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What do you do on 'date night'?

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    What do you do on 'date night'?

    Me and my SO have been a couple over 2 months now but never had a specified 'date night' , well we have decided to start one now. It will be just one whole night/day where its just us. Cell phones off, no IM's from anyone else, no family stuff to distract...just us. I am so excited for it...but I was looking for ideas on what other people do on their 'date night' if you have one, and quite a few on here seem to. BTW, we will be on Skype with cams

    Watching movies was our thing even when we were close distance so we love to watch movies together online. Also, we play games together or just update each other on things going on in our lives.


      We usually just talk and mess around playing games, not much of a date date but I think that whenever you set a time to see each other it counts as a 'date'. ^^

      Met: 8.17.09
      Started Dating: 8.20.09
      First Met: 10.2.10
      Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


        Have a meal together, have some wine (or drink of choice) pretty much do what you would do if you were going on a date together. Watch a movie, play an online game etc


          Have a meal together, have some wine (or drink of choice) pretty much do what you would do if you were going on a date together. Watch a movie, play an online game etc


            For our date nights we always dress up to make it more special. We both have candles and I (as the girl) decorate my side a little more and set my camera so he can see me and the decoration. My Honey has some romantic (or any kind of) music playing in the background. We try to get the same drink and something sweet. Since we are on different time zones having a whole meal together is to hard. We watch a LONG movie of our choice on youtube, play games over skype, talk, surf the internet together, we have a little Bible study and he sings to me on the end. Plan some things ahead and have a flexible schedule to make it more smooth. The most important thing... TALK TALK TALK!


              We usually watch a movie together or even prepare a meal together. We didn't have a date night for a long time now though. We just get to talk once a week anyway, so I'd rather talk to my SO instead of watching a movie which would take up like 1.5 hours already.


                We usually both get wine, or I get cider and he gets beer, we have a meal- the time difference makes his lunch time my dinner time which is nice, watch a movie together and just hang out

                <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
                <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
                The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
                <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
                <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
                Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
                Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


                  We chat mostly. Nothing fancy. We like to sing together though we're both poor singers, haha. We play online games or watch a movie together.


                    We had two dates online as far as I remember. Both times we had spaghetti, some fake wine, root beer. One of the times he tried to show me the harvest moon from where he was sitting up on the roof. It looked much bigger than usual but I couldn't see the details he was describing. We ended up falling asleep together even though it was the middle of the day for me.


                      Pretty much what everyone else said. Set time aside, no distractions, and plan things out ahead of time so you're not stuck.
                      I kinda get more dressed up, put on makeup and a dress, and sometimes we try to have dinner together, eating mac n' cheese and drinking the same drink.
                      We just update and talk. What's going on, what do you want, etc. The 100 questions (or whatever it's called) that you ask your partner (it's on this website) is so much fun. We only get through like 3 or 5 a night.
                      You can play games together online or even play card games. Goldfish, Uno, and more if you tilt your screen down so you can see the cards you've played and build off of it.
                      One thing my SO and I do is color. We trade off giving a location, item, object then take 25 minutes to draw it out while talking to eachother and show one another after it's done. He brings it back when he comes home and we're making a book.


                        We try to have 'dates' on Tuesdays and Thursdays every week on MSN. Basically we just have conversations, though it always seem to get kinky by the end. Which I don't mind, of course!


                          Our "big" date night is watching Wipeout together every Thursday night. We turn on the tv promptly at 8 p.m. and watch together. For some reason my tv broadcasts a little quicker than his does so I'm always spoiling it for him

                          We've also done skype dates where we have no kids around and have actual adult conversations. Some of those lists of questions to ask each other turn into hours of great conversation and make for great dates.


                            We watch movies or tv shows together. I love them, they are my favorite night of the week. "_


                              We've not done the dinner thing, but I'd like to try that I think On officially dubbed "date nights," we've watched movies or sports games, played video games in co-op, exchanged verses (my boyfriend loves rap) or had freestyle sessions, or sometimes we just plan to spend the whole night together talking in video chat with a little fun at the end hehe..then we go to sleep together, which I love so much. Such an amazing feeling to wake up and see him there sleeping :') I'm such a creeper T_T I've got plans for a little party of sorts, which he has no idea about yet and I'm so excited. I'm going to send him a message like a little invitation and make him RSVP and everything ^^; Should be interesting :P I dunno, to me, almost every night is a date night, but there are some nights that we specifically plan what we're going to do. Just depends though, but really, there are endless possibilities~

