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um...newbie asking for advice please? (sorry, it's long)

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    um...newbie asking for advice please? (sorry, it's long)

    I apologize in advance if this is the wrong forum to post in! But I need some advice. (Warning, this is looooong)

    I'm a part of a community forum that primarily deals in 'spam threads' and roleplaying. I've been on this forum for years off and on, and I've played original and tv\book\game characters.
    there has been a lot of older members coming back to the site recently, and we've been happy to see them back. One guy, Riku (from Kingdom Hearts) came back and that inspired another member to play Sora, but they needed a Kairi. I had just finished playing the first and second games at the time Riku came back so I was interested, but didn't say anything until a week later so other people could have a chance at it if they wanted. So with the help of my best friend (who's an admin on the site and knows everyone) she helped me ask 'sora' and 'riku' if I could play kairi, since I'm really shy and I thought just asking them out of the blue was awkward. They said yes, and I started a thread where the three eventually all reunited again (explaining that would be a story in itself). During the rp (roleplay) I got a private message from Riku asking me a question, and after a few pm's back and forth he gave me his msn address and said "if you wanna talk, just message me there anytime. It's on my phone and I always have it around." I thought "sure, okay! It'd be fun to talk with another rper and we could discuss plot ideas and stuff or just talk maybe once in a while." So I added him and gave him my email address and we started talking maybe an hour or two once every few days. And then more hours every other day. And a week or so later it was most of the day every day. He was so interested about me and would ask me all sorts of questions like "what's your happiest childhood memory?" Or "if you could have your dream job, what would it be?" And quite a few times he would ask me if I had a boyfriend. lol

    He would tell me little by little about his childhood, and would confide in me too. I helped him stay positive during hard times, and he kept me sane during my own hard times. In may I lost internet, and the days before the inevitable disconnection he was pretty upset but tried to keep positive. I reminded him I had libraries and coffee shops, and he emailed me every day, usually after work was over and he was exhausted so some would be just sleepy nonsense and a few sentences in italian (he's from italy) so I would use my trusty google translate to see what he said. Hehe.

    After about a week I broke down and bought a cheap blackberry over ebay, and he helped me find a decent one for a good price. So now that I was finally mobile, we talk even MORE often xD

    But I'm rambling. What I'm trying to say is...well, I'm in love with the guy, and this my first time being in actual love. I've had crushes, sure. But I'm 24 and never had a boyfriend (which he said once 'I just don't understand how a girl as amazing as you is single.') So this is extremely new and confusing to me. He's so kind and caring, funny...he'll go along with my stale jokes and terrible puns, and think it's the funniest thing ever. (I really don't know why, my sense of humour is groan worthy actually XD but I like it) and he's protective too. He's always asking me "are you home safe?" Or "you're at the lake. Is it safe there?" Etc. One time I asked him why he was wondering if I was safe out of curiosity and he replied "I just don't want anything bad happening to you." I thought it was so sweet

    I want to tell him I love him, but I'm such a coward. I don't want to lose him, you know? Although my heart tells me that I wouldn't lose him, and I think he might love me too, as weird as that sounds. But I can't tell him now, he's on a business trip out of the country. At first he said he wouldn't be able to talk during the whole month he would be gone, but he said yesterday (the day he left) that he would try roaming. I protested against that because it's so expensive but he said "I'll manage. " so he's going to roam to send me emails and I'm happy about that, even though I feel a little guilty.

    So, I don't know, what would you do if you were me? I want to tell him and I almost told him the day before he left when he told me a dream he had that day about saving me from a frozen pond and then it switched to us being in an old style elevator (like the ones in titanic, he described) and in his words: "Then we went to the elevator. The old time kind. We had our dreams and reality on these golden flat rectangle plates. You were dreaming to be some sort of research scientist and you held it in your hand. In my hand I had well, my job, my father's legacy, then I tossed it aside and said 'all I need is you'." I asked him what I said but after some silence I said "well, it doesn't matter what I said in the dream, because I feel the same way. I...I think I'm in love with you." After more silence I signed out and back in and he did too after a few minutes and said "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to freak you out or anything, it was just a dream" our msn sucks sometimes and we won't receive messages from each other or one will suddenly appear offline. So that happened at the worst time possible and I said I wasn't freaked out and I said I hoped I said in the dream I felt the same way but didn't say I loved him because I chickened out.

    I need to stop rambling. I dunno, what do you guys think of this? It's been only a day since he left and I miss hi terribly. I got an email saying that he got there safe, so I'm happy about that. But yeah, any thoughts and advice would be amazing because I'm so new to this and my friends don't really understand internet relationships.

    Oh wow, this is really long. I'm sorry!

    Welcome to the boards! This sounds promising! My now husband and I met in WoW, so that is kinda sorta similar-ish and I know how hard it is to get that first step taken. Have you two spoken of starting a relationship? Maybe that would be an easier place to start than with an "i love you" ??
    He sounds like a great guy. I hope you'll keep us updated.


      Well, he did ask me "what do you think about romantic internet relationships?" out of the blue a few days ago. I said I was open to them, and that anything's possible but he asked me if I had ever been in one and truthfully replied yes, but it had been a huge mess and didn't last long, and I don't really count it. I asked him what he thought of them and he said "it's good and's just so easy for people to be unfaithful." I had found out from my friend aj that his recent ex who is also on the site (but doesn't visit anymore) was dating others behind his back and she was the one that told him actually, but she hadn't realized that the ex and him were together. So it was a huge shock and mess for him. But he doesn't know I know that. I think he's still recovering from that a little. It happened in april.

      Our characters are in the process of becoming a romantic couple though we were working on an rp, but since he's on the trip it's on hold right now. it was his idea for our characters to be a couple actually


        I was terrified to confess to my bf that I loved him... But I did it and it felt good!

        your SO: Based on his emails and protectiveness (don't know if that is even a word ) I would think he cares about you very much. Maybe it is even love.

        I think life's too short. Anything can happen when you least expect it. So my opinion is tell him. You love him and he should know about it. He most likely feels the same way.

        and welcome to the boards! This place is awesome, I hope you keep us updated on how everything goes!


          First of all, welcome! Google translate usually sucks, so since I'm italian, if you ever want, you can ask me how to say something or to translate some strange thing he writes you
          Italian boys are rarely so caring about someone if they are not in love, so don't worry about him not feeling what you feel, he's probably just as shy as you are

          Distance doesn't matter when two hearts are loyal to each other.


            I also met my SO on a RP fourm, I had little to no experience with guys, so I definitely know how you feel. My SO is also italian imagine that xD

            I really think you should start up a relationship with him, to me it sounds like he's already headed in the direction of love, if he's not there already, you're young and life is short, take a chance, you never know what will happen but it may be the best thing to ever happen to you. ^^

            Met: 8.17.09
            Started Dating: 8.20.09
            First Met: 10.2.10
            Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


              First of all, thank you all so much for the replies! Your support is encouraging.

              Ahah, Joyce92ts...yeah google translate does suck. XD; I remember many a time when S (I'll just put his first inital for now c: ) would talk to me in italian when he was half awake and I would try google translate to do a reply in italian and he would be all "'s this word, not that word." I remember my first time he told me he was tired in italian, and I google translated "well go to bed, silly!" In italian, and I accidentally called him a female. LOL. He gently corrected me and took no offense, though I was sooo embarrassed. ^^;; I do have a question, though...he calls me 'carina' a lot. When I looked it up there was so many meanings, so I don't know what it means, and I'm too shy to ask him. Is it a common nickname?

              Sora1101, I like your name! And. wooow, we have a lot of similarities! That's really cool I do wanna be in a relationship with him, but I dunno what to do. What did you guys do, if I may ask? I am so new to this courtship...thing. XD; he'll say or do something sweet once in a while, and I don't really know what to do. I don't want to sound clingy so I have toned myself down a little. Or I'll compliment him when he compliments me and he'll say: "don't deflect my compliments and just accept it ok " I'm not meaning to 'deflect' it, I just want him to feel as good as he makes me. :\

              Tanja, thank you! I really wanna tell him but I don't know the right time, you know? Saying "oh hey by the way I love you!" Just seems kinda weird ^^;


                Well my main piece of advice is just be yourself, if he says something sweet tell him how it makes you feel and then try complimenting him back so that he knows you accept and appriciate the compliment and you giving a compliment back isn't a deflect but a sweet reply of your own.

                As for my own relationship we just kinda flirted/RP'ed our way into a relationship, we both don't even remember making it offical it just all of the sudden happened. ^^;

                Met: 8.17.09
                Started Dating: 8.20.09
                First Met: 10.2.10
                Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


                  Have you seen pictures of each other? or chatted on webcam? how old is he, sorry for so many uqestions, is just to have a more clear idea of the general situation.
                  he sounds really sweet. maybe he didnt even have that dream, and just said he id to see what you would answer. for someone that plays r-pg to come up with something like this isnt that hard. so he would know if you feel the same way about him. and also, he is from italy and where are you from?
                  welcomo to the boards!! it sounds really sweet and romantic!!

                  ---------- Post added at 07:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:41 AM ----------

                  Originally posted by Raine View Post
                  Well, he did ask me "what do you think about romantic internet relationships?" out of the blue a few days ago. I said I was open to them, and that anything's possible but he asked me if I had ever been in one and truthfully replied yes, but it had been a huge mess and didn't last long, and I don't really count it. I asked him what he thought of them and he said "it's good and's just so easy for people to be unfaithful." I had found out from my friend aj that his recent ex who is also on the site (but doesn't visit anymore) was dating others behind his back and she was the one that told him actually, but she hadn't realized that the ex and him were together. So it was a huge shock and mess for him. But he doesn't know I know that. I think he's still recovering from that a little. It happened in april.

                  Our characters are in the process of becoming a romantic couple though we were working on an rp, but since he's on the trip it's on hold right now. it was his idea for our characters to be a couple actually
                  had he met his ex in person?? and by unfaithful you mean she phisically cheatted on him? or just online? and yes, it is easy to be unfaithful like that, but is just a matter of onky going for it if it is the right person, not to just be in a relationship, i know people that got into ldr because they felt lonely and wanted a partner, not because they were mad in love with each other. i find that a waste of time, energy and chances to meet the right person for being stuck with the wrong one out of boredom
                  our story.


                  02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

                  "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


                    Hi engel! c: yep, we've seen each other's pictures. I've seen quite a few of his, and since our main way of communication is msn mobile, he would sometimes say "I'm hanging at this place', and take a picture of himself at said place. I've shown him pics of me, but not as much since I'm shy xD; he likes the ones I show him though!

                    He downloaded skype two days before I lost internet connection on my pc, but whenever I think we were going to ask each other to chat, his work would call him in or I would have to work too xD; so as of now, no. If I ever get internet back, hopefully! As of right now, we're both 24. but he turns 25 in october and I'll turn 25 in february c: And I'm from minnesota, in the states! c:

                    As for the ex, no they didn't meet in person. He told me he's never been to the States before. I don't know much, the only info I have is from my friend, and she said that the ex decided to date around with guys in her own area. (She was from texas, I think) and she would stop talking to him as much. I don't know what their relationship was like, I haven't asked him because I think it's still a tender subject (he put his message as 'happy bday j' and I had wished j a happy birthday to him and asked 'is that a friend of yours? c:' and he got a bit upset, and apologized to me and said he had to go and signed off for a few hours. I later found out from AJ that 'J' was the ex and it was her birthday. Oops. Also, like I said earlier, I'm not technically supposed to know this info. I'm figuring when he feels comfortable enough to tell me, he'll tell me. c:

                    And you're right, sora. c: I mean I don't hold myself back usually, only when things got really sweet and I didn't know what to say, or if the answer would come across as 'clingy' but the day before he left I decided to try to stop that. I think it went well. c:[COLOR="Silver"]


                      I hope everything goes well ^^ and from what I've learned from my own experience is that when I thought I was being way too clingy my SO hadn't thought it was clingy at all, he honestly thought I was adorable or so he said. So again don't be afraid to just be yourself and say whats on your mind. ^^

                      Met: 8.17.09
                      Started Dating: 8.20.09
                      First Met: 10.2.10
                      Closed the Distance: 8.9.14

