So My boyfriend of 2 years broke up with me for the reasons stated above and I have no idea what to do, Im in such a haze about everything, I ove him so much and I am going insane right now :''''(
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Help me out, boyfriend doesnt thing military and long distance relationships mix?
I'm very sorry. I was very guarded in general about guys/relationships. When I met the SO I thought he was cool, but found out he was in the military. I remained guarded the entire time he was home because while I was thinking, "I'd definitely considering getting serious with this guy and making the LD thing work." I was so scared he wouldn't feel the same way. It remained a concern of mine for the first bit of the realtionship. That he'd just say the distance was too much, that it wasn't worth it. (luckily he thought 'we' were worth the distance.)
How long have you two been dating LD? Did he join the military after you began dating or before? Is he just in basic, state-side, deployed? They're faced with a lot of stress. Way more than we can imagine. Especially during deployment, it is beyond anything I could comprehend having to deal with for just one day much less as long as they do. Even more if you consider his position and if he's in the field more often. I'd talk to him and see just what his worries are. Maybe he's more worried about, having to worry about whats going on with you back home. Or more worried about you having to deal with him being gone. They have enough stress without having to worry about what we're doing and how we're handling it. I mean, I have a good friend in the Army and he's been burned while deployed a couple of times. So to him a relationship is just not worth trying to deal with atm. Idk.
I'd talk to him more. Assure him that you are willing to make it work no matter the odds. That distance means nothing when you have the love the two of you have. One thing I always tell the SO which makes him feel better about the distance is I'd rather spend the rest of my life only seeing him a small fraction of the time than be without him. I'm really sorry. You can PM if you need! **hugs** **hugs**
I'm so sorry to hear that.But I agree with BJL_Sweetheart1109, they have enough stress to handle only being in the Army.
Maybe he's just worried about your relationship and also about you. There's so much stuff to deal with when you're in a LDR, and sometimes, the only thing you can do is be strong.
I think you should talk to him. Ask him what bothers him and what he's worried about the most.
Good luck! <3"Once the realization is accepted that even between the closest human beings infinite distances continue,
a wonderful living side by side can grow, if they succeed in loving the distance between them
which makes it possible for each to see the other whole against the sky."
- Rainer Maria Rilke
"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet,
regardless of time, place, or circumstance.
The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break."
- an ancient Chinese belief