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Have you ever felt rushed?

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    Have you ever felt rushed?

    For those of us who have been so lucky to have spent some special time with our SO, we know that good-bye is the most dreadful part. If you are like me, you are counting approximately how many minutes it will take you to make it through security and get to your plane, which security line is the shortest to aid you, but give yourself as much time as you can possibly leak out of this "good-bye" moment.

    I left my SO this morning after getting to spend 2 weeks together. It was amazing, wonderful, spectacular, etc, etc. We normally have a good amount of time to stand around and love on each other before I have to jump into the security line to dash off to my flight, however this time I almost felt rushed and it left me feeling empty.
    We were holding hands and I maybe got a kiss or two before this large group of people started heading over. My SO decided I should probably get in line because it was a summer camp of children (which tends to cause many security delays due to not knowing what to do). He kissed me quickly and before I knew it, I was standing on the other side of the security with tears in my eyes.

    I can't exactly explain the feeling I got and why it smacked me so hard. I know there is never enough time, but have you ever felt rushed in your good-byes? Explain your story and how you felt about it.
    I am just confused about this feeling because I've never felt this way before in the past visits we've had...
    Last edited by ashleecarol; July 29, 2011, 01:22 AM.

    *~*~*Forever & Always*~*~*

    I did. Every time really. Especially when the last visit ended. My SO and I were standing near the gate and I was crying so much, just wanting to hug her and kiss her, but then my SO said that she has to go and gave me one more kiss and then she was gone and it felt so short... even rushed, as you put it. It was all over in just a few minutes.


      Last time he was here, we were nearly late to the airport. I had to drive quite a bit above the limit and he was worried we wouldn't make it. We got there just in time, he checked in and immediately had to go through security check. All we had was a quick kiss and hug... for me it's actually better that way. I cling to every moment with him of course, but I feel the longer you stall the inevitable the more anguishing it is.

      Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


        Our goodbyes are always rushed, I usually leave on Monday mornings, and he's gotta get to work, so it's a mad dash to get out and get me to the airport and him to the office. I hate it, but it has it's advantages, we don't have time to think about what's really happening Unfortunately, I've got plenty of time to think about it on the long plane ride home.
        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


          The first good bye was rushed- it would have been longer, but my SO didn't want me to see him cry, so he was like "I gotta go", gave me one last kiss and left. I could see him wiping his eyes as he walked away from me. That was the worst goodbye ever

          <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
          <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
          The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
          <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
          <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
          Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
          Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


            Oh yes, its the worst . When my SO first left for college and we first became long distance, he came to my house to say his final goodbyes before the 3 months time period of seeing him. It was the worst pain. He hugged me for a little while but after a few minutes said he really needed to go, because his parents were waiting for him in the car to drive him up to college. Another time was when he came to visit during his winter break of that same year, and my mom had come to pick me up the night before he left. It was the worst cuz my mom was in a bad mood and didn't feel like waiting. Ugh I get sad just remembering. At least those moments are in the past. I guess every goodbye tends to feel rushed, especially where there are months of a gap between the next time you will see them.


              Yeah, my visits so far have all been when my SO lived in Florida for school, and he immediately had to be going to class or had to be on set so he'd drop me off, make the goodbye quick (though we had a 45 minute drive to the airport, so that helped) and rush back home to take a nap before a 12 hour day or go straight to class - in fact, one day I got off the plane ARRIVING there, and he was supposed to be in a 6 hour class already and the airport was 45 minutes from his apartment and school so he literally picked me up, we had the 45 minute drive to chat while he SPED through traffic, then he dropped me off, grabbed a banana from his kitchen counter, kissed me, then ran out the door for the last 4 hours of class. Hahaha. I watched a Without A Trace marathon, and he took me out to dinner later that night Lol. I guess it does suck, but we always try to make it up to each other. We get to see each other every 2-3 months, so depending on how often you get to see each other I could see how hard it might be if you have to say goodbye quickly I guess we're both just adjusted to it. Not to say it's not sad/heartbreaking every time we part, it's just more of a "See you soon, kisses, byeee" type of thing. In four days, I'll be headed to visit him in NYC, where he moved a couple of months ago, for the first time. I've never been in a large airport before so I'm TERRIFIED, and I hope he's going to give me a longer goodbye and be more patient with me


                Definitely. Two weeks ago I had to say good bye to my boyfriend after spending a week with him in Florida. My flight left at 6:40am! We tried to beat this rushed part by waking up at 3 in the morning to get ready and head to the airport early. We did sit down and eat breakfast together about an hour before I had to get through security....but that hour went by so quickly. I watched as minutes ticked by like seconds. Before I knew it, I was on the other side of security after kissing him a few times and trying to keep myself from crying. He was surprised this time because I waved and blew him a kiss (which I never did before). That's something he'll always remember.

                I really only feel rushed when our flight is so early in the morning. I hate those early flights back home.


                  Well I just met my SO and we had our first goodbye, which to me, did feel rushed but mainly because he takes his schedule seriously, when it hit the time he had to go, he took it like he had to go that second, no dilly dallying like I wanted, so yeah I felt rushed but I understood why he was like that, it was a long drive back to his families house anyway.


                    I definitely felt rushed, it was like he didn't want to spend time saying goodbye, we packed all of our stuff hugged real quick and then went to go check out of the hotel and get him a taxi, I figured that was when I was gonna get my real goodbye but he just kinda gave me a rushed hug and sped out the door leaving me standing behind him dazed, confused, and sad. :/ I guess he just didn't want to start crying or something.

                    Met: 8.17.09
                    Started Dating: 8.20.09
                    First Met: 10.2.10
                    Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


                      I'm with the people who said that they actually prefer it that way.
                      I'm terrible at good-byes. They're so painful and dramatic and horrible and... I'd just rather get it over and done with fast.
                      At the airport in my boyfriend's city you can see the people who wait in line for security until they get through it (I don't know how to explain that better, but it's like the S-lines you wait in are actually still in the normal terminal hall just divided by some sort of belt barrier-thing, get it?), and when there's a longer line and he has time he always waits there and watches me... and I'll never say anything because it's so cute of him and I like that I can still see him and everything... but really I HATE that. I'm just moving away from him very slow and I'm still quite close but I can't get to him anyway and it's the worst feeling ever.

                      Someone (I think it was 13000km?) in another thread wrote that they made their boyfriend suddenly hide from them on the airport. Like she turned away for a second and when she turned back he was gone. I remember thinking it was brilliant! If we had to go through longer periods of not seeing each other, that is definitely what we'd be doing!

                      Actually I prefer our good byes when I go back by train. There's no stupid, useless waiting for boarding or security. You just get to the platform, your train comes, you get in, wave through the window and drive off. It's fast and undramatic.

                      Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                        My boyfriend always made goodbyes quick because he didn't like them. Our very first goodbye was slow and painful, with neither of us wanting to leave one another. After that, I think he realized that he didn't like dragging the goodbyes out, so he then made them very quick to prevent them being super emotional. They still were though!


                          *sighs* yeaaah.....i had to take a cab to the airport and your supposed to be there 3 hours before your flight, no sooner did we go down the driveway to meet the cab it pulled up a few seconds later :/ so sobbing my eyes out i had to say goodbye to her for a few seconds and then get in the cab, it was the same when she left as well. bleh not something i like remembering


                            We've had two goodbyes so far. The first when we were going from CD to LD and the second when we were ending my first visit. Both were so hard!

                            The first one happened at 4am b/c he had to leave for work at that time. He slept over but of course I just spent the whole night crying. When it came time for him to leave, I just stood there hugging him not wanting to let go. In an instant he was out the door running down the street to catch the bus. I definitely felt empty at that moment.

                            The second one we were in the airport. His friends had come with us to the airport and were waiting nearby so I felt a little pressured to hurry it up. He definitely likes quick on the other hand will just hug him forever crying. He kept telling me not to worry, we'll see each other again soon, etc...then he gave me one last kiss, and said "adios" and walked away. I only watched him walk away for a second, turned my head, then when I looked up again, he was gone. It was like a shock to the system knowing that was it.


                              Originally posted by Moon View Post
                              I hate it, but it has it's advantages, we don't have time to think about what's really happening Unfortunately, I've got plenty of time to think about it on the long plane ride home.
                              Yeah, I guess that is true. Like I said, it didn't fully hit me until after I had crossed security because it happened so fast. Your plane ride home was exactly I felt on mine

                              ---------- Post added at 09:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:40 PM ----------

                              Originally posted by Yaaamiii View Post
                              I guess every goodbye tends to feel rushed, especially where there are months of a gap between the next time you will see them.
                              Yes, yes, there is so much truth in this statement.

                              *~*~*Forever & Always*~*~*

