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I'm meeting my SO for the first time!!! :)

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    I'm meeting my SO for the first time!!! :)

    So my SO is coming to California on the 19th and staying with me for the rest of the week, a small visit but it's our first meeting physically so I'm excited!!! We keep mentioning every day to each other, "13 days, 12,11!!!" and it's really cute to see how excited he is about it Now he was going to come on the 18th, and that day held alot of special meaning to me, it was our 6th month anniversary! Which is a big deal to me because that's half a year!!! But he says he can't because he needs to spend it with his family in CA, which I totally understand but it's like sometimes my mind gets things he tells me but my heart doesn't agree, so I got hurt from the fact he won't come on our anniversary. I'm gradually getting over it (I get over things pretty fast actually) but I wanted to know if I over reacted about it, when he told me I just gave him one worded replies like ok or yeah. Do you guys think it's ok for me to feel alittle disappointed or am I making a deal out of just one day?

    Just be happy he's coming, dates are not important in certain cases. All that matters is that you get to meet in person, you've waited 6 months, one extra day won't matter

    Distance doesn't matter when two hearts are loyal to each other.


      It's just one day, and you guys can celebrate your 6 months with MEETING the day after! Don't be upset over that just be happy you get to meet.<3


        Wow, glad to see several LFAD fellows are getting to meet their SO for the first time As for the 1 day difference, I agree with Joyce and Morgan - it's just one day. I'm sure it's waaay more important that you meet physically for the first time than the one day "issue". Have fun^^


          Just enjoy your first meeting together! That is so much more important right now.


            I get the feeling as I react that way sometimes too. Try to place yourself in his shoes however. I'm sure he knows it means a lot to you but this is also important. My boyfriend was still in college finishing his finals on our one year anniversary. In fact, I barely spoke to him for a minute that day because he had his Chemistry final the next day and stayed in the library all night with his friend studying until like 30 minutes before his test the next day. So I understand the feeling, and I too felt a hurt somewhat because it was a very special day for me. But like everyone said, its only a day , no worries!


              congratulations! it will feel so surreal take lots of pictures waiting one day won't hurt!

              I love my Brazilian. Do you love yours too?


                Thank you everyone! Your all completely right, I should be just happy were meeting!!! I'm so excited! Not only am I meeting him the first time but getting my first kiss ever so I'm super eager for the 19th to come!!!! And I will be taking lots of pictures!!!! I'll finally have a forum picture for my account on here lol again,

                Thanks for all the help and support everyone <3 really appreciate it hope you and all yours SO's are doing great!!!


                  Congrats on making it 6 months and congrats on meeting him! You'll have a great time.
                  I don't think your feelings are wrong, because one day can be a big deal, but it's really not. Don't take him away from his family or give anyone any suspicion that you're "clinging" on. You have waited so long, one extra day won't matter. It'll just make seeing him the next day even better!
                  Hardly anyone gets to spend their anniversaries with their SO. Celebrating it on a different day does not diminish the accomplishment.
                  Again, congrats and have so, so, so, SO much fun!


                    You know, I can relate to this. The first weekend I was suppose to meet my SO he ended up getting promoted at work and had to work that weekend so our trip was cancelled. I was very excited for him but the selfish side of me was disappointed. I think it's human nature for our feelings to get hurt but in the big picture of things we are understanding. One day isn't a big deal, you're still going to get to see him and in the big picture that's all that matters. Just shove the selfish side away and look at the bigger picture...that'll make you feel better =0)


                      I met my SO for the first time last month and turns out we would be together during our 6 month anniversary too, though it was six months we had been talking, not dating so it wasn't such a big deal. Like others have said, be happy you're finally meeting him! It's a wonderful feeling


                        YAY another first time meeting!!! so happy for you. I'm meeting my SO for the first time in September, 5 days after my birthday. It would have been wonderful to be with him on my birthday but im just super duper happy to be seeing him at all . I hope you have a great time
                        As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


                          Thank you everyone for the support! And I bring good rather unexpected news! My SO said he'll be visiting me on the 17th and stay till the 20th so it seems like we will be having our anniversary together!


                            Happy for you hun! dont sweat small things!! you waited this day too long to sweat a small thing... be happy ok?!


                              Originally posted by uniquefem View Post
                              Happy for you hun! dont sweat small things!! you waited this day too long to sweat a small thing... be happy ok?!
                              Thank you! I'm keeping that in mind from now on! Definately going to be happy!!! I only have a day to wait for him to actually be HERE! I'm freaking out with all my excitement and I can't keep the smile off my face!

