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What do you do when...

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    What do you do when...

    What do you do when you've tried keeping busy, tried doing other things and it doesn't work, then what? I've tried hanging out with my friends, reading, watching a movie, all that stuff I used to be interested in. But while I'm doing it all I can think about is how much I miss him and how much I wish he were here now. It just feels so hopeless, I don't know what to do.

    I know that feeling so well! Theres not much you can do besides trying to keep yourself busy & remind your self that each day your closer to see him! That Helps me the most! I hope things get better for you! <3


      Yeah, I do try...a lot! I just wish it worked for me, haha! I hope to be getting a job soon, so that may help me out a bit. And then I plan on some college courses. The worst part is, we don't have an exact date for when we close the distance. He's only six hours away, which isn't bad. But all we really know is it'll be a few months. But that's only if things worked out properly. So that's what makes it hard for me the most. If I had a date or something more concrete it'd be so much better. Hopefully in a few weeks we'll find something out. Thanks for helping though!


        I find that over time it really does get easier to slip back into your old habits and going about your usual interests and hobbies. Sometimes it's harder than others and all you want to do is think about your SO, but you have to really try to focus on other things sometimes or you really will be miserable all the time. If you really can't get your SO out of your head, what I find helps is working on a craft project for them as a gift. That way you're keeping your hands and your mind busy, but you're still remaining focused in a positive manner. For example, I worked on making a picture frame for my boyfriend entirely out of cardboard, newspaper and magazine clippings. Yeah, it turned out pretty cheesy, but it gave me a project to focus on at nights and in the end I had a gift for him that he knew I had worked on and was thinking about him. Perhaps you have some other areas of craftyness (or baking or wherever your passion may be) that you can work on.

        Good luck!


          While he is gone on his deployment I am trying to keep myself busy. There is so much downtime now that I can do nothing but sleep, work go to the gym or sit at home wishing he'd call or email. I might even be deploying soon and I would be coming back from mine the same time as his so I think that would help time pass...I hope so time is DRRAAGGIINNGG....
          " Love don't run....Love don't hide...Love don't turn away or back down from a fight.
          Baby I'm right here..and I and going anywhere"

          Mitch and Stephanie July 14, 2011


            Originally posted by Kwee View Post
            Yeah, I do try...a lot! I just wish it worked for me, haha! I hope to be getting a job soon, so that may help me out a bit. And then I plan on some college courses. The worst part is, we don't have an exact date for when we close the distance. He's only six hours away, which isn't bad. But all we really know is it'll be a few months. But that's only if things worked out properly. So that's what makes it hard for me the most. If I had a date or something more concrete it'd be so much better. Hopefully in a few weeks we'll find something out. Thanks for helping though!
            I think once you start working, you will notice a big difference. Earlier this year, when we switched from CD to LD, I was unemployed for 3 weeks and it was really bad. I missed him so much, all I could think about was talking to him. I now work full-time and am about to pick up a part-time job as working 7 days with my mind occupied on work tasks for the majority of the day. It really does make the time go by quicker. I too don't have a set date on when I will see my SO again, could be until next year. So really important to stay busy and watch those weeks fly by.


              Originally posted by Rosebud View Post
              If you really can't get your SO out of your head, what I find helps is working on a craft project for them as a gift. That way you're keeping your hands and your mind busy, but you're still remaining focused in a positive manner. I had worked on and was thinking about him. Perhaps you have some other areas of craftyness (or baking or wherever your passion may be) that you can work on.
              Oh I do the same thing! When all I can think about is my SO (because I do have those days), I start to do something for him. I'm an artist so I'll draw our cartoon characters together or i'll write something for him, or write a quick note saying I was thinking about him.


                Yeah, I really think the work thing will help too. Because these days, I'm just sitting around online all day. So I can't wait to get some other things to do! And yeah, not knowing makes it hard...but at least we know that we WILL see them again.

                And thanks Yaaamiii and Rosebud, I think I will do a project! Maybe a scrapbook or something.


                  The most random things which may come to your mind, lol. Read, take walks, go out with friends, cook something, practice a sport or do some aerobics, practically anything that crosses your mind. Like Rosebud said, in time it gets easier to return to your hobbies&habits.


                    I feel the exact same way about mine! and it sucks! At work the guys know my face when I'm thinking about him cuz I get a sad face but I don't look pissed just sad! keep your head up && he will be back before you know it!


                      One thing that's helped loads for me (and particularly lately, when my SO and I have been working crappy hours and haven't been able to properly talk for almost a week!!) is that when I'm feeling restless and can't stop thinking about how much I miss him, is to write down the things that come into my head... I find my mind gets so consumed with it that it's easier if I get it down in writing and say, "I'm going to come back to this later."
                      Doing that before watching movies, going out with friends, etc, has helped me a lot. Dunno if that would be helpful to you, but it's always been a good way for me to clear my head!

                      Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

                      Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
                      Closed the distance June 18, 2012!

