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    We're over.
    FOr the third time.

    Basically, today started out fine as usual, then he texts me an hour ago and he basically says that he doesn't want to come down and see me, after I spend $200 on his plane ticket and pretty much wasted my time planning out a road trip to go get him. Now he said that we're over because 'he can't do this anymore' and 'you are who you are and I am who I am' and 'he's been forcing himself in this relationship.'

    I'm so freaking mad at myself for letting him into my life again after he broke my heart for the THIRD time.
    I'll try and lurk on here, but it kind of hurts right now. I'm sure I'll rebound quick, since he did to this for the third time.
    Sorry, guys x.x

    Aww, I'm so sorry to hear that. I know how much it hurts. My ex kind of said the same thing to me.
    Hope you feel better soon! *hugs*
    "Once the realization is accepted that even between the closest human beings infinite distances continue,
    a wonderful living side by side can grow, if they succeed in loving the distance between them
    which makes it possible for each to see the other whole against the sky."
    - Rainer Maria Rilke

    "An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet,
    regardless of time, place, or circumstance.
    The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break."
    - an ancient Chinese belief


      Im really sorry -hugs- i hope things will get better and i hope you find someone who loves you for you if he says he is trying to force himself into the relationship then i dont think he is right for you......i hope things turn out alright for strong...keep busy it helps...when your hearts hurting i know....go out and do things to keep your mind at bay im really sorry this has happened to you and i wish the best for you!!


        *huggles* its for the best, if he cant handle it maybe its a good thing that you did break up, in a long distance relationship you both need to be strong and make it work, if you cant then theres probably a reason. You'll be ok and you'll find someone that really does love you sometime later on


          i also know how it feels...but be strong. the best is yet to come...*hugs*


            I'm sorry


              So sorry to hear that. **hugs**

