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Parents dissaproval.

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    Parents dissaproval.

    Me and my SO have been in an LDR for around a month only and have never seen eachother I am only 16 and she's 18, everything has been fine, but now her parents suddenly does not approve, they want us to be "just friends" untill we are older, or they will cut her internet connection or something like that, I don't want to be "just friends" but I'll do it if it can keep me in contact with her.

    I would like advise if anyone has ever been in this situation, but any advise from anyone would be appreciated. Can our relationship survive, maybe years like this?

    Im in the same exact age gap as you are, Im the 16 yr old and he is the 18 yr old. Honestly in my opinonon there is no reason to not be able to be in a LDR with someone espcially at this age. Its not like you two can really date, and get into the trouble that teenagers noramally do. I would recommend talking to her and find out what her parents are worried about. It may be more of a they dont know you thing that you dont want to push at. I would deffinately stay friends no matter what. Ive learned from all the wonderfull people on here that even if it doesn work now, there is always hope for the future. Us LDRS are strong people and If you really want it to work, and your willing to work at it, it will. Plus you can always get back together once you can move closer to her and prove to her parents your serious.
    I lost you, I just hope not for forever :'(


      My parents strongly disapprove of my relationship. They found out early on when he sent a letter, and said that I can break up but date him casually, or not at all. If I remained in boyfriend/girlfriend status, then my parents would walk out of my life. I just *agreed* with what they said, then kept the relationship a complete secret . I figure since it's long distance anyways there is no hurry, and no chance for really convincing them until/unless he moves here and can visit in person.


        Her parents mindset may be that she hasn't experienced enough of the world to know what she really wants. They may have thought that the long distance thing wouldn't work so they didn't say anything right away but after a month they may start catching on that its working well thus far. Like I said, they probably want you guys to just remain friends so she can date around and meet other people so that she knows what she wants.That was my moms mindset at first, anyway. But we remained long distance anyway and then were close distance for a while. Now we're going back to long distance for about 3 more years and are not planning on breaking up anytime soon. We even make plans about the future together. It's been two years and neither of us have ever found anyone better nor are we looking, and we are both completely happy with each other. It can work, but what you guys decide to do is up to the both of you. Best of luck!


          Hej Kay,

          You two have been dating for about a month, and you haven't met in person yet so I think that's why her parents are insecure because a relationship in the internet and it's a LDR.

          When I started dating my SO, my parents were not happy about it. They were afraid that he was using me or playing with my feelings. He proved them wrong by visiting me few months later, and he gave them a good impression so they accepted him.

          Give her parents time and try to accept their demands by now, and slowly they will see that you are serious with her. Don't rush and don't let her parents down. It's afterall their daughter, so they only wish her the best.

          Held og lykke!


            Ok, take short period that you've known each other (1 month), add the fact that you've met over internet, also add that it's a LDR, plus the usual worries which parents have when they find out their child is in a relationship (regardless of its type). Aaaaand this is why her parents are asking her to cut it off. However, she could apply FadedSunrise's technique, lol, and "approve" while she keeps your LDR a secret and let some time pass OR be just friends (which given that you have feelings for each other, it's most likely to fail). Either way, good luck!

