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Get your heart racing in my skin tight jeans <3

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    Get your heart racing in my skin tight jeans <3

    It's summer and I've been in that mood to just say eff it all and go out and have the time of my life. I go out with friends a lot and have a lot of fun.
    Then it hits me.
    It's in those moments that I wish my SO is with me.. and I realized that missing him is much more then just wanting to be with him. But it's wanting him to be there in those moments where I'm happy. I'm aching for those moments where I feel above the world because I'm in a blissful state with my SO. I see him this weekend. The anxiousness is killing me.

    We've both vowed to leave facebook and other things alone. Only texting if we have to. Saving our time for each other.

    My questions:
    Has anyone else feel a sudden hit of sadness because they want their SO to be there when you're happy?
    Also, have any of you established rules while you are together? (example is the cell phone thing, and not being on facebook.)

    Kind of a random post but just some things on my mind.

    I always get that pang of sadness when I'm out having fun and then realizing that I would love to share this with him, but when that happens I send a text or a picture of what I'm doing with something corny like "see this spot right here? This is where you should be."

    and sadly my SO and I only got to spend less than 24 hours together so we were so caught up in being together that he hadn't even taken out his laptop although I'm sure if our visit was longer I'd let him "check" facebook and stuff for a bit before we head out to go have fun. ^^

    Met: 8.17.09
    Started Dating: 8.20.09
    First Met: 10.2.10
    Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


      Yep, I always feel a very sharp pang of missing him whenever I'm doing something fun that I know he'd love too, or when I'm somewhere I wish he could see, and especially during holidays when everything is warm and surrounded by love. I know exactly what you mean, it's those moments when you feel most like something is missing,

      We don't have any rules when we're together, I check email and Facebook while he's sleeping and he does the same. We're both in IT though, so we're never without checking up on something technology-wise It is a lot less than it would be when we're apart though!
      Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


        I've just been thinking about that the last few days.
        It has gotten warmer here and I spent the weekend hanging out with friends, going to bbqs, met a ton of new people and had a lot of fun.
        And then when we were sitting there, talking about whatever nonsense you talk about on a bbq after a few beers/wines, it was this consciousness
        that he would love to be there, that he'd like the people and I just wished he could be here so I could share all that with him.
        In addition to that I always feel like I'm sort of getting on people's nerves with my constant my boyfriend this, my boyfriend that, we this, we that blabla.
        I hang out with Polish people a lot and I'm not Polish, so I usually use my boyfriend as an example when we're discussing something culture related. So he naturally comes up quite a lot in conversations.

        I always tell him about everything and make it a point to get everyone together when he's visiting. That way even though he can't be here all the time, he still knows my friends and can in a way be a part of it. It's also a lot more interesting to hear about a night with Pawel, Artur and Marta, when you know who they are

        Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


          Definitely...there have been times I wished he could have shared with me, and vice versa. As for the vowing not to do something, he knows I'm a facebook addict. I wish I wasn't but I'm always on there. Even times when I was with him. He told me how it bothered/ hurt him so he made me promise not to get on facebook when I'm with him. Its hard sometimes but I know its for the better.


            Absolutely. I was at an amusement park fairly recently with friends, and in one particular line they were in whilst I watched everyones bags, there was a couple laughing and flirting. I just thought about my boy, and how I wished I could do that with him. Thought about him at the movies, the pool, during long rides in the back seat, my last concert (2nd row!), most places. I can see all these silly ways we can be happy together in those moments, and it always sorta bums me out that I've yet to get the chance. He'll, >> I'm pretty happy right now, I'd love to cuddle with him on my loveseat right now and watch this ridiculous show


              The most recent moment when I wished my SO were here was the grill me and my parents made at the nearby lake. It's a really nice place,surrounded by forest, calm and beautiful. And when I told my SO that I'll go with my parents there he said something like "I've never been to a lake in a forest, for a girll. It must be nice " ( just as side note, he has never been to such a place cause he lives in a hot climate - desert all the way :P). I felt like I could turn drain the sea to make our continents reach each other, lol. Same feeling of sadness gets to me during holidays like Christmas.


                I often feel like that. I can be really happy, but I know that I could be even happier if my SO were with me. I want to experience everything with her - also my happy moments. For the rules... I was really annoyed when I visited my SO for the very first time because she kept checking her cell phone all the time. There was this one time when we went to a museum and I really wanted to show her something, but she didn't even pay attention to me because she was texting with a friend. That's a no-go this time. I hope she knows that. It made me feel like I wasn't special enough to hold her interest. Like: "This is our first visit. Why is your cell phone more important right now???"


                  oh god yeah!! im never 100% happy after Denise goes to bed, the other night me and my family went to go have a little picnic and watch a fireworks show, all through that i kept wishing she was there with me to experiance it. its like that with anything i do i just wish she was there with me and i do get a little sad


                    I feel this all the time. Especially at the happy times


                      The sadness is natural and always occurs. There's not a lot that can stop it but it's nothing to worry about. The fact that your SO also misses you all the time is a comforting fact.
                      For everyone, its different though about technology. The fact you're even bringing it up makes me feel like it'll be natural to turn off your "things". When my SO is in for only two or three days, I have no desire to get on the computer or check my phone at all, it just doesn't even cross my mind. I have to force myself to check my phone for work updates and parents calls.

                      Have so much fun this weekend and enjoy every minute!

