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Need Some Advice on the First Time Meeting

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    Need Some Advice on the First Time Meeting

    So I don't know what I would say we are exactly, we haven't really had a DTR (define the relationship) chat just yet. We met online in January we emailed until May when we started to talk on the phone and then on Skype. We chat a few times a week as that is what his work schedule allows and text some throughout the week This past weekend while chatting he said he wanted to come see me and we set the date for early October. He is going to go see his sister and drive out to see me. We haven't decided on how many days he will be here just yet but I am guessing 3 to 5 is probably about what it will be. I think that after this meeting we will be able to have the DTR and decide what this is exactly. Actually we will have that chat because I really need some verbal confirmation on what this all is to him. I mean he's obviously interested if he's driving 800 miles to come see me, but I want to know that he thinks this is all going somewhere too.

    Anyways I guess I told you a ton but all that to say what should we do while he is here. I live in a small town and there isn't anything super unquie about this area so I'm not sure what to do while he is here. I just want to hang out with him and I know my family and friends want to meet him which I know will be part of our time but I also want to hang out with just him. So suggestions??? I love talking to him but I also want to do more than sit around and talk, we can do that on skype and on the phone. I want to be able to do things together. So suggestions?

    Well I know that when you first meet it's awkward at first, so don't plan huge things in the first few days. Eating out helps. Perhaps you have a bowling place around? Perhaps you should ask what he likes to do for fun, then you can get more ideas


      Hmm...our first meeting we went out to eat, sat around and talked a lot, went to the movies, watched tv and movies at home, we played Wii (where I kicked his butt in Mario Kart..hahaha), ummm..that was about it. I'm from a small town too, so there isn't much to do here unless you wanna travel a good 45 minutes. So I definitely understand where you're coming I hope you find something to do.
      ♥Started talking online around: 10.31.09
      Started getting serious on: 2.14.10
      Met in person for the first time: 10.11.10
      Closed the distance on 7.29.11 ♥


        Eat out/Coffee

        make sure there's alot of talking going on

        ---------- Post added at 06:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:48 AM ----------

        Eat out/Coffee

        make sure there's alot of talking going on


          thank you all for the help so far. There will be talking going on I think it might be easier to talk at first if we are doing things do you know what I mean? We do have some things to do around here so we aren't at a complete loss. I asked him what he wants to do, he said explore the area and just wing we'll see what happens.

