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I Think She's going t break up with me.

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    I Think She's going t break up with me.

    We just had a talk (on facebook) and she seems too think that long distance is too hard.
    I myself find it quite hard too, but would be extremely happy to see it continue. However it really hurts, because I thought that she would be the first and my last, and I gave up everything for her (even my friends, so i could spend more time with her). Then i moved, and if she leaves me (for another sweet guy who "doesnt talk about sex" even though she's only seen him like twice... and who is five years older than her), this is really going to hurt me. I don't know how to deal with this because if I lose her then I'll have nothing. It'd just be nice to get some advice on this situation.

    Thanks everyone.

    never give up your mates for anyone. It's not worth it, and any woman who is worth it would never ask that of you. You need more than just each other. That "us agaisnt the world" shit that popular media makes look apealing is just that - it's bullshit. Don't fall for it.

    That aside, all you can do it talk through it. Share your feelings. Listen to hers.

    If you lose her and have nothing, you'll start again. It'll suck, but it wont be the end of the world. You're allowed to make mistakes and hit bottom, and you'll learn a lot from that if that's the case. Also, you need to be strong and happy in yourself - dont ever rely on someone else for happiness, alright? that doesn't work.

    Welcome to the forums!
    Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


      Giving up your mates for this girl is not a good idea, I agree with Zephii. Those mates will be the ones who stand up with you if anything bad happens. LDR is hard for everyone, that's true. But if one party thinks it's too hard and he/she can't cope with it, then maybe LDR is not for him/her. Any relationship takes teamwork anyway. So talk to her about it and see if you both can continue. It'll worth the hardships and everything. If at the end it doesn't work, then move on, with or without nothing. That's life. You'll see that you'll be just fine though it takes time.
      Good luck!


        I agree with everyone else, you should never sacrifice good friends for anyone, and any SO should respect the bond you have with your friends. But Im just curious, do you bring up sex with her often or something? It might be annoying her something and she just cant or wont come out and say it directly. Then too I think you should ask her to completely honest, and discuss with her where she thinks you guys are in your relationship and where it is you guys would like to be. I think you should both take a few days to think about it if you really want to put in the time and effort to make the relationship work. There's no way you can keep a relationship going if both parties aren't on the same level.

