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Hard To Be Strong

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    Hard To Be Strong

    I feel happy most of the time, it feels like I'm walking on air =)

    But sometimes it just gets to me, especially since I have one more of high school for me and it's hard to see my friends with each other and especially since sometimes I feel so out of place. One of my friends comments me on how I'm so strong with this and how I can handle from the separation while other girls would crack down from the stress and loneliness. Usually I would either write poetry or use Photoshop which isn't even working for me anymore. And now I need to get ready for college which I might stay in Florida. I have no idea if I can deal with this, really this is so much stress for a teenager to take.
    I know in the end it'll be worth it and my feelings are strong for him but I've been feeling a little more hostile than usual but I don't know how if I am strong or just slowly going into a depression state ):
    Last edited by XAngie976X; April 6, 2010, 04:49 PM.

    awwww Hugs! Distance is so hard. It is hard for everyone involved, but keep hold of your feelings for him, look forward to the future, remind yourself of the love that you do have and the things that he does for you to make you feel special, and remember why you love him. If you hang on to all the lonely stuff, and the hard stuff, and keep looking at what your friends have and say that is what I will only make you more and more depressed. I hate days like that. It happens to me about once a month (along with my

    Hang in there! Like you said it will be worth it in the end!


      I don't really have anything wonderfully encouraging to say, but a little is better than nothing. Hang in there! Everything will turn out great. You'll be glad you stuck with it. <3


        I know. I have trouble with that too. In fact, I couldn't even get a proper prom date. I'm going with a friend's boyfriend who she's not allowed to see. I dunno. It's so hard. sometimes I wanna break it off just to be selfish and living in the now. But that would be stupid. -_- But yes, that's why this site exists. Stay strong!!


          The distance is not easy. Seeing couples every where just makes it harder. I started making a scrapbook for him, used a 3-ring binder so I could just keep sending him new pages. That kept me busy and it helped me remember all the good times. But it depends on my mood bc sometimes it just makes me more down. I try to keep as busy as possible. Not too difficult with all this homework this semester. Find something to keep busy....I started drawing again, its not much but it keeps me occupied for hours.


            Yeah some days are easier than others, today is an easy day >_<


              for me todays another blubber endlessly



                I'm a 27-year old married woman studying abroad and all my friends are single sophomores! Tell me about feeling out of place. LOL I have to say, usually I feel really comfortable around them (sometimes even more so than with my single friends at home who are my age), but then there's times when I think "what the heck am I doing here?". Sure, your case is different, but I think this will make you grow as a person much more, so I would also see it as an opportunity. If there's an advantage to difficult situations, it sure is that they make you grow so much so fast. Also, some days will always be harder than others, no matter if LDR or CDR or single or whatever, that's just a fact of life. So, usually, I guess it's better not to get worked up about an off day (says the drama queen here )... I'm glad today is better than yesterday!


                  Well I have grown up A LOT more, I'm not the same naive girl going wild child now. I did have an idea to make a photoshop photo album with long distance, all I'm missing is some models and I can create my feelings and I won't feel so down and I know in the end everything that's happening right now will be a very romantic story. (being Ms. Positive)


                    WE got luck and love on our side. I will always love no matter what and as long as i love you you will stay strong ^ ^ we got something good almost 2 years baby lets go forever<3333333
                    Last edited by Angelo18; April 7, 2010, 06:46 PM.
                    Everytime I try to fly. I fall without my wings I feel so small. I will always need you baby you make me feel whole nothing stronger than love EXCEPT MEGA LOVE!! lol which is what we got.


                      I know how you feel. It's hard for me too. I see my friends together and loving each other HERE, where they can see each other and hold each other. I can't do that with my boyfriend, and it hurts sometimes. Just remember that it will be worth it int he end, and everything will be okay. You'll be with him in the end, and you will be happy that you made it through the distance. Hang int here!! Everything will work out!
                      [CENTER]"To truly love something, you must first give it a chance to fail. If it survives, it is going to be stronger than ever. Distance is pure proof of this, and forever we will love if we survive."


                        i feel the same way sometimes, i hate it when my friends say like 'oh i miss my boyfriend' if they dont see them for like one day, because i am in high school too like you, at breaktimes if their SO doesnt come and see them, its like 'oh i miss him' .. when they are only apart for like an hour! it just makes me mad,, and a little jelous because i want to be able to be in a reletionship like that, by which when you say you 'miss' the word doesnt mean extreme pain because you miss them so much.
                        chin up, this distance isnt foreverxxxx


                          Thanks, my friends don't want to point that out with the whole "Oh I miss him" or I give them the death stare. The next day is always better than yesterday because each day brings me closer to him and away from my past. At least I know I'm like this cause I don't want to let him go, my schoolwork is starting to keep me busy at the moment which helps.


                            Hope you feel better soon, lots of hugs!

