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Does it ever get easier saying goodbye?

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    Does it ever get easier saying goodbye?

    So there's always been an aspect of long distance in every serious relationship I've been in. You would think I'd be used to saying goodbye after each visit. Well, I haven't. In fact it seems like it's more difficult each time especially with my current boyfriend. This is weird because compared to all of my LDRs, the visits are more frequent: average about twice a month. You would think it would be easier to say goodbye because I'll see him again in a couple of weeks, as opposed to 3-4 months like with my ex bf.

    Why is it so much harder??

    Sucks so much. I'm bawling here in the bus terminal. Time to run to the bathroom

    Aww I'm sorry . You should be happy that you get to see him that often! I wish I could So it's a plus! I'm really emotional too. Just try to think positively. Your countdowns must not be longer than 21 days or so! jaja You'll be ok. Besides, its not a goodbye, its an "I'll see you soon so take care till then."


      I'm sorry to hear that. I understand how you feel. You should be thankful. Other people (incl me) only get to see our SOs once a year! On his first and second visit both of us were crying, the goodbyes were heartbreaking. But on his latest visit, we dealt with the goodbye better. He didn't cry. I didn't either until he started queueing to get into the check-in counter. He pulled himself from the line to calm me down. :P I agree with Yaaamiii, it's not goodbye but it's "I'll see you again!" So yes try to think positively and don't dwell in sadness. Surround yourself with people with positive energy and get yourself busy with fun activities. In time, you will be excited in seeing your SO again.
      Keep your chin up!


        I would LOVE to see my SO so often. We are doing about every six months. PLEASE PLEASE pray for us that the visa goes through.


          Never gets easier for me either. I'm not a big crier by nature, but I turn into the biggest, heaving pile of tears right after we part ways. It's hard to put into words, the feeling I get as I'm forced to let go. After we get in contact again, it's not so bad since I remember I'm not really alone and he's not really leaving

          EDIT: Not to offend anyone, but I think it's a little odd to compare distances or time between visits. Getting walked away from is painful when you really just want them beside you.

          Married: June 9th, 2015


            Originally posted by CanadianGirl View Post
            EDIT: Not to offend anyone, but I think it's a little odd to compare distances or time between visits. Getting walked away from is painful when you really just want them beside you.

            While I think we can agree that we all just want our SO's beside us...I feel it might be somewhat more difficult to deal with goodbyes for a person who knows they won't see their SO for months at a time...if they even know when they'll see each other again. Having someone leave is never easy, but in my opinion its harder to say goodbye if you don't know when the next time will be. At least that's how I feel.


              We go 5-6 months between visits- the first 2 times, were so hard and heart breaking. This last one though... was different. I only cried a little bit before leaving the house, I bawled handing my tickets over the check-in desks, but when it came to the actual good-bye, we were both pretty calm. We hugged for a lot longer then usual, but when he walked away and I got into the security line, I was oddly ok. Sure I was upset, but not crying on the floor. I think it's because I knew this would be the last time I make the USA to the UK trip by myself. Next time I make that trip, my SO will be with me, and we'll be married (K1 visa in progress). We have one more good-bye ahead, and that was a comfort to me I guess.

              But I think, the good-byes were a lot harder (or at least they were for me) when we didn't have a plan or time-frame for closing the distance. No we do, I just accept it as a necessary bad point until we're together for good.

              <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
              <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
              The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
              <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
              <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
              Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
              Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


                My boyfriend and I see each other about every three weeks, sometimes more often than that.

                And I cry everytime we say good bye, even if it's only for a week. It's not only that I have to leave him. It's that I'll be alone in my place for the next few days or weeks, that we're back to phone calls, texts and skype.
                It did sort of get easier with time. It's still sad and I cry and want to stay or not let him go, but I've gained trust in the relationship. We've been doing this for so long, so there's no reason to think it won't work this time.

                I think it's completely ok to be sad and cry.

                Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                  Originally posted by Yaaamiii View Post
                  While I think we can agree that we all just want our SO's beside us...I feel it might be somewhat more difficult to deal with goodbyes for a person who knows they won't see their SO for months at a time...if they even know when they'll see each other again. Having someone leave is never easy, but in my opinion its harder to say goodbye if you don't know when the next time will be. At least that's how I feel.
                  I agree. Although perhaps my SO and I dealt it better the last time he visited me, it's still hard because we don't have any idea when we will see each other again. So far it's only once a year. I really hope I get to see him less than a year, but who knows what will happen? That's what makes it difficult, whether I cry or not during the goodbye. At least I was sobbing deep in my heart.


                    I cry every time, but I think it's gotten easier for me to get back on track and back into my old routines over time. After I first visits, I was sad for days even a week or two. Now it takes me around 2 days to be able to focus on other things and look forward to the next visit.


                      Originally posted by Yaaamiii View Post
                      While I think we can agree that we all just want our SO's beside us...I feel it might be somewhat more difficult to deal with goodbyes for a person who knows they won't see their SO for months at a time...if they even know when they'll see each other again. Having someone leave is never easy, but in my opinion its harder to say goodbye if you don't know when the next time will be. At least that's how I feel.
                      I obviously see the point lol, my SO and I go 4-6 months without seeing each other. It's just, it's not a very helpful thing to say to the OP. You only know how far your own distance feels and for all of us, it really sucks and that's why we have this forum

                      Married: June 9th, 2015


                        Originally posted by CanadianGirl View Post
                        It's just, it's not a very helpful thing to say to the OP. You only know how far your own distance feels and for all of us, it really sucks and that's why we have this forum
                        I have to agree with this. It can be all too easy to say that someone has an easier time than others because they have a shorter distance or more money for visits or more free time to travel, etc. There's always someone who has it "harder." Can't we all just agree that the distance sucks and be supportive in that?
                        Last edited by Trethsparr; July 26, 2011, 12:22 AM.
                        My heart belongs to a pilot!


                          For me it gets worse everytime, so much now all I can think about BEFORE I even see him is having to say goodbye.

                          Unfortunately I have nothing when I'm alone that keeps me busy and distracted... and thats probably the key to keep sane.


                            I would think its gets harder each time because over times feelings grow. I cried for over 2 hours when I had to leave my bf and then for the next 2 days. I know next visit I'll cry just as long if not longer. I'm ready for it.


                              Wish I could see my partner that often. I didn't think I would cry after leaving him but right after I got through the security screening at the airport, I cried. I tried real hard not to but I did. It was a miserable 7 hours flight back home.

