We've been together about 5 months now and I decided that I really wanted to meet him.. He offered to pay and everything but it was really just wishful thinking I guess I no where near imagined I'd be able to.. but I decided to give it a shot and ask my mom on april fools day just in case she freaked out I could be like APRIL FOOLS! Clever I know! Well instead of freaking out as I suspected.. she was totally accepting even offering to go with me just because she wanted to meet him. Which is totally okay with me! Plus I'd love to have my family there and especially for him to meet them. I love 'em to death. We planned sorta of around July to go there.. but it's not concrete yet but I am SO excited. So so Excited. XD I couldn't sleep last night I was just thinking about it over and over.
I really hope this all comes to play and it isn't just a story failed to happen! I take it as a good sign considering my mom is questioning about him though. She's taking it somewhat seriously :] I've been looking at the visa and such.. wanting to apply for a 3 month tourist visa but UGH so confusing!! Anyone got any advice on applying for a visa and so on? How long would it usually take for it to be accepted.. It isn't giving me even the slightest idea how long it'd take. Plus I'm extremely nervous to be leaving the country again due to that one time I went to England and they didn't let me in! I'd hate for that to repeat..
Lots.. to do.. Lots to do..
I really hope this all comes to play and it isn't just a story failed to happen! I take it as a good sign considering my mom is questioning about him though. She's taking it somewhat seriously :] I've been looking at the visa and such.. wanting to apply for a 3 month tourist visa but UGH so confusing!! Anyone got any advice on applying for a visa and so on? How long would it usually take for it to be accepted.. It isn't giving me even the slightest idea how long it'd take. Plus I'm extremely nervous to be leaving the country again due to that one time I went to England and they didn't let me in! I'd hate for that to repeat..
