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im scared

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    im scared

    well weve been dateing for almost 6 months now, a couple weeks ago she told me that shes going to change her cell number and make a new facebook. i was in shock at both at first and she then told me she might not get a new phone untill the end of summer. well we havent talked in a few weeks, and ive been ok, missing her like crazy tho but today i saw that she created a new facebook, which i thought was cool like finally but she didnt add me. she put a message on her wall saying that she sent a friend request to everyone she loved. i never got one and im sitting her like WTF! im already stressed out about college and my family, now i have to think about this! i dont know what to do! does anyone have any advice? i just dont know........anyway thanks for reading

    I don't know what to say, i think nobody of us knows why she posted that without sending you a request, it sounds stupid.
    Facebook is known for creating unnecessary drama though. Just email her and ask what's going on.

    ---------- Post added at 11:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:11 PM ----------

    and anyway, why did she have to change number and facebook account in the first place?

    Distance doesn't matter when two hearts are loyal to each other.


      I second what the above poster said and also, why didn't you just friend request her?


        when this all started she told me privetly that shes hates facebook and is only keeping it for friends and family. so then she made a new one only for close friends and family. she said were good and that she has my number when she gets her new phone, but now i dont know whats going on:,( i did friend request her, still nothing tho and shes been on all day. i guess ill just have to wait and see what happens, thanks

        P.S.sorry if this is all confusing by the way, i just needed to tell someone:/


          Seems like she's playing games honestly >.>
          Just talk to her.
          Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


            ive tried a couple times now but shes ignoring me i dont want to keep like messaging her either because im afraid i might make her think im like to clingy or something:/ so......


              I have the idea of what you feel right now and as long as you didn't hear any explanations from her you keep thinking and worrying...It's normal for you to be scared about this situation.But it's better for you to calm down and don't think to much. Just wait for the time that your SO explains to you. Message her. You should talk seriously about this, soon...
              "Love wins everything especially fear."


                How old are you guys, if you don't mind me asking? This whole business sounds like a big game to me.


                  were both 18 so it does seem like a game sometimes, and im still messaging her. like shes talking to all her other friends except me! i dont get it. i know shes busy and i was prepared for not alot of talking this summer, but now im kinda annoyed. i just wish she would reply or call or something. god i hate facebook!


                    Frankly, if I decided to/was forced to drop off the face of the electronic earth (delete my Facebook, change my number, get rid of my phone) the first person I would let know would be my boyfriend, because in an LDR these are the only ways we can contact each other, and if something's up with my phone or internet I don't want him to worry and think something has happened to me.

                    I'm not going to say that just because she hasn't accepted your friend request doesn't mean she's still into you, but I will say that if she has clearly been on facebook, and her wall/whatever shows some obvious activity, shows new friends, shows her posting on other peoples walls... Well, she may be purposely trying to provoke you. If she wanted to hide from you, she would have blocked you or made her profile private. The message on her wall about "sending requests to everyone she loved" also sounds extremely immature, and makes me think she's trying to point a finger at specific people and say "OH BTW I DON'T LOVE YOU!"... And it kind of sounds like you're one of those people. I don't want to pass judgement on someone I don't know, or a situation I don't know details about, but from what you've written that's my interpretation.

                    I forget who it was (moon, maybe?), but someone in this forum posted some great advice on another thread a few days ago to someone else who suddenly stopped hearing from their SO. Don't initiate contact for a week, and see if she contacts you. If she doesn't call, email, message or send an owl in the next week somethings wrong, and she may be looking to end things.

                    Good luck! I hope I'm wrong!


                      thanks that was pretty helpul, ill see what happens and take your advice. thanks

