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Talking on the phone for the second time and very nervous

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    Talking on the phone for the second time and very nervous

    Hello! I am pretty nervous... My SO and I have been dating for a year and we only talked on the phone once. We mostly talk through text message everyday. We really want to talk on the phone with each other but because of his phone plan, he can only talk for free after ten. The problem is that I fall asleep early, and we cannot talk that late... So I thought about voice chatting online since it's for free and we both have built in microphones in our laptops.

    This will be the second time that we will have talked to each other verbally. I am nervous and afraid that we might run out of things to say.

    When you talk to your SO, what kind of stuff do you like to talk about, and what are your favorite games to play over the phone?

    When my SO and I were still in a LDR, we really just talked about our day or whatever was on our minds. Sometimes it was only for a minute or two, other times it was for a few hours. It depended on the day and our moods.

    It's really best to try and not plan out a conversation beforehand. It's usually pretty apparent and that's awkward. Just be yourself and don't overthink it



      Haha, that's me. I over-think everything. I'll stay calm and try to not stress out about it too much


        just talk about your day && things that are to long to text! (:


          You will be nervous at first but after the initial awkward "hello's", you should be fine.


            Everything should just come natural You will be just fine!


              Everything and anything. If you guys click, it will always come out. You won't ever need to think of anything to talk about. I normally video chat these days when I do talk to my SO, which is amazing and calms me right now as to not being with him. Half the time I don't even remember how we got started talking about the stuff we talk about. It can range from joking around, to talking about games, the characters we rp, people we hang around, how our weeks were, anything we watch, music, what we will be doing together. Lots of things ^_^ Possibilities are endless.


                I gotta agree don't plan it out and try to be so specific about things you will talk about. Maybe think of a few questions you might ask about things you know he's been doing but try to not have it all set. I thought I needed to do that too when I first started to talk to my SO and it made it weird and not fun. When I just started to talk about whatever is on my mind and things just flow now. I know you're going to be nervous that is a given, but try to just chat with him like you would any other firend. It will get easier over time.

