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Close/affectionate/expressive friends until better time?

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    Close/affectionate/expressive friends until better time?

    That's what AJay and I have decided to try, again. I think it might work this time though, actually. I think we're both so tired of the hurt it puts us through when he feels this way that if it could help save us - help our closeness and love survive until a life together is more tangible - anything is worth it.

    Anyone who doesn't know (most people, unless you've caught my posts before), my SO AJay is...not good at long distance relationships. He's one of those people (aka, most people, judging from all the impressed comments I get for being otherwise) who has a lot of difficulty with a relationship that is not tangible - long distance.
    Because, much as we laughed at my comments before of "there are times - more than I like to admit - that I literally can't believe you are real. my mind literally won't accept or process the fact that you are a man at a computer in England - that you exist outside of my screen, mind, and heart, despite the fact that I am very clearly sitting here watching you sitting there sipping coffee and nomming on pizza."...he's got somewhat a similar problem. I bring him happiness and I show and send him love, but it seems like a dream, not real. (exact quote from tonight: "you do bring me happiness but it feels like it's in a surreal way, like a dream and not reality")
    And that hurts us, bad. Because it's been an underlying thing, though he led me to believe we'd gotten past it a few times, but every now and again he has a day where it really effects him and then we have an issue. This time he explained it as feeling trapped. "it's like feeling I'm in a relationship without being in a relationship", or as I elaborated back to him "trapped in commitment without the full return of a 'real' relationship"
    I wish I could explain it better or in a way that it didn't sound so...unpleasant. But, he claims he still wants more than anything for us to be together fully someday when we can, and he's very happy I'm still saving up to visit next summer. Plan was to visit and stay for my whole break from school [thank you, visa waiver program and your 6 month allowance], but when I actually have the money and can book the flight, I'm going to run it by him again to be sure he still wants me around that long. Think he will, whether we even got back together for the time or not. We've always been best friends and family, so he'd be fine with putting me up for a holiday in England. He's still trying to get himself into a better financial and maybe even emotional position. Personally I think one of our biggest problems is the big ol' load of trust issues and emotional baggage from not just his divorce and former marriage, but his whole past. People in general have not given him much reason to trust or open up, and he lived a life that hardened him a lot in some ways. But, yeah, getting into a better position and saving up and still has every intention/interest in pursuing a future together.
    Just...going through him feeling that way hurt us both and hurt us as a couple - strained our connection which was always the deepest, richest connection until this issue started. So, the hope is that "being friend and acknowledging our deep feelings and adoration for each other, being free to say what we want but without a binding relationship" as he described it, will take the tension off enough to get back to who we are as individuals and as a unit - friends, family, and when the time comes to get fully back to it, lovers. We hope it will make it better and strong when (and god it took the weight off me so much when he used that word) we are together again and fully someday.

    So, guess I'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts about any of this, or better yet, if anyone may have tried this at some point.

    If anyone's got the time to kill and feels like it:

    Adeel so hows your night been? what did you get up to?
    Frankie Mostly keeping my mind on anything else and staying off messenger by mum's suggestion - give you some space and try to clear my head and all about how you're feeling.
    Frankie Did Walmart interview - they won't hire me because school came up, but thhey called and forwarded all my interview info to the walmart near the school
    Adeel kool that might help some
    Frankie walmart or other bit?
    Adeel walmart
    Frankie ok
    Adeel really I don't mind talking with you at all
    Frankie I know, I guess
    Frankie Just hoping giving you space could help you
    Adeel I guess it could
    Frankie hoping something will
    Adeel yeah
    Frankie But idk, just can't really get my head around you feeling that way
    Frankie so hard for me think what outside of loosening up and giving you more space might help
    Adeel sorry hun I don't really know how to describe it properly
    Adeel trapped is the best way I could describe it
    Frankie well is it we're spending too much time together, or you dislike not having romantic freedom, being tied to a relationship, or you're feeling like your living through your laptop again, or talk's been too serious about relationship lately with the marriage stuff, some aversion to serious relationship?
    Adeel kind of elements of all but it's like feeling I'm in a relationship without being in a relationship
    Frankie trapped in commitment without the full return of a 'real' relationship?
    Adeel yeah kinda
    Adeel honestly I feel like sometimes I just want to be free
    Frankie I can't say I can relate. I like having someone to come home to who cares about me, thinks the world of me, and generally makes me happy
    Adeel except i'm not coming home to you
    Frankie It feels that way to me
    Adeel I know and I'm sorry
    Frankie and generally, it had at least some of the effect for you
    Frankie coming home to spend time with me after work relieved you
    Frankie waking up to me on your screen brought you happiness
    Frankie any time you saw me on screen you were generally happy
    Adeel you do bring me happiness but it feels like it's in a surreal way, like a dream and not reality
    Frankie that's the same way you've felt before
    Frankie and I get that
    Frankie and I know it's main reason long distance doesn't work well for you
    Frankie but since when have I just been another girlfriend - another long distance relationship? We have been more than that every day I've known you
    Frankie and that's what's been worth it
    Frankie and that, every little bit of that and everything more there is to you and I and us, is why i want so badly to work to get there and make this real for us both
    Adeel it's been an ongoing problem for me
    Adeel and as much as I try to move past it and to deal with it, I can't seem to get rid of this feeling, it just keeps going round and round
    Frankie you know we're something special
    Frankie and you're far from the only one who has felt this way
    Adeel the more this happens the more I can feel a change and everytime it happens something more changes between us
    Adeel I feel like we have drifted apart each time and we are clinging desparately to a slowly sinking ship
    Adeel it is subtle and we cover it over but it's there
    Adeel and I guess every time we protect ourselves a little more
    Frankie I feel you slip away more, and I protect my heart a little more each time. The last thing I want to happen is for our connection to be damaged, because we have one - a deep one, at least befor ethe damage. But, I can't not pursue being together for real someday
    Frankie at this point, I don't think I can not take a flight next summer
    Frankie because, damage or no, I still feel everything I ever had for you
    Adeel yes I know and I tried friends only but I failed at that and that was maybe our saving grace, to be very close friends until such time as we could persue a real relationship together
    Adeel Frankie my biggest fear is that we will end up with so much damage that we will not be able to be together or even be friends
    Frankie i can't be without you in some respect, though
    Adeel that we will be eaten away at until we hate each other even as much as we love each other
    Frankie I can't have a life without you in it
    Adeel so what can we do?
    Adeel wait for the time when we look at each other and just see and feel nothing or hate?
    Adeel wait for the hurt to outweigh the love
    Frankie I don't think it will. but I know your feeling this way hurts us
    Frankie it's hard for me to say what's best
    Adeel this is why I wanted to be friends for now
    Frankie because I'm fine in the relationship completely, except for knowing you are not
    Frankie I know
    Frankie that's why I'd like that
    Frankie but, we naturally behave as couple, we gravitate to each other
    Adeel but I couldn't do that especially with your interest in vinnie, something I knew would be bad for you
    Frankie so it is difficult to not go back to that
    Frankie Thing is it needs to be between a relationship and strangleholded friendship
    Frankie because distinctly tightening ourselves down the way we have before trying to be just friends hurts us as bad
    Adeel that would at least give us some hope for the future while we are so far and without doing any more damage to us
    Frankie the only thing about the just friends, like i said, I can NOT do that awkward, tightened down, intentionally controlled and cooled, strangled-to-make-sure-we-don't-cross-a-line thing that has happened before
    Adeel being friend and acknowledging our deep feelings and adoration for each other, being free to say what we want but without a binding relationship
    Frankie If I'm your friend, I want to be your friend, like I've always been your friend
    Frankie yes
    Adeel ok I would rather that than risk everything going wrong
    Frankie when it comes to it, so would I. Because the thing that hurts me so so fucking bad, AJay, is coldness. Because come hell or high water, I love you, deeply, in all ways - friend, family, and lover. If we would never be together romantically again - even if we never gave it a shot in the first place - that would be no less true
    Frankie and it turns my physically body backwards, upside-down, and against itself and does no less to my emotional, psychological, and spiritual self
    Frankie to think or feel that you have somehow lost that same feeling for me
    Frankie lord knows I'd rather we could make a committed romantic long-distance relationship work the solid time up until the distance could be closed
    Frankie but, as long as it's not going to be that distant, tightened down, cold shit, I think I can deal
    Frankie as long as it's okay that I'm still going to be working to visit next Summer, and as long as I have the sense you do still love me, you would like it to happen for us some day, and you won't stop working somewhat toward it
    Adeel no I want the warmth we share and the closeness too
    Adeel yes sug I would like that very much
    Adeel even if just to hug you and kiss you one time
    Adeel I hate that I can't be as strong as you are and wish I could but I would be denighing who I am
    Adeel sorry crappy spelling
    Frankie gonna want a hell of a lot more, I'll tell you. But, what happens happens and if I do nothing else of any value in my life or have no other happiness in my life, at least I'll have had that
    Frankie you told me you were bad at long distance relationships, and you proved it over and over
    Frankie I understand it
    Adeel I hope you will have plenty of happiness, I hope it will be with us both together
    Frankie As do I
    Frankie And crappy spelling forgiven
    Adeel hahaha thanks sug XD
    Adeel I really should sleep, will you be ok?
    Frankie Please know you'll still be getting me through my days
    Adeel yes and I want to help you and be there for you
    Frankie Thank you. Yeah, I should be ok.
    Frankie need the sleep beyond belief myself
    Frankie I have had zero energy all day
    Adeel -snuggles and sleeps holding you- yeah me too
    Frankie fell asleep multiple times, couldn't eat because my stomach just wouldn't take more than a couple bites of anything
    Frankie was a shit day XD but hopefully tomorrow will be easier
    Adeel I hope so sug
    Frankie Aw *snuggles close* thanks, hon. night night monkey ^-^ sleep well
    Adeel night Frankie always my snugglewolf XXX
    Frankie and always my lovemonkey, AJay



      Adeel XD I hope this won't be too hard on you
      Frankie hopefully not too hard, but it's not gonna be a walk in the park
      Frankie gonna hurt
      Frankie for a bit
      Frankie hopefully will pass
      Adeel I know please try not to think you have lost anything
      Adeel or maybe think more that our friendship can only bring us closer and help us feel ever more deeply for each other
      Adeel so when we are together we will be so close and feel so deeply that things will be even better
      Frankie I like to think I haven't lost anything, other than terminology...again. And I know it may help us ultimately and I know I would much rather have you as something - an expressive friend - than not have you at all. But, what will more than likely get me by is next summer. Just work my wolfy tail off to get the money to have that temporary heaven.
      Adeel ok well focus on that if you can sug and hopefully i'll be in a better position too
      Frankie And knowing that you'd still like to be together, someday when really being together is more tangible.
      Frankie that helps a lot
      Adeel hell yes XD
      Frankie i just don't ever want to feel like you're giving up on that
      Frankie ^-^
      Adeel no baby just a get me through XD
      Adeel but ....sleeeeeepppp
      Frankie Uh...what was that? <_<;; hehehe, but ok, yeah, go sleep, monkey. XD Sleep, dream, be merry.
      Adeel sweet dream sug


        Big hugs to you girl, your situation i know sooooooo well.
        My SO and I have know each other for 3 years now, loved each other for nearly the whole time but have only been in a proper long distance relationship for 9 months due to the distance (I'm in England, him Canada) and i was married (left my ex in September last year)
        We did the close friends route and i wont lie it's hard but you CAN make it through. You'll fight out of frustration and there will be times when you crumble and cross the line but don't beat yourself up about it. And your SO is right, it will bring your closer but it will take every ounce of strength you both have to keep it going.
        Cherish the fact you have met a wonderful person and still have them in your life and have faith that if it's meant to be it WILL happen eventually.

        Good luck
        As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance

