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Help returning to the distance

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    Help returning to the distance

    My SO and I recently got to spend two months together pretty close. Now the distance is back and I am miserable. I am not used to not getting to speak to him much anymore and anytime I know he isn't doing anything, but he's not texting me (especially if I texted him), I get really upset and frustrated. I get upset when he hangs out with his girl friends, even though he's asked ME to marry him. I feel really jealous and left out and I hate feeling this way and feeling so needy. It doesn't help that I need him more because my family situation is pretty bad. I don't want to bug him and make him think I'm needy but I also want some attention. I don't know what to do. Am I reacting normally? Does anyone have some advice? I feel so lonely What can I do to fix this?

    I would definitely talk to him about this. It sounds like you are just going through a difficult time right now and could just use a little bit more communication. There's nothing wrong with that. He can't help you if you don't tell him how you're feeling.


      I agree with Mara, you should talk to him about how you are feeling and hopefully you two can find a balance.


        I just want to say that it's all right to feel needy at times as long as not being too needy, and I think you're not. Getting back to the distance can be daunting, it can happen to anyone having LDR. I get lonely often too and when that happens I can be so needy that I'm afraid my SO would think I'm being too needy, but luckily he doesn't (I know he'd tell me if he does). Yes, it's normal. And like Mara said, talk to him. Share your thoughts and what you feel with him openly. However, do be patient when getting back to the distance because it does take time and everybody needs a different length of time. Get yourself busy with fun activities so you won't feel miserable for too long. Good luck!


          Talk to him. Find things to take up your time.
          I just recently returned to the distance too and it's driving me fucking nuts.


            Yeah I agree with everyone above. Just talk to him about how you're feeling, he should understand and hopefully he'll be supportive.
            I totally understand your pain though, I also just spent a long time with my boyfriend, and we've returned to the distance a few days ago. I hate it.


              I understand how you're feeling. I'm returning to the distance after being together a whole year. Suddenly not being there is kinda weird and him focusing his attention on other things is hard to adjust to. Talk to him!


                I am in a similar situation and am about to return to distance. The fact that I am leaving has caused us both to have different reactions in the past week. I'm afraid to leave and go back to mornings without kisses and car rides without singing together. I am also concerned with feeling needy, so I already have plans for almost every day when I return home. It's comforting to know I'm not the only one feeling this way...

