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First meeting advice.

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    First meeting advice.

    Hi everyone!!

    Me and my SO are meeting for the first time in less than two months.
    I was wondering if anyone has any advice to help the nerves a bit?

    I constantly worry about things.

    I just am a bit afraid of not feeling too well due to being a chronically-ill as I've mentioned before in my first post a few weeks ago.
    That I won't feel too well to do the activities or ideas I have planned like go to the Beach, cinema etc.
    (Sensetive to the sun, I have constant pain so I take painkillers every 4 hours, which doesn't make it easy)

    It is just whenever I plan things, sometimes things happens to make it more difficult(me not feeling too great).
    But I really hope this won't be the case.

    I'd appreciate any advice or more activity ideas.
    I have quite a few as there is a lot to do around my city like shopping and all but just in the worst scenario of not feeling too well.
    I guess being at home and watch a movie would work but of course I'd like to show him what my country is like and all.

    Love and hugs from me!

    That's great that you're getting to meet soon! Don't stress yourself out too much!! There are plenty of fun things you can do at home. I would just plan on having some movies, board games, etc hanging around.
    Your SO is coming there to be with YOU! Activities are great but just being together and talking or cuddling or laughing or just being in each others presence...those are the really important parts.


      just take deep breaths and relax. and most important just be YOURSELF!


        I traveled to see my SO for 3 days, to a country I love to visit and could spend months exploring. We had plans. I was looking forward to those plans. We never left his house. And I have zero regrets. Granted we only had 3 days and our heads were spinning over our new status (I went to visit as a friend, left as much more than a friend), so we didn't want the distraction of doing anything else. But still, it was so wonderful just being together, I was happy to spend all three days inside with him, talking, kissing, watching tv, looking at him, all the rest...

        I'm sure you'll be fine. It's such a rush to finally be together, anything else will seem unimportant, so if you can't get out much, it won't matter.

        Enjoy yourself.


          My boyfriend just left yesterday after meeting for the first time and being together for a week and I was also very nervous like you are but trust me, when you meet them, all the nerves go away and it's like you've known them forever. It's the best feeling in the world meeting them so tell yourself you are excited more than nervous and it helps =]. I was also very worried because I was supposed to start my period the day before he came and I thought I'd be in pain and crampy but I just told myself to put that in the back of my head and cherish the time I have with him. Thankfully it didn't start till the day he left but just try not to worry or think about it. Plus if you aren't feeling well, I'm sure he'll understand and wouldn't mind staying in with you and cuddling. He's here to see and be with YOU, always remember that =] Cherish the time you have together because it truly is amazing =]


            Thank you for your great advice, you're all true sweethearts!
            It does hep a lot to hear the feeling of those nerves turn more likely into comfort/excitement once you see your SO.
            I have a few things planed we can do and of course most importantly if the factors such as myself not feeling well or weather plays a big role.
            There's always things to do, as long as it's with eachother.

            Hugs to everyone!


              Just relax and be yourself. Try to plan activities that matches both your interests. When I first got on my flight, I was a bit nervous about meeting my SO. However, once I collect my luggage I was fine. Just be yourself and enjoy the time you get to spend together.

