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Well... we broke up.

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    Well... we broke up.

    We broke up. It wasn't a bad break up. It was a mutual thing. We both love each other more than life its self. We both still want to get married. we still want to fly out and see each other. We just feel like things aren't meant to be right now.
    Its hard.. but i know i still have my best friend.. and i know this isn't the end for us..
    I've never had a break up like this.. i don't know how to act. I can't tell if i'm numb, or if it really doesn't hurt. i think im just in shock. i haven't really slept.

    I don't like this.
    Thank you to everyone that has helped. you really did help. i think it was just time. I know we aren't done for.

    i just wish i didn't feel so sad..

    I don't know what to say. I know it really hurts but it's your choice. I just hope that the love remains even two of you are not together and be together again someday...

    Hugs :''"""
    "Love wins everything especially fear."


      sorry about that :c good luck with everything and take care.


        its hard.. i know its not over though.. love knows no distance, physical or emotional. Shes my best friend.. and was even before we were together. i know this won't last.


          Everything will work out


            If you 2 are meant to be then you will end up together one way or another. If not, the right persons are still out there somewhere and you will find them. Take care x


              I'm so sorry you broke up. It's tough enough to be in a relationship, and distance just makes it all harder.. I hope you two will be able to work it out one day, when the moment is right. I wish you the best

              Distance doesn't matter when two hearts are loyal to each other.


                Same happened to me and my SO as he was so busy with uni and he was sad cause he couldn't give me the attention that I deserve.
                But we are back together again and as good as ever so I wish the very best to you and a bright future together!

