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Today's a shitty day

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    Today's a shitty day

    Well this morning started out fine, and then I started missing her and feeling lonely, she came online and i told her that and felt better after we talked it out over and she made me laugh hysterically. After awhile we told me about her friend that might try and come over to see her and she might not be online for a few days if that happens, well seeing as thats our only way of really getting to talk at the moment that upset me, and we got into a little bit of an argument and i hate arguing with her, and i know all couples argue but i still dont like it!! After awhile we were fine, and since she's living with her parents at the moment(not for long since shes moving in with a friend soon) and her laptop charger broke she was using her mom's laptop which they told her she cant be on everyday because it is her mom's, so that upset me more. And i know since we both are gonna be in the entertainment business at some point were gonna have days like this where we probably wont get to talk to each other, but ya know it dont mean im gonna like it nor do i wanna get used it!!!! Meh overall its a sucky day and not the type of day that i like having with her, i like saying goodnight to her and everything on a good note not a bad one thank god she has the patience of a saint with me and im glad she does. I just want to see her so so bad, and i wanna live with her really bad, its one of those days where long distance just plain sucks!!!

    ok end of rant :/

    Aww *hugs* I know how that is. Alex did that to me around Christmas time (the 'my friend is coming over and staying with us so I won't be on until this day' bit) and right before that the fan in my computer had died so I had to use my mom's computer and could only use it late at night and that messed everything up.

    Things will get better. I know this from experience. Don't worry, chin up, and find something to distract yourself (I know, coming from me that sounds weird). ^^ Try writing or get into a game you like or do something like that.


      I had a day like that yesterday. It seems that days like this are harder for LDR's because our SO's don't come home to us at night

      I hope you feel better soon.


        I hope you feel better after letting it all out *hugs*
        Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


          Every couple has those days, some people I know write a journal about some stuff....or write something sweet and if she gets on again you can send it to her


            oh i will defiantly send her a few things! i just hope she comes online later so i can apologize properly


              Cheer up, today I had a shitty day too *hugs* and I think the best thing is to get distracted with something that will keep your mind busy. I hope you feel better soon.


                aw *hugs* !!! It will be better soon!

                I had a pretty craptacular day yesterday too. 12 hours of homework then I find out the SO should be home now, but he couldn't get his leave. So I'm sitting around expecting to see him after finals (May) and he tells me last night he'll be home in July! It was very upsetting after 12 hours of homework and thinking geez I have no life!

