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Starting to talk outside of text

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    Starting to talk outside of text

    :P there's most likely already a thread about stuff like this...

    But anyways <3 :3 my aussie found an app that'll let him call me on my cell so that its free for both of us. Funnily, he hadn't told me that before trying to call me XD so i accidentally ignored him six times >> oops but i picked up on the seventh call haha because he'd told me to pick up in an fb pm i'd missed << his reaction when i actually answered was pretty hilarious X3 (and i loved the end of our conversation Him: "Sooo, talk to you later" me: "yeap, bye" "..." "..." "..." "..." "...hang up." "" "D: I AM NOT HAVING THIS ARGUMENT WITH YOU." ";D but you want to." "...hang up." "No " " >> bye. " "bye" "..." "..." "hang up!" "Nooo" "...Bye, i love you. " "Aw, see ya *hangs up*")

    <3 we've talked three times via phone so far. I think its pretty cute cause he's doing it the first thing when he wakes up in the morning XD and we continue talking through other means afterwards

    But anywhosits, i've gone from yahoo to msn to fb to texting to phone calls (with the occasional webcam session in there) XD feels like i've been upgrading bit by bit.

    anyone else get excited over taking little steps like that? i'd love to hear your stories~ ^^

    My first Skype talk with my SO was amazing! I called her, but didn't say anything. She kept writing "say something", but I felt too shy about my English. I think the first couple of hours were complete silence. But then I started talking in German, just for fun, and she wrote something like "holy mother of Jesus, I love your voice", which made my cheeks burn bright red. I stopped talking and she starting humming, which turned into her replying to stuff which I wrote to her. We didn't have an actual conversation until hours later (we were on Skype for the whole night - she didn't get any sleep and had to go to uni). I started talking and wished her a wonderful day. She sounded so nervous and excited to finally have a mini conversation with me. We hung up and only 45 minutes later she sent me a text. "I can't get your voice out of my head."


      She kept writing "say something"
      Yep that was the same for me, I was so ashamed about my accent, and I was so scared I'd say something wrong.
      We still don't talk that much, I really want to cause I love hearing his voice, I'm just still abit embarrassed.
      I just wish I had that gorgeous aussie accent he has (:


        First time I called him was pretty late at night and I have to say it, after a beer, too, haha. But I wasn't drunk, I was perfectly aware of what I was doing. Guess the beer just pumped me up a bit xD So I first sent him a text saying "I'll call you, pls pick up.", then called. The phone rang like 7-8 times before he actually answered and it was an awkward moment of silence - my courage had suddenly died. He kept mumbling and I was trying to make a convo out of it, but since he didn't talk almost at all, I thought I had called at a wrong moment so I apologized if that was the case. Then we said our "Good night"s and "I love you"s and ended the call. I returned home with the feeling that calling him wasn't the right thing to do but when I arrived home, right before I went to sleep I got a text from him in which he said "Sorry for not talking..I was shocked lol...sleep well, good night <3". And from there we also went to more text-ing and video calls.


          My SO and I started with skype, but eventually I convinced him to call me (or I called him... can't remember). The best thing, though, was after we were official in our eyes, and he asked if I would mind if he turned on his cam. I said it wouldn't bother me, and wondered why all of a sudden he wanted to do cam. He replied with something along the lines of me wanting to be sure of what I'm looking at because camera's can't quite capture a face, since they only get one angle. Live action is better, because then you can REALLY see what someone looks like. He said I didn't have to turn on mine, but I did because I believe in equal exchange The instant he turned his on, my mental reaction was "OMG, HE'S SO ADORABLE!!"


            The first time we talked was about a week after we met. We were trying out screen sharing on ichat, and didn't know that not only was I able to control his computer, he could hear me as well. He kept typing "I can hear your tv" but I didn't believe him cause I had my computer on mute and couldn't hear him. Then as we were fighting to type on the same screen, we were both hitting keys and everything we were typing became a mess of not-words. Somehow, together, we managed to type "i love you" which was completely inappropriate for that stage of the relationship and we both burst out laughing. That was the first time we heard each other's voices. I still hated my voice and my face and it took a long time for me to get comfortable with video calling, but we continued to either video called or screen shared every day .


              I met my SO on stickam, which is a place where you broadcast your live feed and others can come join in too. so I guess we started off like that straight away. now we talk for hours on skype almost every night.

