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"i hate the effect you have on me!"

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    "i hate the effect you have on me!"

    the other night eric and i were watching teen mom (not sure if any of you watch it) but a couple on there (amber and gary) were fighting like they always do, and amber was upset so gary just goes you're beautiful, i love you amber. but it didn't change the way she felt at all she was still really pissed.

    so i looked over at eric since we were skyping, and i'm like if you said that to me while we were fighting i bet it would make me smile! so later on we were kind of fighting and he said it to me, and to my surprise it really worked. i started giggling and i was like omg i hate the effect you have on me!

    eric makes me melt. theres just no way to get around it. he can make me smile so easily. if i'm having a rough day all i need to do is look at him and everything seems to feel a whole lot better.

    anyone else feel this way about their SO?

    Aye. I have a lot of rough days, because my family isn't exactly the greatest. But any time I hear him say those three little words, everything else just kind'a melts away.


      That feeling wore off on me a while ago. Now when I'm pissed off at Obi I tend to stay pissed off haha. Though sometimes one of us will crack a joke that overcomes it.
      Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


        Originally posted by Zephii View Post
        That feeling wore off on me a while ago. Now when I'm pissed off at Obi I tend to stay pissed off haha. Though sometimes one of us will crack a joke that overcomes it.
        well thats how i usually am ha
        eric has never done that before because we really arn't the best at fighting. we both fight and make it worse, and don't try to comfort each other if we're mad very often.

        so i decided to tell him this new approach and show him that if he just comforted me a little, it would go a long way


          Oh yes. He's my rock. Just talking to him calms me. And when I'm with him, I feel at peace and content. Sometimes I have a problem or I get upset, and for whatever reason, I don't let him in. And the emotions just fester and get worse. But when I finally let him in, the negativity starts to fade. No one has ever quite had this effect on me before. And I love it.


            to me that depends on what we're fighting about and how angry I am at the moment. And my bf says it so much, he kind of cuts me off in the middle of sentences to say it ... and Im kinda like ... oh... kay


              Originally posted by Zephii View Post
              That feeling wore off on me a while ago. Now when I'm pissed off at Obi I tend to stay pissed off haha. Though sometimes one of us will crack a joke that overcomes it.
              *nods in agreement*


                We argued only once so far, cause of a prank he took too far and I accused him of being a "damned liar, ARGH.", lol. And I'm the type of person who if annoyed seriously, stays annoyed a while. But he kept apologizing and when he saw I didn't react in any way, he just left me in silence for a while. We were both logged in the online game we play, so he messaged me "Hun?", came where I was sitting and used some fireworks: "I'm a jerk, sorry. I can't do more than this :\". It made me go like "O.o D'awww." xD


                  I hate it when I'm feeling really annoyed or even pissed off and my SO makes me laugh. It's good of course though.


                    Originally posted by Zephii View Post
                    That feeling wore off on me a while ago. Now when I'm pissed off at Obi I tend to stay pissed off haha. Though sometimes one of us will crack a joke that overcomes it.
                    Same here.

                    But, if my SO and I are fighting, and he gets really angry and asks me to leave him alone. (and if I'm not really in a fighting mood) all I need to do is to follow him (he mostly goes to the bed to lay down) and lay close to him and put my arms around him. Then his icy facade melts away and he pulls me in closer. (works every time)


                      That's great advice actually amandamayaaa! Someone once told me "you need two forces to have a conflict, so if one party refuses to fight, there's no conflict". It works for us most of the time . And yes, no matter how mad I get with him, he'll always end up making me melt. haha.


                        no, SO and I fight too much these days and if he does that I get PISSED because it feels so fake

                        Oh and SO can fight with himself so it makes no difference if I abstain.


                          Originally posted by Zephii View Post
                          That feeling wore off on me a while ago. Now when I'm pissed off at Obi I tend to stay pissed off haha. Though sometimes one of us will crack a joke that overcomes it.
                          Same xD lol We're both hard headed and stubborn so neither of us wants to let their guard down when arguing. When we've both cooled off we both realize how stupid the fight actually was. Its never usually about anything significant, like I said we're just really stubborn so its easier to argue. But sometimes when he knows I'm mad at him, he'll start to joke around and just be himself. Gets a smile out of me every time. Darn him :P


                            Sud always has this affect on me. If im pissed off or upset he knows exactly how to get me smiling again


                              No. This only work if I'm raging about something entirely unrelated to him and even then it only calms me for a few minutes. If I'm arguing with my boyfriend there's very little that can be said to snap me out of it.

