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Closing the distance advice moving from UK to Canada

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    Closing the distance advice moving from UK to Canada

    Hi, my first post

    Basically I'd like to move to Canada when my boyfriend has his own place, but have no idea where to start. I have looked at emigration websites but can't make heads or tails of them really.

    I'm 18 and my boyfriend is 19, a Canadian citizen. We've talked about work and student visas but I'm not sure who to speak to, to start the process, do I need a lawyer or go to an embassy? :S

    Hi there,

    I hope I'm not taking liberties if I say, "Welcome to the forum" (I'm pretty new, too!)...

    Before I get on to practical matters, I have to ask - how long have you been with your boyfriend, and what's the longest time you've spent physically together? Moving in with someone is a big deal, especially when it involves thousands of miles! With a British passport, you can stay in Canada for up to six months, provided you can prove that you intend to return home afterwards and don't work or study whilst there... If you haven't done so already, an extended visit might be a good idea before making more permanent plans.

    Now, about visas: I don't know about the Canadian immigration process in particular, but in my experience, it often helps (or is even essential) to find a job or a study programme abroad first; then you'll know what sort of visa you need to get, and the company/college will most likely help you out in any case. What are your plans for life in general - do you plan to go to university etc.? If you've just finished school, it might be worth looking into gap-year internship placements; something like BUNAC's "Work Canada" scheme, perhaps:

    Of course, these are just temporary measures, but it would give you a chance to get over there and gain some experience.


      Hey thank you

      I've been with him 1 year and 3 months. You probably thought because I'm 18 I don't know what I'm getting myself into, don't worry, I most definitely do We've only spent 1 week together, but I'm going to Canada in 2 weeks, for 2 weeks

      I know of my options, but all I'm really confused about is how to start the actually process once I've decided which visa I'm gonna choose.
      I'll take a look at the website, thanks for your help


        Originally posted by iheartbeebs View Post
        Hey thank you

        I've been with him 1 year and 3 months. You probably thought because I'm 18 I don't know what I'm getting myself into, don't worry, I most definitely do
        Good, I'm glad to hear that I didn't want to sound condescending, but (having just turned 30), 18 seems pretty young to me now! That said, going to live and work abroad for a while is definitely an experience worth doing in itself; I'd have done it sooner myself had I had the opportunity.

        Originally posted by iheartbeebs View Post
        I know of my options, but all I'm really confused about is how to start the actually process once I've decided which visa I'm gonna choose.
        I'll take a look at the website, thanks for your help
        I've looked at the Canadian Immigration website, and I think you basically have two choices:

        1. Apply (and be accepted for) a specific job or course over there, in which case the visa will most likely be taken care of.
        2. Use a scheme (like the BUNAC one) that will enable you to obtain a temporary work permit without having a job arranged in advance. I'm not sure whether you can apply for this sort of visa/permit on your own, but it could be worth using the scheme in any case, for the extra support they provide.
        I just realised that the link I sent before is for US residents; the one for the UK is:


          In general here in Canada you need to have a work visa or a student visa in order to come live here. To get a work visa you need to have a job offer, and to get a student visa you need to be accepted to a Canadian school-- be warned that not all schools and programs are eligible to give out visas. Work visas are harder to get because 1) they are expensive, so the company who hires you needs to be willing to pay the fees in exchange for your employment 2) you usually need to have a university degree or prove you're more qualified to work that job than a Canadian. Since you're 18, I would guess that the best option for you right now is the student visa or the BUNAC. The BUNAC will only last for a year, and you may be restricted to where you can work (this program focuses on seasonal work, like jobs at ski lodges). Where does your boyfriend live? If he's not living in a touristy area of Canada the BUNAC program may keep you at a distance from him anyway.

          I don't mean to sound negative- I'm in the process of trying to move from Canada to the US to be with my boyfriend there, so I've been doing the immigration dance for a while. I think you're absolute best bet is to consult with an immigration lawyer. Most offer free consultations, and they'll be able to outline the best approach for you.


            That's wonderful thanks for your help I'll definitely consider it!


              My boyfriend lives in Edmonton, that has to be an advantage right? I've heard the immigration process is a bitch, but with our situation I'm not planning on making things permanent over there until he's got his own place and a fixed job, could be another 5 years which is why I'm trying to make a decision right now. Thanks for the advice

