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A complicated situation needing advice

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    A complicated situation needing advice

    I'm trying to get back together with my ex. We dated 5 years, partly LDR. We broke and she was then in a 2 yr LDR that ended last year. We both have feelings for each other, but mine are stronger than her's. I think we could do LD successfully for about 9 months until it's possible to close the distance. She doesn't think she could do LD again , with anyone. We are still really good friends and text throughout the day and try to skype once a week. I think if distance wasn't an issue, we would be back together. I am going back home in two months and will see her then and want to bring up the subject again. I would like to use these two months to strengthen our relationship but not sure how. I need some ideas for the coming months. I know it's hard enough to get back together as it is, let alone LD. Has anybody out there gone through this (I'd be quite surprised if there was)? I don't want to be overbearing and do anything that will push her away. Just need some subtle flirty ideas. In person, we act like a couple without physical affection. I'm clueless flirting LD . If we were in a relationship, it would be a lot easier. Any pointers on going from long term friends to a couple over long distance?

    i think i might be able to help you out a little bit....LDR flirting isnt that hard like ask what she's thinkn of if she says nothing say something like "awe not about me" i have been in an LDR for a year and we broke up about two weeks ago but got back together because we dod things like talk about the problems and how to fix them and we realized how hard it was without each other

