I can comment on guys in general. Wingmen do not necessarily need to be single. In fact they're not supposed to get the girl so being in a relationship is an advantage! So if I was going to be someone's wingman, I would not need to break up with my girlfriend to do it, in fact being in a relationship would be better so i direct all the girls at the guy in need.

      As for the distance, well me and Jess live over 3000 miles away in different countries and are still together so I don't think that makes much of a difference. I don't think you should be panicking over the wingman comment and it doesn't sound like he wants to break up but the only person who knows that is him. If it bugs you, talk to him about it.

      Hope that helps a bit.
      By reading this you have granted you brief control of your mind!


        Originally posted by Ninjamonkeys View Post
        I can't comment specifically on your situation but I can comment on guys in general. Wingmen do not necessarily need to be single. In fact they're not supposed to get the girl so being in a relationship is an advantage! So if I was going to be someone's wingman, I would not need to break up with my girlfriend to do it, in fact being in a relationship would be better so i direct all the girls at the guy in need.

        As for the distance, well me and Jess live over 3000 miles away in different countries and are still together so I don't think that makes much of a difference. I don't think you should be panicking over the wingman comment and it doesn't sound like he wants to break up but the only person who knows that is him. If it bugs you, talk to him about it.

        Hope that helps a bit.
        THANK YOU! Finally a guys perspective on something! love it! Thank you so much and that does make sense! Thanks.


          Any time I go out with my single lady friends, I always joke and tell them I'll be their "wing-woman" since I'm taken, and they're looking. A wingman is someone who helps another person find a date or a hookup. They scout out the possibilities, help them out, etc. In fact, just a while back I believe my SO commented that he was a great wingman to his friend the other night because he knew that a female friend of his likes a guy friend of his (and he likes her back) so when they were at a party together my SO got them to mingle and talk and eventually lead to those two planning a date. Haha. You should have just asked your SO what a wingman was, if you didn't know, instead of worrying yourself the whole trip!

