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My SO and I talk every day. It seems incomplete if we don't. We mainly talk on the phone because we both have AT&T, therefore we have unlimited minutes with each other! We can talk anywhere from 30 minutes to hooours. During the hours that we can't talk (due to class or other situations), we text each other. I am better at texting than he is. He forgets to respond from time-to-time or doesn't feel his phone vibrate. Then, if we are both doing homework on the computer and our voices will distract each other, we talk on old-fashion AIM
We talk whenever we can, which isnt alot lately. We mostly text one another. occassionally he will call me, but its not often. He works from 3-12 so its hard to find the time
Everyday from when he wakes up till when I pass out, essentially texting via fb pm's because, well it's just the one we've been on recently and it works pretty consistently. also, he's been calling at least once a week for various amounts of time
Mostly via text on days where he's at work but he calls me on his way in or if hes in later in the day we can talk for a few hours at home. On his days off we can talk for anything from an hour upto 11 hours depending on if i have the my little ones.
As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance
every day all day. we use skype now but before when she didnt have the internet it was only 1-2 a day with little texts and it was by phone, i still call her from time to time but now we use skype and thats much better
During school we talk every night. We have 17 hours difference between us so I'm usually up extremely late.
We talk through Skype and I text her e-mail as well.
We talk daily unless one of us won't have Internet connection. We send e-mails through the day, sometimes texts and if she's online we talk on MSN, but this happens more rarely as she logs on so late that I might already be sleeping. Sometimes she wants to speak to me on Skype when she walks home from work, this happens usually weekly.
Me and Chris talk every single day since last June. Usually we text during the day and talk on the phone or webcam at night for hours. We also go to bed together every night on the phone. Theres a 3 hour time difference which can be a pain but we've learned how to work around it =]
Every day, usually for a few hours IMing on skype. We won't get a chance to talk today, unfortunately, as he's exhausted from traveling most of yesterday and until this morning. So he'll likely be asleep before I get home for work at like 11pm his time
Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free █♥█ Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
Closed the distance June 18, 2012!
We talk on and off all day either through text or on AIM. We both work from home so that helps quite a bit. We skype when we can also.
♥Started talking online around: 10.31.09
Started getting serious on: 2.14.10
Met in person for the first time: 10.11.10
Closed the distance on 7.29.11 ♥
We talk every day on Skype. Given the time difference, he is sleeping while I am at work and vice versa so there are only a few hours each day that are reasonable for both of us to be able to chat. He likes to try and say goodnight to me each night even if it's only for a few minutes <3