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Crisis LDR,a suggestion

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    Crisis LDR,a suggestion


    i've finally decided to contribute.
    Want to hear your opinion about the situation and what would you do?
    I've been in LDR for a year already, it's been tough sometimes, but we should close the distance this year, probably.

    She found new friends a week ago and started to hang around with them almost every day. Party,trips..She's been busy. didnt even want to speak with me neither to chat.. she just cut off the connection between us and she confessed a day ago, she didnt have any needs to speak with me. Everything suddenly changed. I feel the difference in her behaviour, her approach and that's the problem..I'm not doing well,i'm helpless because can't travel right now.
    Its been only a week but how come person could rapidly change in one week because of newcomers in her life. This is temporary also because she's abroad for one more month only.

    have anybody experienced anything similar?

    How long has she been abroad? If she's been for a while she might be getting sad that she's about to leave and is trying to get the most out of her small stay left. If you trust her, I'd give her the benefit of the doubt and let her party and go out with friends. Just send an email (or something) saying that you would really like to speak ___ times a week. Set up these times and days so that way you both know when you are going to talk with each other. That way other activities can't get in the way. Good luck.


      Originally posted by lucybelle View Post
      If you trust her, I'd give her the benefit of the doubt and let her party and go out with friends. Just send an email (or something) saying that you would really like to speak ___ times a week. Set up these times and days so that way you both know when you are going to talk with each other. That way other activities can't get in the way.
      This one is a good suggestion and I think it's worth to try. I experienced something similar like yours when I was dating my ex, but I was in your SO's position. I came to a completely new place to study, I enjoyed the new atmosphere and new people I met that I tried to have fun as much as I could before finally finishing my studies and going back to my country. The only difference is that I was overseas for a year. Back then my ex often felt neglected no matter how much I tried to chat with him whenever we could fit our schedules (unfortunately he's this too needy and clingy type of bf so at the end our it didn't work). So yes, something like that is quite normal. And people can change anyway.


        Thx for replies.

        I'm getting used to it slowly. l'll leave her space to do whatever she wants. Hope everything will be fine after all.

