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Religion and dating

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    Originally posted by nic&matt View Post
    For those who keep saying they would never date people who read the Bible, memorize memory verses, and go to church every Sunday, that's really hurtful...
    I do all of those things because it brings me peace and joy. I never shove it down anyone's throat. If staying 50 miles from any church and chosing not to believe in any system works for you, I will never try to talk you out of that. I don't think anything I do, or others, is wrong.

    For me personally I couldn't just because I am strongly religious. I would never want anyone else to compromise my faith.
    This is hypocritical. You're saying that you could never date a nonreligious person, yet you're hurt that we said we could never date a religious person. We're all the same way - we need to date someone who understands our ideas, morals, and different viewpoints. None of us were meaning to be offensive. I wasn't, at least.


      Originally posted by nic&matt View Post
      For those who keep saying they would never date people who read the Bible, memorize memory verses, and go to church every Sunday, that's really hurtful...
      Hey! Just wanted to say that I hope my comment didn't offend you. My one did say pretty much exactly what you said there and it also may have seemed a bit insensitive but I was too lazy to edit it. But just so you know I personally could not date someone like that, it just wouldn't work for me, but I am not against others beliefs. The majority of my family and a few of my friends have their religious beliefs that I will always respect


        Yes and no. You don't need to believe in the same G-d, but you need to agree on whether you believe in one or not, and on how big a part of your life your beliefs are. It's much easier for me to be with my SO, who comes from a different religion but shares most of my views on how religious beliefs should be practiced, than it was being with my (rather militant) atheist ex.


          Originally posted by knhdarw View Post
          I'm a Pentecostal Christian and my BF is Jewish and even though we have different views sometimes we do not let it get in our way and it doesn't effect us @ all. Its made us stronger. But i could never date a atheist or agnostic I would have issues spending my life with someone who doesn't believe in God and Jesus.
          You do realise your BF doesn't believe in Jesus?...


            I'm an atheist. My boyfriend believes in God but he hasn't gone to a long time. So he's...more of a spiritual belief. (I hope that's the right word!) He doesn't mind that I don't believe in the same things. Same with me. I'm a very OPEN minded person. We respect our differences and don't let it come between us. I don't mock him.

            But, I can see how it could quickly make a relationship sour esp. if they're complete opposite beliefs and values. I think since my boyfriend isn't so strict with his. We do share some views on life and morals. So it's not too too far apart. (I hope this makes sense. I tend to babble!)

            Now when it comes to politics, well....That usually never goes over well. :P


              Originally posted by Far_Away_So_Close View Post
              You do realise your BF doesn't believe in Jesus?...
              Just because he's Jewish it doesn't mean he doesn't believe in Jesus Christ. All it means is that he doesn't believe Jesus Christ is the Messiah. Most people agree that Jesus Christ was an actual historical figure, just not everyone sees him the same way.


                Originally posted by Darth_Taco View Post
                Just because he's Jewish it doesn't mean he doesn't believe in Jesus Christ. All it means is that he doesn't believe Jesus Christ is the Messiah. Most people agree that Jesus Christ was an actual historical figure, just not everyone sees him the same way.
                I meant believe in him the same way you do


                  For me it's not a problem, because while I'm officially a Protestant Christian I don't practise any religion and have rather agnostic 'believes'. If you can call them that.
                  Religion is not a part of my life, I'm not spiritual and I'm ok with that. I don't feel like I need religion in my life, at this point anyway.
                  My boyfriend is a practising Catholic. He attends mass on Sundays, goes to confession, etc.

                  It works fine for us, because neither of us is fundamental in their believes or convinced that that their denomination is 'the right one'.
                  I guess I don't fully understand his religiousness in the same way that he doesn't fully understand why I don't eat meat (it's nothing religious, but something I believe in anyway). We're not forcing anything upon each other.
                  I sometimes go to mass with hi,when I'm visiting because I like to spend time with him and it's actually quite interesting for me (I see it as a practical lesson in culture of his country, sort of like someone studying the rituals of some remote native tribe in the jungle).

                  *Edit: For me the most important thing is open-mindedness. My ex and I were probably a lot closer when it comes to religiousness, with the difference that he was a very fundamental atheist and very anti-church/religion. Being convinced of your views is fine, but condemning something, saying it's wrong because you don't believe in it, is not cool in my book.
                  Last edited by Dziubka; July 12, 2011, 11:48 AM.

                  Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                    My SO was raised Jewish, however, he doesn't strictly practice it. He celebrates the Jewish holidays as means of recognizing his culture more than anything. It isn't for religion as it is for respect and honor for/of his family.
                    I was raised without a religion until I was around 10, when my family started going to a non-denominational church. For a few years, I considered myself Christian and I was when we met. However, over the years, I lost my Christian faith due to circumstances that have occurred in my life that I will not go into. So, for the last 3 years of my life, I have been agnostic. I'd rather live life for what it is.
                    My SO and I have NEVER argued about religion. We see very eye-to-eye about the whole situation. I respect his culture and plan to aid him in continuing the practice with our own children.
                    I find the argument about religion exhausting and forever debatable. How your faith frames you will also frame the type of person you will look for in your life, but pressing judgment onto someone for their religion not being like your own is ridiculous and hypocritical. Though religion is suppose to create peace and joy, it is still a very aggressive topic among people today.

                    *~*~*Forever & Always*~*~*


                      I'm a non-believer (I do have my own thoughts about how the world works though) and I believe in no gods, I never have. I wouldn't say I'm an atheist because I don't want to put myself in a certain type of box and I think I wouldn't really fill the criteria anyway. My SO is a muslim and it doesn't bother me one bit. She's not trying to pressure me and she rarely talks about her religion. I'm fine it and she seems to be fine with it too. I would say we are both very open minded.
                      "Everyone smiles in the same language."


                        I'm really tolerant of religious beliefs, partially because I live 5 minutes away from the tolerance capital of the universe, San Francisco, but partially because of my own family and friends.
                        My Dad was raised Roman Catholic, my Mom Methodist, my good friend is Muslim, the other Jewish! I personally am a practicing Presbyterian (protestant) and Wiccan (I know, an odd mixture, but I'm very spiritual)

                        My SO right now isn't so sure where he wants to go with his religious views... so I would call him agnostic for the time being...
                        He's actually my first SO to have any religious views. I find it pretty nice that I can tell him things like "I thank God I found you" and discuss things with his family, etc etc.

                        I guess for me its a matter of how the other person reacts to my tolerance. I personally wouldn't be able to date anyone who wanted me to convert to their religion. They have to be as tolerant as I am. They also can't question the religions of my friends (I get grief for my muslim friend a lot, and I always feel so bad for her)

                        So...Passionate, but not opinionated or righteous.
                        I hope I'm making sense... I know that was a bit of a ramble
                        Last edited by Bobbiejeanne; July 17, 2011, 02:05 PM. Reason: Small Typo :)
                        Every long lost dream led me to where you are
                        Others who broke my heart, they were like northern stars
                        Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
                        This much I know is true...
                        That God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you

                        |First Met: 02/28/14|Exchanged Numbers: 03/07/14|First Date: 03/14/14|First Kiss: 03/21/14 |Became a couple: 04/05/14|


                          I'm not sure... I know that my SO and I both stand on the same values and morals. We're both very spiritual though, and both believe in God. I used to be a born-again Christian and grew up in church so I guess I was always a "good girl" until recently haha.

                          My SO and I both meditate and we believe in a higher power. His mother also does tarot cards and palm readings, which is cool too. We're a whole bunch of stuff, but we understand each other, which I think is the main thing.


                            Well, I'm an atheist and I definitely couldn't date someone who was religious. Not that I have anything against a person having beliefs, but I've received a ton of criticism from religious people I've known (family, friends, people I've dated) about the fact that I don't believe there's a god. Even had one close friend stop speaking to me altogether because I studied evolutionary genetics in university.
                            I'm not overly concerned with not believing in god. I don't think about it, it rarely comes up in conversation usually. But my SO and I have agreed it would be very difficult if one of us was religious and not the other. He's agnostic, and he and I both chose at one point or another in our lives not to remain identifying as Catholic.

                            Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

                            Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
                            Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


                              This is a great topic with great timing! My SO and I discussed religion briefly last night...I am Catholic and he believes in evolution, although I don't think he considers himself an atheist. I don't have a problem with his beliefs as long as he respects mine and he feels the same. Although...what if children come into play? Raise them with a Catholic or evolutionary view/both? I don't want to go too far ahead in the future as one never knows what may happens, but this topic requires revisiting with my SO just to make sure we are on the same page as to how to approach these differences.


                                Originally posted by Neme View Post
                                This is a great topic with great timing! My SO and I discussed religion briefly last night...I am Catholic and he believes in evolution, although I don't think he considers himself an atheist. I don't have a problem with his beliefs as long as he respects mine and he feels the same. Although...what if children come into play? Raise them with a Catholic or evolutionary view/both? I don't want to go too far ahead in the future as one never knows what may happens, but this topic requires revisiting with my SO just to make sure we are on the same page as to how to approach these differences.
                                I don't mean to offend, but Catholicism teaches and believes in evolution, at least in the US, also evolution is not a religion, it's a scientific theory. I went to Catholic school, and my nephew goes there now, so I know that's what they (still) teach in science class. Catholics have never had an issue with combining science and religion, believing that is how god created it, and that a "God day" isn't the same 24 hour day humankind uses, hence not contradicting Genesis. I might be an atheist now, but imo, Catholics seem to do the best job at explaining how everything can peacefully coexist and fit together, molesting bastard priests non-withstanding.

                                Edited to add that I know there are people who won't like my priest comment, but one of the biggest offender was my parish priest when I was there, molested people I know, and actually taught our Marriage and Ethics class in 7th grade. He was transferred all around the Philly area, and continually repeated hurting children, so I'm not sorry for saying it, my opinions are strong here.
                                Last edited by Moon; July 18, 2011, 05:00 PM. Reason: Clarification
                                Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein

