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Feeling Guilty? :(

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    Feeling Guilty? :(

    Is it just me or does anyone else feel soooo gulity whenever they go out with their friends or go on vacation without their SO? I know its only because Im wishing he was with me and I know he tells me to go and enjoy myself & he's always in my pocket (My Phone) But GEEEZZ Sometimes Im so miserable and I'd rather just be in his arms.. & Then when he's out with his brothers or family - It almost like im Jealous that they get to spend time with him and I do not. (

    Just curious if this is a normal feeling..

    I think it's normal. <3 My SO and I are always telling one another to do things away from the computer and stuff, but I know we both are missing each other when we aren't "together".
    We remind one another we're always thinking of each other, though. X3 I do get a tad jealous when he has friends around or is at a party, but in the long run I'm truly happy he's having a life. I think it's the same with him when I'm out and about. <3


      I don't feel bad - not as long as it doesn't interfere with my Skype talks with my SO. I do feel weird though. Since I'd rather have my SO with me as well.


        For me, it actually happened a week ago when I was going on a short vacation to other town with my friend and her bf.
        But instead of feeling guilty, it more likely I felt a bit sad and lonely because I kept on thinking and missing my SO.
        Especially when I saw that my friend and her bf were very romantic (holding hands, cuddling, kissing, etc) and I was just alone. *sighs*
        And next week, it will be my SO who will have a short vacation with his family for summer holiday while his parents, his brother and his gf will all go with him.
        I just wish I am able to go with him at that time. *sighs then goes to sulk in the corner*
        But still, it's a part f LDR and we both have to "enjoy" it no matter what happen.
        Just keep in faith that someday all of that will end and both of us will be able to spend time together, happily.


          I've never felt guilty or jealous about my SO hanging out with friends or family. If we are long distance the situation means being apart, so if they get the chance to go out and do fun things then there is no doubt in my mind that I would be happy for him to go out. Whether he is sitting at home or out with friends he is still far away and so why make him feel bad about going out? If we have to miss a skype session once and a while because one of us has plans then I am not going to be upset.
          The only guilt I feel is that now we've closed the distance and I am not working just yet and want to go travel but don't want to leave him for days at a time while he is stuck working.


            you should go work too


              I think it's normal.

              Well not so long ago, my fiance went to Florida with his friends. I was not jealous or sad though. I was actually happy that he get to hang out with friends and relax. Way better than work everyday without a break. If he's happy then I'm happy too! ^^

              I'm going to Canada next month, and to be honest I feel a little guilty for having fun without him. He only stayed 3 days in Florida, and I'm going to stay 14 days in Canada. I wish I could have a vacation with him instead with my sister and my cousin, but it's not possible because he has to work. I feel a little guilty but I hope that I can still talk to him when I'm in Canada.


                Sometimes I get this feeling,too, but we both need our "free" time, with friends and family, and as much as I would wish to be together and enjoy such moments, I try to think rationally. It's just a LD thing I guess, lol. You can't stay glued to the monitor all the time or on phone for that matter. xD


                  I don't feel guilty for going out but i'd rather be going out with my SO. It doesn't bother me if he goes out i trust him and he's entitled to a social life.
                  As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


                    Not guilty, but I do think about how much I miss talking with him at our normal time. We both live our normal lives away from each other, which is healthy, but that doesn't mean we wouldn't rather be doing those things together, we just can't So, I don't feel guilty, just a little sad sometimes when I know I'm doing something he'd love. I don't feel jealous either, because I know his friends and family keep him distracted and busy, so he can't focus too much on how much he misses me, and feel bad about it. I think those feelings are all normal though, it's just that after more than two years, we've found a way to use them constructively. We do take lots of pictures to share when we're doing interesting things, it makes us feel more a part of it afterward.
                    Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                      I feel especially guilty when I meet a cute person out. It's like "If I was with her, this would never happen. I'd never even pay attention to this dick talking to me" Now that I think about it, it could be worse, because dicks would be flirting with HER. So I think it's good...
                      My blog: A revisit of my most successful LDR. Posting the story of us in chapters.


                        Eh, I never felt bad. Of course I always missed him, but it never made me feel guilty when I was out with my friends.


                          Not guilty persay, but I'll get a little bummed out if I think abouthow I can't spend time like that with him I was away for around four days recently, and there was no wifi or anything, so Ididn't know what to do with myself <3 but he missed me, and I lways miss him when he has things to go away for. I'm not jealous so much as hoping he has a good time


                            Last Thursday, we all came to Montana for his cousin's wedding on Saturday. We had so much fun together for a couple of days, then he had to drive 12 hours home alone on Sunday because I decided to stay here in Montana with his sister and her husband. I feel so bad cause he had to go home for school and work and spend the rest of the time without me while I'm here having fun with his family.

                            The worst part is the plan was that we go home this morning, but his sister decided to stay till Friday to spend more time with one of her best friends. I just wish he was with me right now.

                            When we were still LD I felt bad only because we would have been skyping during the time I spent hanging out with my friends, but he was hood at reminding me I needed to spend time away from the computer to maintain balance in my life. I did feel like I wishe I was with him when he was out camping and stuff with his friends.

