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    Hi all! First, I'm sorry I haven't been around much. I wanted to stick around even though my LDR had ended but he came back and asked for a second chance, then broke my heart again within the span of a week and I took it very badly. Anyways! Hopefully I'll be able to stick around for longer this time around . On to the topic!

    My Ex has once again returned, and instead of begging to get back together, he wanted us to take it slower and see if we could work out. I was a little uncertain, but accepted to see where this would lead. However, I also found out that he had cheated on me a year ago when we were still together and (at least in my view) very much in love. What made it worse is the fact that he was with her for a month, and he had STARTED cheating on me only a week (or a few weeks) after he had come to visit me for the first time. =(

    Even though my head was screaming 'Drop him and run, Girl!' I wanted to at least try and still be friends/whatever the hell we are right now. Maybe it was a mistake, I'm still not sure. Things have been going okay so far (it's been 2 weeks I think) but last night and tonight he's been avoiding me. I confronted him about this tonight, asked him why he was avoiding me. He said he doesn't know. I asked him if there was something wrong with me, and he replied with "well, there's definitely something wrong with me"

    I asked him to just please talk to me (before when we were dating we were extremely open with each other, and he had always stressed that communication was important) but he said he doesn't want to.

    I know that he's closed himself off from me ever since the first break up, so I can't say I'm too surprised. I'm worried about him though. I really am. I know there's something wrong with him, and he knows it too. He's constantly been hinting that there is 'something' he is struggling with internally and this has surfaced repeatedly after our break-up and subsequent on-off relationship.

    After our 2nd break-up, the things he said tipped me off that he seemed like he was going through depression. He wouldn't admit it (who would?) and well...there isn't really a conclusion there.

    He doesn't have a lot of friends, and his family isn't that close so he basically has no one else to talk to. I was pretty much his only 'outlet' in his life for 2-3 years and after he broke up with me he's been struggling with this "thing" and won't open up to me again. I'm just frustrated and upset, and honestly this is stressing me out on top of the fact that it's the last few weeks of my university summer semester so I've got projects/finals/essays galore.

    I want him to get counseling, to go see a counselor and hopefully work through whatever he's struggling with but I don't know how to bring it up, or suggest it. Any suggestions?

    (Extra Note: I know this post is fairly long already, but I feel as if I'm glossing over a lot of details, for those who would like to know more I'll probably post a giant blog post up after my midterm is done tomorrow)

    I feel like the only person who can seriously suggest him go to counseling is himself. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. When he gets to a point where his mood hits absolute bottom and he feels like it really can't get any worse, that's when he'll seek help. Before then, you'll just have to lead his horse as well as you can and drop caring but obvious hints that you think counseling might help him. And also trust that he wouldn't do anything drastic or worrying because of his situation. Otherwise, you can't really influence this kind of thing too much.

    I know, because I'm currently in this process. Basically, last weekend after one last argument with my mom I finally felt like it was the last straw. The pressure was getting to me in many new and unbearable ways. I decided to seek an unbiased third party, which was the professor I was closest to. She listened, but felt she was not qualified to give any answers. She took me to the counseling office, and introduced me to their process. After sitting in there for a bit, I decided I would go for it and sign up for counseling.


      I have to agree with LDR ended, very abruptly and not my choice, 3 weeks ago. He is under so much pressure right now that planning to come see me was the straw that broke the camel's back...and he pulled away "from loving me so much"..I'm clueless. He said that he didn't know what to do or where to turn, and when I suggested that he seek counseling, it made it even worse...I haven't heard from him in days.

      Only you can make the decision to get counseling for YOU....not him. I did start counseling just recently, to try and get past the pain of losing someone I loved so much....

      I truly wish you the best....

