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Pushing Back Visits

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    Pushing Back Visits

    I just got off the phone with my SO and in trying to get a general time frame worked out for my next visit, it doesn't seem like it will be until December or January (next year!).
    I was hoping for September, but now that is completely undoable.

    This is due to work/school/money demands on my part. The first visit I took to see him happened after 5 months apart, now this will be 7-8 months apart.

    This sucks, I feel like the time apart should be getting shorter, not longer.

    When are you due to see your SO? Anyone having to push back their visits as well?

    I never met with my SO, but if everything goes smoothly so I will go and visit him next year somewhen between April to August.
    Though I don't know what might happen till that time. Hope that our relationship still and will go stronger each day. ^^
    What pushed me away from seeing him in short time is because of money problem, the flight ticket is so expensive. *sighs*
    It started to make our relationship kinda hard, but well I will still keep on fighting for it.


      oops.. double post.. sorry! XD


        I'll be seeing my SO in three and a half weeks, but we haven't seen each other since April. We did have to push visits back because of money issues and school. We had planned to see each other sometime this summer, but we just didn't have the money to do so. We'll see each other around our anniversary though so I'm thankful for that.

        Hopefully, you'll be able to see him as soon as possible.


          My SO is coming over from Germany in a week!!! Or well just over a week.
          Our time between our first and second visit was 9 months, and then between that visit and this one coming up it was only 6 months which feels quite short. But then after that it will get longer not shorter! It will be the longest so far, about 10 months if all goes to plan :S. This is mainly just due to money and other restrictions, like study, work etc. That way I can work full-time (hopefully) over my summer (Dec - Mar) to save up for another visit when I finish my studies in June next year.

          Sorry to hear that you had to push back visits.


            My SO is coming in about 2 months, and by time he gets here it'll be exactly a year since we met for the first time :/

            Met: 8.17.09
            Started Dating: 8.20.09
            First Met: 10.2.10
            Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


              I know all about pushing back dates! I haven't met my SO just yet but initially we wanted to have our first meeting on our year anniversary, (March 3, 2011)
              With everything from money troubles to family issues we have planned to meet sometime in January! (Pinky Promise)

              You just have to keep moving one day at a time! Its hard I know!


                I leave August 12th to see my guy, but I was supposed to go in June for Midsummer. We had to push it back because someone on our team at work quit, leaving us too short-handed to both take vacation. I'm looking at it like if we did it on the original dates, it would already be long over, but now I see him in a few short weeks!
                Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                  Delaying meetings can get so easily to you, stretching your nerves and patience, lol. I haven't met my SO yet and (crazy planning :P) we should meet for the first time in about 3 years xD Though we're both trying to find ways of making those 3 years less (it's kinda difficult though to dodge school, family and jobs).


                    We've planned a visit for mid-August. We're going to try our hardest to make it happen, but if we can't, then we'll just deal with it. We've had to push back visits before. We had a visit in July 2010, then planned a visit for our birthdays (end of October/beginning of November) but we had to push it back to Thanksgiving, then to Christmas, then to New Year's Eve. We finally had our first visit since last summer this February. It's mostly a financial issue with us, but we deal with it. I try not to be too disappointed and to look on the bright side, but it's hard.


                      It always gets pushed back for us, to the point where we dont exactly plan or hold expectations anymore. On my side I'm not financially independent and I live at home, with parents that are super traditional and unconditionally against the relationship...and in a way, me seeing him at all. On his side even getting a tourist visa to the US from China is tricky nigh on impossible, and his English is practically useless.


                        We're seeing each other in a week.
                        Since our visits are planned after my SO's work schedule, there's not much pushing.
                        He works for 5 weeks and then get's off for 5 weeks. (so we're together for 4 weeks and apart for 6 weeks)
                        What can create problems are if his works places training within his 5 weeks off, then we have to push around in those 5 weeks to be able to visit. (we need at least 10-12 days for a visit, due to the distance). We know that if it is not possible to see each other in one vacation - then instead of waiting 6 weeks - it turns into 16 weeks. So we do everything we can to visit each other in all of his vacations.


                          That sucks! Well, I hope that even though your visit will be later, all the planning for that visit will go smoothly. :3

                          I feel like a pretty big heel, because I had suggested a visit this summer and even started looking up flights, got him all excited, and then had to turn him down because of various reasons (financial, work search, living arrangements, etc.). Now, I really don't know when our next visit will happen and once I get a decent, full-time job, it will be even more difficult to arrange. It was supposed to be late August into early September and though I can see how that still doesn't work very well (same reasons as before), I am wondering if we should have tried to make it work when there were still good prices on flights. :S


                            hopefully in October, my goal is October 5th. and yeah there have been many pushed back dates, originally i was supposed to come see her in August, then September but my visa got denied so now i have to apply for a visa in september to close the distance in octobor

