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    Does anyone know how to build a bomb shelter?

    We were on aim and skype.. i got a message sent thru aim but i replied on skype and started the camera up, which was answered. long story short.. apparently the camera was not wanted at that particular time because she had just rolled out of bed.

    ok, cool.. just say so.

    but i need a bomb shelter first. she admitted to pmsing.. i didn't even think about it i just thought she was really mad for some reason. i guess it's that at least.. and that explains this morning as well..

    I don't know how smart it is to make digs at your gf pmsing in a forum full of women! Yes, pms can cause mood swings but building a bomb shelter seems a little unnecessary.


      I agree with Snow_girl on this. This is a forum primarily of women, who have gone through what your GF is going through.

      Hormones suck.They make you feel like you are going crazy. One moment you are sad and weeping, the next you are angry and want to punch someone. It's just as hard for us if not harder than it is for you to deal with us. Send the girl some chocolate. It'll help her be better
      "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love " ~ Theodore Seuss Geisel.


        It's just one of those things you'll have to deal with, like we have to deal when a guy goes into his mancave when he's stressed.
        Don't take it so seriously or personally. Think of yourself more of a witness than a target.

        Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


          I got screamed at and wrongly accused of not listening when I was as well. Would it piss any of you off if you were told that you weren't listening when you had intently heard every word your boyfriend had said?

          I usually just let it pass and actually usually it's not this bad. In fact, I can't think of a time where I've ever had an issue with it with her.

          I realize this is a forum full of mostly women and I'm a guy and I'll never understand what it's like to go through it. I don't care if this is a forum full of all women I still don't think it's right to get screamed at and wrongly accused because of a change in hormones and receive nothing more than "and yes I'm pmsing majorly" afterward.


            Just a thought, seeing as none of us were there to see it, but perhaps you did the man-thing and tried to offer a solution, when all she wanted was for you to listen?
            So yeh, you were listening to her, but not in the way she wanted?


              Originally posted by loveanewyorkwoman View Post
              I got screamed at and wrongly accused of not listening when I was as well. Would it piss any of you off if you were told that you weren't listening when you had intently heard every word your boyfriend had said?

              I usually just let it pass and actually usually it's not this bad. In fact, I can't think of a time where I've ever had an issue with it with her.

              I realize this is a forum full of mostly women and I'm a guy and I'll never understand what it's like to go through it. I don't care if this is a forum full of all women I still don't think it's right to get screamed at and wrongly accused because of a change in hormones and receive nothing more than "and yes I'm pmsing majorly" afterward.
              I'm sorry to say but this is just the way some people (people, not just pmsing women) act. It's human nature to sometimes act out and lash at those we care about irrationally. Was it right of her? Maybe not, but perhaps there were some other issues going on in her life other than just pms. I can completely understand why you would feel frustrated and wrongly attacked as it sounds like you were, but rather than call her out in a way that sounds like you're belittling her on a forum, my suggestion is to wait a little bit. If she wants some time to cool down then give it to her, then calmly ask if she's feeling any better and maybe explain to her why your feelings were hurt from the way she reacted. Don't accuse her of anything as that'll likely just put her on the defensive, but I do think you have the right to neutrally explain how the entire situation went badly and if there's perhaps some type of way you can work it out so in the future perhaps she'll have a codeword or something that just means, 'Stay out of my way right now' so you can both avoid a potential meltdown.

              *just an fyi, even if "you don't care" that it's a forum of mostly women, I still think it'd be smart to respect that and not give off that feeling that you feel we're a bunch of dumb broads for reacting the way we do.


                I'm a bitch when I'm pmsing. With that said I also know that it isn't an excuse to be unreasonable.

                You need to talk to her about this when she's back to herself and work out a stratagy to deal with it. She's going to bleed and be grumpy one week out of every year for practically forever so you need to be able to work together on this one.
                Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                  I don't know...I get such intense mood swings when I'm PMS-ing that I think "sorry, think that was just PMS" is a good enough excuse for it. Or at least should explain the weird behaviour.

