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Will I still like him when he gets here?

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    Will I still like him when he gets here?

    So my boyfriend is coming here the 13th, Wednesday. 2 days from now, and it's now starting to sink in that ... what if I don't like him as much when he gets here? My family kept asking me and even friends if I'm sure I will and the answer was yes. But now I'm starting to worry that maybe I don't completely know him. I'm sure I'm just over reacting cause I'm nervous but I'm still worrying. We've been together for 9 months and he's coming here for a week and this is the first time we're meeting in person. But we talk everyday- on cam and I love him.
    But I just keep thinking something might go wrong...If for some reason I was that shallow and cold-hearted and I don't end up liking him.. I don't think I could handle even breaking up. I'm always known for over reacting but it's really hitting me. And I'm getting so extremely nervous now and I just can't help it :/
    We've been together since 10.11.10

    First Visit-7.13.11
    Second Visit-12.17.11
    Closed the distance-06.20.12

    It's natural to be nervous about it, but I don't think you won't like him once he gets there, I mean if you guys have pulled off LD for 9 months I'm sure you know who he is, I mean communication is all there is so it's not like he's going to be a completely new person. Once you see him I'm sure all your worries will go away. ^^

    All of my friends asked me the same question to the point I started doubting it myself just like you, but what I realized was, if you accept the fact that he may look and sound a bit different than seeing him on cam, then you should have no problems, you spent 9 months getting to know the real him, your friends and family didn't, they don't know how strong of a connection people in LDR's have. So don't let them make you question what you already know deep down inside. Good luck

    Met: 8.17.09
    Started Dating: 8.20.09
    First Met: 10.2.10
    Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


      You need to take a deep breath. It will be okay and you should try to not think that way. It's obviously normal to be nervous but just be excited to see him and how you two react with each other.. don't try to focus on the "will I still like him" whole deal, because that can just make it worse. I questioned myself the same thing, for example, I was mainly worried about if he was going to be the same once I met him because people can act different online versus in person. Though, it turned out that we clicked instantly, he was absolutely amazing and everything felt so perfect. So, it's normal to feel what you are feeling but don't focus on that, just look forward with what is to come and you'll know.


        Here's the thing you need to remember about LDRs... a lot of your friends and family (with the best intentions) are going to be skeptical about a Long Distance thing, because unless they've been in one at some point themselves, they don't understand. They're just looking out for you. Trust your own judgement. And you know what, if it doesn't work out after this visit, that's okay too. Relax, enjoy being with him in person. Sometimes feelings do change-- even in CDRs sometimes people stop feeling the same way about their SO. Think positive, enjoy your visit and it will all work out


          I am in the exact same boat at the moment. I'm meeting mine for the first time after many years in 4 days and 3 hours. (I made a counter clock, haha). I feel the same way and I'm so nervous I wanna throw up most of the time. I'm traveling longer that he is to where we're meeting so I have all that time to freak out. Hooray.

          Keep calm and let us know how it goes! Maybe you'll give me hope.


            Thank you to all of you for replying. I've calmed down a bit I think it's just nerves and I haven't been nervous or worried for the past month even though I've known he was going to be here Wednesday, and now it's starting to sink in x) I really do appreciate the replies they helped a lot. And at Hollis, that is awesome and I hope you have a great time when you meet them. And like everyone is telling me I'm sure it will go fine And also let us know when you meet your SO I'd love to read about how it goes!
            We've been together since 10.11.10

            First Visit-7.13.11
            Second Visit-12.17.11
            Closed the distance-06.20.12


              I had this same fear before my SO came out for the first time. I was talking to my mother like "OMG what if I just hate him!? And he's staying for a MONTH?" I freaked. I almost told him not to come. I actually took myself away from the computer so I wouldn't do it haha. But he was the same him as online. So it was okay. I am sure all will be amazing for you too.


                It's natural and it will pass. You'll be nervous until after you spend the first few hours with him. Try to focus on the exitement instead of the nerves, it will help a little. Good luck, savor every moment and enjoy yourself!
                First conversation 11.5.09 First meeting 11.7.10 Closed the distance 5.14.14 Married 6.14.14



                  Leave yourself open and try to limit your expectations. Just enjoy their presence, and let yourself be. Everyone gets nervous, worries about this, and is a little shy when you first meet - your SO is important to you! It's perfectly natural, and no different from what we all go through.

                  Be yourself. They need to see you and you need to see them as the awesome people you both are. Go distract yourself with some pampering, chop chop!

                  LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                    I am extremely worried about meeting Francesco. I used to wonder if I would love him in real life, if he looked a lot different, if he would act different, etc. The most important thing I did was to video and voice chat, that made me feel much better. I also searched some videos online, and found a few. He is very sweet sounding, and when he speaks Italian your heart wants to stop!

                    However, Francy hasn't emailed me back in a while, even though I know he is in love with me, and I have decided to go to Italy and surprise him, like in the old romantic movies. To counter some of the worry, I have reminded myself to research what he looks and acts like, so I won't be surprised, and to imagine all the different ways he could possibly act when I get there. I go through all the different possible things he could say or do in my head. Also, I remind myself that just because he does a certain thing at a certain time doesn't mean that's who he always is- he may look or act a certain way on a certain hour of a certain day I meet him.

                    Always remember that you need to put your foot down and expect the person to be what you know they are and can be. The most harmful thing you can do is to hear them say something about themselves and take it as absolutely true. You must learn to trust YOUR OWN instincts, to recognize that you may know better than they do at some times, may be more honest than they are about who they are.

                    When I meet Francesco, unexpectedly (for him), I want to bowl him over, partially to seduce him so he will never ignore me again ,and partially because I need the feeling of power, the feeling that I know who he is, and that nothing he can say about himself and nothing he can do will erase the image I had of him.


                      Don't worry. You said yourself that the two of you talk everyday. That's a huge help in getting to know a person. It's normal to overthink everything before the first meeting, but I'm sure it will go wonderfully.


                        I'm meeting my SO in 8 days and I am having the same thoughts... "what if he's not what I expected and I'm not attracted to him?". I'm not a shallow person by any means but doubt keeps gnawing at me. Sorry I can't offer any advice, just know that you're not alone in this!


                          Originally posted by WhiteValkyrie View Post
                          You must learn to trust YOUR OWN instincts, to recognize that you may know better than they do at some times, may be more honest than they are about who they are.

                          When I meet Francesco, unexpectedly (for him), I want to bowl him over, partially to seduce him so he will never ignore me again ,and partially because I need the feeling of power, the feeling that I know who he is, and that nothing he can say about himself and nothing he can do will erase the image I had of him.
                          Yikes! Someone call the cops! Hahahaa... Wow, okay. Anyway.

                          Thanks, MrsVampyxo. I'm trying to stay calm about it. Not working too well. I hope you tell us in details how it goes tomorrow!! I love reading those stories and they help me chill out. I hope you have an awesome time tomorrow!

