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Meeting his family! EEEK!

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    Meeting his family! EEEK!

    Okay so, very soon I'll be heading to Canada to see my SO. Thing is, this is the first time I'll be meeting his friends and family.. so I'm getting nervous! He tells me that they are really excited to meet me in person and such considering I have actually met his family on Skype. So, I guess I'm more nervous to meet his friends. He tells me to just be myself, but please, there is no way I can be myself 100% with all of the nerves inside of my body!!

    Anyway, I'd love to hear some advice or stories of others meeting their SO family and/or friends. That would be lovely.

    I was so nervous to meet my SO's family but everything went quite well ^^ They are already excited about me coming again for Christmas His friends were ok with me also it seemed, It was all nerve wracking when I first met them but now I can't wait to see them again~ Godd luck and just remember most of the time they are just as nervous to meet you!
    "taim i ngrá leat mo anam chara <3"

    Kitten: -laces fingers together- our souls are one <3
    Keith: -blushes and gazes at lovingly- forever and always <3


      Good luck with that , I read that he's from Ontario, Canada, what city is he from if i may ask? (I just like information )

      Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


        I also met my SO's family and friends during our first visit. I was extremely nervous. Especially since her mom didn't really approve of our relationship, so I thought "what if she doesn't like me?" and "what if she tries to break us up?". Well, I had nothing to worry about. I met them for dinner on the second day and they were so nice. The same goes for my SO's friends. ... and she has A LOT of friends! They were all so happy for us and asked me stuff about Germany and everything went wonderfully.


          I've met a handful of my SO's friends. He's got a lot of friends, but they're spread out practically across China, given that many of them go way back. I'm friends with some of the trainers he works with, and know all of them. I have yet to be reintroduced as the girlfriend, but given that most of them are in relationships, they probably would accept me comfortably. His roomie and good friend likes me enough, but is miffed at the fact that I only exist to him through computer! Last I checked, he still wanted to play, or rather, give me a punishing workout when he meets me in person...

          First time I met one of his, er, trainees, the guy told my SO he thought I was rather pretty, but was shy to talk to me. HAHA I thought that was pretty cute.

          I have not met family, but it's not really in our culture to be introduced to the parents unless we are considering marriage in the immediate future.


            Remember that they are just as nervous about meeting you. The first moments after you meet them will probably be a tad awkward or silent but everything will follow a natural course afterwards - from the conversation of politeness to getting to know each others. It really comes down to being yourself, haha.


              Ive not met my SO's parents or friends in parents in person; only on skype. I always feel a lot more nervous about his parents on skype. He used to live with his friends and they all loved me. His best mate actually calls me his "Cyber chick" which makes me laugh. His friends are lovely and im not that nervous to meet them because i know them pretty well already. Its just his parents im scared about >.<
              But you really just have to be yourself, its hard with the nerves but everything will be fine they are probably just as nervous as you are!


                He gave you the right advice! I know it's hard to just be yourself when you're so nervous, but if you show them you're an easy going, down to earth girl, there's absolutely no reason for them not to like you. If you try to be something you're not, they'll see through you.

                When I met my boyfriend's family, I was particularly careful not to leave a trace behind me, ie cleaned up after myself, made bed, made sure to leave the bathroom spotless etc. I'm not nearly as tidy at my own place lol. I tried to be helpful with housework, also complimented their house. Nothing OTT, just enough to show them I like what I see and am willing to blend in with their ways. His mum in particular liked me a lot and she spoke fondly of me to the rest of their family.

                I met most of his friends at a wedding, so all of them at once. So I mixed up a few names and faces, but it wasn't a big deal. His friends were very welcoming and easy to talk to, I didn't feel scrutinized at all. I think they were relieved as soon as they realised I wasn't some weirdo off the internet haha (at least not such an obvious one) and that I spoke the language fluently. Apparently they often ask about me and look forward to meeting me again. I'm sure you'll be someone new and interesting to them, and if you treat them like any other people you want to befriend, I'm sure you'll get along great.

                Good luck! x

                Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


                  I've met my SO's family and some of his friends through my internship at his place and all before we even went official! They are all very nice, very easy to like and talk to. I especially like his family. They're wonderful people and I enjoy talking to them through skype/oovoo/whatever currently works sometimes. His parents even asked me once if I'd like to fly over and spend the winter holidays with their family - made me feel very welcome and included into the family! So, I'm rather looking forward to seeing all of them again next time I visit my SO. Which unfortunately will be some time until then


                    Originally posted by Riyko View Post
                    Good luck with that , I read that he's from Ontario, Canada, what city is he from if i may ask? (I just like information )
                    He is from London

