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Unneccessary attitude and impatience?

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    Unneccessary attitude and impatience?

    So my SO and I celebrated 3 years on July 3rd, but Im having some trouble on MY end.

    As you all know I lost my mother on March 28th, and since then I have been pretty bitchy at my boyfriend. I get annoyed with almost every little thing he does. From the way he eats to the way he carries himself in public. I know it is an issue that needs to be solved. I think I became this way a little bit before my mom passed away. I don't know if it is a habit now or what.

    My bf and I are planning on moving in together in December. I talked to my boyfriend and told him I think we should do couples counseling, but he isn't really up for the idea...any advice?

    Has anyone ever been this way before?

    Is it just your boyfriend in general that's annoying you or do you find yourself getting annoyed by every little thing everyone else does as well? I'm asking because this might not be an issue with your relationship, but more so a personal issue you are going through.

    If it is just your boyfriend, there is probably a main reason that you are so annoyed with him. I notice any time I start getting annoyed by every little thing someone does it's because of some personal issues on my end or the fact I am really upset with that person about something else and it just sort of overlaps into everything.

    Did he give you a reason for not being into counseling? It might could help the two of you work through somethings if you are having issues.


      Not so much a reason on not getting into counseling, he just kinda blew it off. Its just with my boyfriend that I am getting annoyed with.


        A lot of times when something traumatic happens we take it out on the ones closer to us. I'm really sorry about your loss. And sometimes, guys are just plain annoying. ::hugs::

