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Hospitalized and feeling needy...

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    Hospitalized and feeling needy...

    I just want to share... huff...

    This is happening today when i got bad case of food poisoning and threw up and diarrhea for 3 days and gave up my self to doctors. Its not something that you could take lightly especially in here because it could be a worse case of bacteria.

    My SO told me a day before to go to doc.. but i was thinking i will be fine.. just normal diarrhea. But then, its not.

    This morning when i was about to get my first IV i sms my So said about the news i got hospitalized, by my self, no family there and i miss him and in needy mood.

    He just text back and said "get well soon!!!!"


    Thats just the only sms i got until tonight.

    I am feeling better and said to my doc i want to stay at home... so after the 2nd IV i check out! took a plastic bag full of pills...yuck.

    If he text me said he is in hospital i wold be panicking, call him ask him every like 2 hrs how is he doing or something like that. I just feel like he care less about me.... i don't know i never really this needy but i want my SO ...

    Hows your SO react when you get really sick and had to stay at hospital? just text or he will do something like flying or driving to where you are?

    Well, if I had to go to the hospital it would not be possible for my SO to come over to see me. It would be way too expensive and it would almost take two days for her to get here. She's very caring though. I think she would send me lots of text messages and maybe even call me whenever I would tell her that I'm able to. So yeah, I would feel really weird as well if my SO would just send me a "get well soon" text message. Really?


      I don't think he meant to be insensitive at all. It's a bad cause of food poisoning, not a fatal car accident that sent you in to the hospital. He knows you are going to be okay so I think calling every two hours would be a little over the top. And to think of him flying over seems excessive. I understand it being lonely at the hospital, but you are already out of the hospital? Just talk to him and say it would have been nice to get a little more from him then just a 'get well soon'

      5 years ago I landed in the hospital and 3 days later I had to have emergency surgery to have my large intestine removed and stayed there for a month. My SO at the time came to visit before work, I didn't expect him to come every day cause the hospital parking cost a ton but he did when he could, it was a CDR though.

      I hope you feel better.


        I probably would have wanted more than a "Get Well Soon" too. I think under the circumstances your SO obviously cannot visit you. I am CD with my SO now, but I am sure that if I landed in the hospital he would come to see me. It was a 10 hour drive for us, though, so a little more feasible. On the other hand, if I had food poisoning, I think that he would probably stay home and just call me often to make sure I am okay. Sorry that you didn't get the reaction out of your SO that you wished you did. I hope you feel better soon!


          I was hospitalised for a week last year due to dengue fever. Obviously my SO didn't fly here as it'd be too expensive, but I'm thankful that he was caring without being over the top (like calling every 2 hrs, patients need to get a lot of rest anyway). He texted and called me a few times, saying that he was worried, hoping that I'd get well soon and wishing he'd been there to make me a bowl of chicken cream soup.
          About your SO, maybe he was being a little bit insensitive, as in not reacting the way that you expected. I understand how needy we can get when we are sick, especially while being hospitalised. On the other hand I also agree with what snow_girl said. I don't think he meant to be that way and maybe he didn't realise that you needed something more than that. So just be honest with him.
          Get better soon!


            When Rane and I first started dating, I think it was like a week later I was off to the ER where they decided my gallbladder was coming out right then. He couldn't come here, too expensive! He did keep the emails coming, and video chatted with me though (I had my laptop since the hospital had wifi). I agree that a single text from your SO was maybe not quite enough, but I bet that he only had/has good intentions. It's definitely hard when you're in a hospital alone and just want your SO there!


              Originally posted by NaNi View Post
              Well, if I had to go to the hospital it would not be possible for my SO to come over to see me. It would be way too expensive and it would almost take two days for her to get here. She's very caring though. I think she would send me lots of text messages and maybe even call me whenever I would tell her that I'm able to. So yeah, I would feel really weird as well if my SO would just send me a "get well soon" text message. Really?

              Yepp.. one and only text msgs.

              But yeah its too much to ask if only food poisoning and asking him to fly here, i will survive i know.. but its just.. one sms...just wishing he did more than one sms tho.


                Originally posted by snow_girl View Post
                I don't think he meant to be insensitive at all. It's a bad cause of food poisoning, not a fatal car accident that sent you in to the hospital. He knows you are going to be okay so I think calling every two hours would be a little over the top. And to think of him flying over seems excessive. I understand it being lonely at the hospital, but you are already out of the hospital? Just talk to him and say it would have been nice to get a little more from him then just a 'get well soon'

                5 years ago I landed in the hospital and 3 days later I had to have emergency surgery to have my large intestine removed and stayed there for a month. My SO at the time came to visit before work, I didn't expect him to come every day cause the hospital parking cost a ton but he did when he could, it was a CDR though.

                I hope you feel better.
                I know what you mean.. i am not that super clingy gf.. but there are moments that we crave more attention from our SO, especially when we get sick. I don't really know what reaction that i would expect from the sms that i sent..but after one and only that real "short messages" i don't know why i feel disappointed.

                I go to hospital by my self, riding motorcycle, 2.5kms from home. I am not the type who like people to take care of me. Prefer do things my own... but.. like i said.. i want something that more encouraging than "get well soon", just making me sad.. and i don't know if i ask too much? at least call me to ask?

                Its not a car accident, wow.. haha.. but even my friends would ask me if i get better yet or not, if they need to do anything to help out like twice that day. I know it would be over the top to had him flying over 13 hrs just to check my food poisoning... just want more attention that my friends showed me.. he's my SO anyway..

                ---------- Post added at 07:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:24 AM ----------

                Originally posted by bluishskin View Post
                I was hospitalised for a week last year due to dengue fever. Obviously my SO didn't fly here as it'd be too expensive, but I'm thankful that he was caring without being over the top (like calling every 2 hrs, patients need to get a lot of rest anyway). He texted and called me a few times, saying that he was worried, hoping that I'd get well soon and wishing he'd been there to make me a bowl of chicken cream soup.
                About your SO, maybe he was being a little bit insensitive, as in not reacting the way that you expected. I understand how needy we can get when we are sick, especially while being hospitalised. On the other hand I also agree with what snow_girl said. I don't think he meant to be that way and maybe he didn't realise that you needed something more than that. So just be honest with him.
                Get better soon!
                Thanks! i wish he did that... that would made me smile and know he does care a lot! i know its not car accident or fatal injuries.. but i am in hospital hello?? and i am not making it up. Its just feel sad when all i got just get well soon while my friends text msgs me a lot and i don't really require his presence as his flying to Indonesia will took like 13 hours more.

                ..its just like.. he doesn't care thats all..

                ---------- Post added at 07:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:27 AM ----------

                Originally posted by garnet View Post
                When Rane and I first started dating, I think it was like a week later I was off to the ER where they decided my gallbladder was coming out right then. He couldn't come here, too expensive! He did keep the emails coming, and video chatted with me though (I had my laptop since the hospital had wifi). I agree that a single text from your SO was maybe not quite enough, but I bet that he only had/has good intentions. It's definitely hard when you're in a hospital alone and just want your SO there!
                I wish he did that instead making me thinking that he doesn't care... i just feel disappointed.. i wish something more than 1 sms a chat or just a phone call.. i might will feel better.. sigh..


                  If I had to visit the hospital for an emergency my SO would be slap worried about me! He freaks out whenever I get a little cold. He wouldnt be able to come see me if i was in the hospital but i know he'd be checking up on me ! & Im sorry your SO seemed careless, maybe thats not how they meant it at all! Hope you are better now!


                    Originally posted by XxMeg589xX View Post
                    If I had to visit the hospital for an emergency my SO would be slap worried about me! He freaks out whenever I get a little cold. He wouldnt be able to come see me if i was in the hospital but i know he'd be checking up on me ! & Im sorry your SO seemed careless, maybe thats not how they meant it at all! Hope you are better now!

                    Just chat with him...... His reason is because we kept in touch daily with offline msgs. Ita just him then i guess....

                    I do wish he did what your SO did.. but yeah.. haha we can't choose the person we love. Comes with package hahaha....

                    I do feel better today!


                      My SO goes pretty much crazy and gets upset when I get hurt or sick, that he can't be here to help me through it. I had a case earlier this year where I was so stressed (after the first round of DV Lottery) that I hadn't got a green card that I was actually coughing up blood. I told him a day or two after and he was furious that it was happening and that he couldn't get here to be with me. I had to reassure him I was ok. @.@ So yeah.. I guess he would panick lol.


                        I agree with everyone SO should have been way more attentive than he was.
                        My Husband is now deployed...but if something happened to me when he was here he would be calling and texting. When I had my car accident and totaled my car even though I wasnt hurt I was very shaken. My SO called and text me constantly so I would not be completely alone. Now if something happened I know that even though we cant talk much he would be as attentive as he could from there.
                        " Love don't run....Love don't hide...Love don't turn away or back down from a fight.
                        Baby I'm right here..and I and going anywhere"

                        Mitch and Stephanie July 14, 2011


                          Hey, I wouldn't feel too bad..

                          I don't know how often you two communicate, but knowing my SO, he would just keep up his usual routine (texting throughout the day, a couple of calls at free times, and perhaps a skype chat). That's just how he is. Unless it was something life threatening, he most likely wouldn't worry himself over it.


                            Thanks all for the advises i do feel better!

