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Weight loss

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    Weight loss

    So I wasn't entirely sure where to start this thread but I took a shot and put it here. This is about weight loss. Has anyone ever tried Zumba? Or anything like it? I would really love to be fit not just for our relationship but for myself as well. Any tips? If anyone has tried any of these programs, which one worked best for you, if any? I'm currently trying Zumba and seeing where that takes me :P

    I'm not that much into exercising but I have considered Zumba - still, I suck in dancing and I'm always very clumsy with the steps so I think I'll just keep considering. My weight has always been an issue for me as I was an overweight kid and then morbidly obese. Within a little over one year I have lost 54 pounds by focusing on the food part and what I'm eating, and I'm still planning to lose about 30-35 more, at the moment I'm "only" overweight anymore. What keeps me motivated is health, and my SO isn't bothered by my size at all, saying I'm not even big. I like this topic!
    "Everyone smiles in the same language."


      Well, I tried Zumba a few times and then they didn't offer the class any more in my little town. I think Zumba is a great method to try. It is quite fun (I have danced for many years and find regular aerobics classes obnoxious and ungainly), even though I wouldn't say it is quite a "dance party" in terms of fun. I also felt like it was rather empowering, in terms of being encouraged to feel sexy while exercising and at any physical fitness (so often, the focus is that you will feel sexy down the road, when you have done this and that. I suppose that is still there, but I found it refreshing that the exercise program itself was feel-good). I would be careful to try and really concentrate on engaging your core when you are in the class. It seems like the teacher doesn't always remind students, but it is really important for strengthening and also injury prevention (e.g., you will often do a lot of Latin dance movements and once the hips get going, it is really easy to let the core go...which can cause lower back pain, etc.).

      I'm working on weight loss and toning right now. With my dance classes over for the year, few if any other classes available, and bad weather outside, I am struggling a bit from the cardio aspect. I would suggest that you add something strength-based to your exercise routine, whether that be weights or something else, as strengthening muscle strengthens our fat burning machine. Personally, I really love yoga, because it builds strong muscles without bulk. Pilates is also a good sleeking option, but if you have any sort of neck, shoulder, or back injury, I really recommend trying something else--some of the movements really rely on people already having strong core muscles and no injuries through the core area.


        I did Zumba and Salsa and i really loved Zumba it was fast paced and you sweat a lot

        Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


          I am personally SO SO anti dance aerobics, because I'm more of a tomboy than a girly girl. I feel so awkward dancing and shaking it! Exercise is my stress relief and escape from worldly problems, so I've always been at least moderately fit. My favorite ways to keep in shape are long distance running, weight lifting(don't be afraid of heavier-its so empowering to be strong, IMO), and kickboxing/shadowboxing classes. Although I do also like yoga, and I make sure to stretch something like 15 min after each workout.

          It's also how the SO and I met xD. He said he was curious about me, as the American Chinese girl and only female who ever ventured into the boys' weight section in his gym.


            Yah I did one of the workouts today, it was definitely tough! I couldn't get through the entire 40 minutes since I simply have no stamina built up , gotta walk before I can run I suppose :P. Thanks guys And yah I should try yoga, I hear its great!


              yea Zumba is definitely a workout! that being said me and my friend could not stop laughing at eachother...I had a hard time taking myself
              " Love don't run....Love don't hide...Love don't turn away or back down from a fight.
              Baby I'm right here..and I and going anywhere"

              Mitch and Stephanie July 14, 2011


                My SO actually teaches it lol. I haven't done it yet, but i would recommend it, it looks fun. Like a dance cardio. I have only played the wii game, but doing that for 20 minutes made me sweat and feel the burn, and i had fun, so i imagine doing the real thing is so much better. I want my SO to teach me but he says he's on holiday.... lol
                I love you Nathan <3
                5/25/09 <3


                  I started taking Zumba classes last week, I absoutley love it.There tought but as you keep going you learn the dances and Its really fun . Ive lost five pounds just from these two weeks of zumba. not much but it works! : )
                  I lost you, I just hope not for forever :'(


                    I've never tried Zumba but I heard it works great if you're looking to get some good exercise!


                      Originally posted by Mistakesinpen View Post
                      I started taking Zumba classes last week, I absoutley love it.There tought but as you keep going you learn the dances and Its really fun . Ive lost five pounds just from these two weeks of zumba. not much but it works! : )
                      Really? Have you changed your diet as well? My moms doctor always says that diet without exercise is pointless and vice versa xD jaja. And how often do you do it/for how long?


                        I haven't tried zumba yet, I'm thinking about it, as I used to be a dancer. Did ballet and jazz and Irish dancing until I started university
                        But what I do now to try to stay in shape is working quite well for me and my sisters. We do 3 weight sessions a week, interspersed with a cardio day, and resting on Sundays. I can't do free weights yet due to an injury, so I do weight machines. They're also a good start, because they're a good deal less intimidating than weights, if you've never done them before! And on my cardio days, I started out doing about 35 minutes on the elliptical, and slowly working my way up as I feel comfortable. I feel great on that schedule, and my older sister has lost about 15 pounds since May!

                        Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

                        Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
                        Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


                          Just do alot of cardio 3-5 times a week

                          Eat healthy. Lots of Water.

                          NO smoking. NO drinking. NO soft drinks either. less carbs



                            I work at a gym and zumba is very popular. Also a very good workout. I have never done it myself because I'm not much of a class person, but my mom and sister love it. I actually just recently lost 14 pounds to get back to my happy weight. I ate small meals throughout the day and ate healthier foods (more fruits and vegetables, yogurt, whole grains). I also work out twice a week after work and try to push myself harder every couple of weeks to get my body use to it.


                              All those tips sound very good . I think one of my biggest problems is that I eat more than I should. I'm not super overweight, I'm only about 12 pounds over what I would like to be. But I'd still love to lose it jaja. Its also hard for me to train myself to only eat healthier foods...I have a huuuuuge sweet tooth.

