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Do you ever feel this way???

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    Do you ever feel this way???

    Do you ever feel impatient regarding when your LDR will end? Do you ever look at how long your LDR probably will be and become discouraged? I am so ready to start my life with my baby, but we have another 3 years left in this LDR. 3 years seems like an eternity, especially when we have only been together for 3 and 1/2 years. I am ready to get married and start a family - but I have to wait. It is so hard watching all my friends start their lives and here we are - still stuck in different cities. We love each other so much and will wait - it is just sooooooo hard. It never gets any easier and everytime I see him it is harder and harder to leave. Sigh*** what do you do when the the timeline is sooooo long and painful....


    yeah all the time. And anytime im feeling like that i do get upset but then i think how worth it in the end it will be with the waiting! It's diffacult no doubt about that, but if your both strong you can defiantly work through it together!


      oh man, do i ever hear ya girl!!! it is sooo hard to see your friends being happy with the SO's and holding their hands and going home together, and all you can do is talk on the phone or the computer when you get home. I am always jealous when my friend goes out on a date with someone..its like, why? i wanna go on a date with my SO, why can't i?!? GRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!

      I am also soo ready for my life to start with him. I want him here, being here everyday, coming home to me after work...but yet I can't. With my relationship..we don't have any kind of timeline set. Its just it will happen when it happens..i get so frustrated with this sometimes, i want to know when it is i will get to see him, and when it is he will be here. He is waiting for something to happen and really has no idea when it acutally will happen. There is something that him and I talk about when we get this way. We just have to say..."I am feeling the distance right now".

      When I get this way, I like to look at pictures of him, i like to listen to the songs that remind me of him, i like to do things to get my mind off of it. But it doesn't always help. Those feelings come and go i think for all of us. I haven't met my guy yet, and i am fearful of the feeling that will come when its time for him to go back home. Like you will be hard!!

      Remember, the long lasting quote. Good things come to those who wait. I trust in that saying a lot. I keep thinking, ya its hard..but its going to be SUPER AWESOME, because i had to wait so long!


        I definitely feel that way at times. I'm usually pretty positive and usually just ready to push ahead. Then again there are those times that I think "OK! Can't it just be over already!" We recently hit the one year mark, 365 days until he's out of the Army and back home!! I thought that would make it better. While I'm infinitely thankful that's all we seems like it's further than ever. It's sooooo close yet so far. Hang in there, it'll get better. The day you are finally together will be that much sweeter! HUGS


          I understand how you feel i feel like that a lot.....too much >_< see everyone your age getting married haveing kids...people youv seen in high school all haveing there life with there SO ._. its hard i know.....but its worth it its wayyyy worth it in the end...............trying to pass the time i ....try to ignore it.....doesnt go so well but you just got to go with it make yourself busy when your feeling down about it and realize how lucky you are to have your SO and how beautiful your life will be for waiting for him going though school and all that...-huggless yous- try not to think so much im sure the years will pass by faster then you know


            Thank so much everyone for the wonderful feedback. You are have been soooo helpful... I am not feeling so alone anymore. I know I need to just move forward - I guess with spring and everyone getting married and pregnant has kind of got me down. I know when he and I finally can be together, it will be the strongest relationship - and all because we were able to survive this time apart. Thank you again and I wish you all well with your LDRs.. We will hang in there together! :-)


              I've felt that way from very early on. >.< Now, we are at the end of the attempt of ending the distance, and our fate is left in the hands of one officer. If we are declined for the visa... we just bought a minimum of another 6-12 months, and more unhappiness than I'm certainly ready for.


                I know how that feels. We also have 3 years more to go before we can be together. It seems so overwhelming most of the time, but I want to be with him.
                We always say that we're going to stay together no matter what. It won't be easy, and it's going to get tougher, but we're taking it one day at a time.
                Everyday is another day closer to him. Just stay strong together, and look at the positive things.

                Good luck with you both! <3
                "Once the realization is accepted that even between the closest human beings infinite distances continue,
                a wonderful living side by side can grow, if they succeed in loving the distance between them
                which makes it possible for each to see the other whole against the sky."
                - Rainer Maria Rilke

                "An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet,
                regardless of time, place, or circumstance.
                The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break."
                - an ancient Chinese belief


                  Yeah, I feel this way all the time and I feel so bad for thinking that way. I just can't think how we're going to last, but then I remember how freaking much my SO adores me. We have -at least- two years, more if I have to stay local for college. My boyfriend has mandatory National Service in Singapore for 2 years. And then there's religion issues and where we'd live and stuff, and sometimes it seems hopeless. But I have faith in him and me. And I know that if something -does- go wrong, that I'll love him anyway and I won't regret a thing.


                    Hey, at least you have a time line for it coming to an end. ^^; I haven't even met my guy yet in person, let alone have a timeline for moving up there. ^^; So, yeah, I know how you feel but at least you know when it will end. ^^ Cheer up, things won't be too terribly bad.


                      I've definitely been in your position before. Me and my SO have known each other for 7 years now. We've been in love almost as long and it's been wonderful the entire time. We still haven't met yet, though that's going to change this summer, but about 2 years ago we really were feeling like there was no end in sight to the distance, thinking that we'd never be able to meet. We still had about 3 years left of school and, although it hurt us alot, we thought we'd try to go on without each other and try make lives on our own. That failed XD and i'm so glad it did. It made me realise just how special he was and just how much i loved him. He feels the same and now we've never been better. Just 1 more year of school after the summer and then we can be together.
                      Don't let the distance or time discourage you because if you've found the right guy then you will definitely know it and he's definitely worth the wait. Like Holli said, good things come to those who wait. Just think of how good it'll be when the distance is over. The time may seem to drag, so try keep yourself busy to distract you from dwelling on it. Keep hanging on in there =)

