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Girls, do you like it when a guy smells your hair?

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    Girls, do you like it when a guy smells your hair?

    I dnt know which place to post this in, sorry if its in the wrong section.

    Girls, do you like it when a guy smells your hair?

    EDIT: I'm talking about your SO
    neutral opinion

    It doesn't bother me one way or another.


      I'm not with a guy, but I love it when my girl smells my hair. She always tells me how good I smell and it's a wonderful compliment.


        My SO? Or some random guy off the street? My answer would vary depending on the person doing the sniffing.
        My heart belongs to a pilot!


          Originally posted by Trethsparr View Post
          My SO? Or some random guy off the street? My answer would vary depending on the person doing the sniffing.
          Your SO.


            Honestly, I would find it extremely bizarre if he came up and smelled my hair. o_O To each their own though.


              lol I have had randoms and my SO tell me I smell great and I don't mind at all lol
              Tho if some random guy came up and sniffed my hair or myself like a dog that would a be strange lol


                I've never noticed him smelling my hair, but I guess he has done it as he told me once that my hair always smelled nice. it was a very romantic thing to say

                Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


                  Umm...huh. To be honest I've never really thought about it. I guess he just isn't the smelling type? Haha, he mostly strokes my hair which I do like quite a bit but I guess I never thought about him smelling it. I actually might feel a bit awkward about it but unless he was doing it all the time I probably wouldn't say anything about it.


                    I cant say that i dont like it, but tbh it doesnt bother me either way. He just catches a snif sometimes if i smoosh my hair in his face and he says it smells nice. He has one one or two occasions smelt it and it doesnt bother me


                      yes. my favorite thing is when he plays with my hair and runs his fingers through it, and i love it when he tells me how nice it smells(:


                        I do as a matter of fact He's adorable when he does because he usually has this playful face on. Always gets a smile out of me <3


                          My hair doesn't smell like anything because I'm allergic to scented hygiene products!

                          But he's mentioned wanting to run his fingers through it, and since I have a thing for hairclips he wanted to put the one he bought for me on my head himself. x3


                            I like it. But then I like any attention paid to my hair. He played with my hair a lot when I visited. My hair is long, thick, and tangles easily, but bless him, he gave running his fingers through it his best shot.


                              Ok, it looks like a few positive replies... Thanks everyone
                              I was just asking because two of my female friends asked me why guys like to smell girls hair... They told me they don't really like it and i was wondering if that was the general concensus.
                              But personally.. I like smelling my girls hair. It smells good.

