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After 11 mos, not sure if I can handle this. LOOONG but please help!

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    After 11 mos, not sure if I can handle this. LOOONG but please help!

    Hey guys, I am desperate here. Pleading for some direction from those who know what I am going through. I know I'm a "new face" but I've been a lurker. I originally posted my introduction here and you can read my short story of who I am and about my relationship.

    Back then that was just before we met in person for the first time. We had been "together" 3.5 months before that and have now seen each other twice more in the last 8 months. Phone calls/texts and skype has not only made possible, but saved our relationship during the long months between visits but I am so thankful for those visits. I can't explain that very first embrace each time we see each other. It's just as magical as our first one ever and OMG the embrace lasts for what seems like hours. It's never too long though before we are expressing our love in the one way we can't via 1000 miles apart. From the very first caress, I knew he was the one for me and the feeling is definitely mutual. When we are together, there is no one, nothing else that exists. It's just him and me together, as it should be and our stresses of "real life" melt away and we create this dream world and happily exist as if it's the ONLY world. If you haven't read my intro- there are 4 other little people that most certainly DO exist and prevent us from being together for a long, long time. You see, we both are very proud parents of 2 small children each, both split custody 50/50 with our exes, and both cannot and will not either leave them, or take them away from their other parent to be together. My youngest is just almost 4 yrs old so we're talking possibly 14 years of not being together on a constant basis.
    *deep breath*

    11 months ago when we first met, we quickly had "the talk" about the future. We both agreed it seemed impossible and very scary to think about so we dangerously decided to continue living in the here and now. No plans, no real commitments because there were none to make. I had been married 16 yrs, and him 10, and having just both gone through our scary divorce processes, we were so happy to not feel alone anymore. Just the thought of knowing someone is there thinking about you and caring about the mere fact that you woke up today was such a nice feeling! We quickly found skype and began falling asleep together at night and I would stare for hours some nights at him sleeping and wondering if he was dreaming of me when he smiled. <3 It was so nice and I fell so deeply in love with this man and continue to fall further every day.

    The problem.
    He is a busy man. And when I say busy, I mean BUS-Y! He recently spent moths working on his dissertation for his PhD and I was so proud of him that I was happy to sacrifice my time so that he could work. Also, when he has his kids every other week for 7 days in a row, he devotes all of his extra time and attention to them (as it should be). I have the same issue with my kiddos but it seemed that I was a little more willing to incorporate him into my family time. That is, I don't mind having a phone convo in front of them, nor skyping so that they could talk too. As a matter of fact, he introduced me via skype to his kids (and mine too) about 2 months after we met. I have a great relationship with his kids (as much as I can having not physically met them) but we say "I love you" to each other and I adore them. This is what I don't understand... we used to keep skype running at night and I would have the pleasure of watching him go through their bedtime routine. Or maybe just a phone call where I would be in his earbuds, listening to him reading to them and whispering "good-nights" and "I love you's". It's actually a vital part of me falling for him. He is he best daddy I've ever known and without this insight, I may not have fallen the same way. So keep in mind...we *used* to spend a lot of time together with kids present but also keeping their emotions about it all an utmost importance. They all seemed to be accepting of the situation so it was all "good to go"
    Over the months with his education coming to an end, a new and even more demanding career presented itself to him. One that would change his and his children's lives for the better and he obviously took it. I was/am so proud of him and it's, yet again, another huge reason why I love him so much. He is so focused and dedicated to making a difference in this world and the lives of his kids and it's a major turn on for me that he has that quality. But you can see...this means less time for me.
    He tries so hard to be available to me. I know he sends me quick texts throughout the day and that's more than many others get, but when you build your foundation in a LDR, there must be daily connection! Some days recently, I would get the last 5 minutes of his day before he was passing out. Before that for months, our long convo's via skype turned in to me watching him work but I was happy to just see him and hear him breathing you know? Months passed and I found myself growing impatient. We never "fight" but the few times we've had intense conversations it really shut him down in my opinion. He is so hard on himself and carries a lot of guilt anyway, so when I do say something, he is quick to take the blame and seems to go inside himself and reflect sometimes for days. For me, it just wasn't worth revealing my piddly complaints because I knew he was doing the best he could given the situation. I know that wasn't fair to myself but the way I looked at it, I would ask myself if it was worth losing him and the answer was always no.
    *breath* (sorry this is so freaking long! LOL)

    2 weeks ago lastnight, he was out of town on a business trip. I hadn't heard from him at all and saw that he had been posting on facebook. I know it's childish, but it really hurt my feelings that he could do that, but not send me a text or a phonecall. This was after weeks and weeks of me sacrificing time with him already and as much as he'd asked me to give him the benefit of the doubt, I found myself wondering if he was purposely pulling away. I emailed him. Long email short- it was mainly telling him I felt neglected, didn't even feel like his girlfriend, and asked him to work with me on this because I was in a lot of pain because of it and had been for a while. I tried to explain that I understood his schedule but maybe he just wasn't in the best position to have a LDR. I fully expected him to come back with an apology and an "I love you, let's work through this" but what I got was "I can't give you more than I can. I'm flawed, selfish, and greedy and I'm so sorry." Ummmm...wth?? This was NOT the man I have known. We had a TEXT conversation and I specifically asked him what he would tell his daughter if she were in my position, and he said "To move on"
    I'm sure by now you can imagine my reaction. I broke. I knew, KNEW this wasn't what he wanted. He was playing the martyr and telling me I deserved better than him, that he loved me and I was the most amazing woman, etc etc, but he did not want to destroy the most beautiful soul he'd ever known and he couldn't continue if that was the cost. He was giving up on us and I was dying inside. He always does this. I've seen him do it with other friendships, he thinks he sees an inevitable finality and just makes the choice to cut them out. It's his protection. NOT OKAY with me! For days I behaved as if I was in the running for an Oscar. I cried, I screamed, I slobbered and snotted all over the place, I collapsed, I vomited, I slept (boy did I sleep), I stared, I listened to every song that meant something (which there were a ton) and repeated the same pattern all over again.
    Friends told me to be strong and that this was for the best. They most likely never understood it anyway as they'd never had the chance to meet him. He wasn't real to them.
    Hearing him tell me to move on and be happy was the single worst moment. None of it added up, I was blindsided. He swore to me it wasn't premeditated or preplanned, that he just couldn't hurt me any more if I was truly in that much pain from being with him (and feeling neglected, etc.) He had fears of being that man because his father apparently had been that way to his mother thus driving her to look elsewhere for love and eventually divorcing. So my single complaint hit very close to home for him. 5 days after we broke up, we had our first conversation on the phone. It was full of tears and emotions and surprisingly, love. It was so clear that this wasn't what either of us wanted but we just didn't know what to do or where to turn. I eventually learned that the very exact same night I emailed him about my feelings, he had just been delivered a massive blow from his ex. His biggest fear. He also had learned that his father had just been diagnosed with cancer. Then me. I told him I was not going to allow him to make this sort of decision about us under such emotional turmoil. It wasn't fair to me.
    We've been talking more...actually we skyped 3 nights in a row this week! I promised him no more tears or expectations that I would just let it be so he could catch a breath. I asked him one day if we could still meet up in 3 weeks like we had planned and within 45 minutes he had booked flights, hotel, and car. LOL That was a huge sign to me. We need to be together, to feel each other again and remember why we sacrifice so much to be in this LDR. We are both head over heels in love, the situation just seems so impossible but I caught a glimpse of not having him in my life and it was such a dark and scary place.
    I know there are so many more details I'm missing out to give a better picture of things but I've been typing for an hour and can't imagine how long this will look. If you are reading still, thank you from the bottom of my heart and I'd love to hear your advice or thoughts.

    Also wanted to share some artwork I made that I think this community will really like. I love our bracelets. I took mine off the night we broke up, and cried so hard to lose that connection. These bracelets carry a tremendous amount of significance to us. He never took his off and I returned mine to my wrist a few days later when I realized the saying is still true. My heart most definitely did not comprehend the distance I was feeling from him. I proudly wear it today, it is the sign of our commitment to one another.


      It's hard for me to sum up everything I'm feeling/thinking as your post was so long, but I'll try.

      I know you were upset because he was on Facebook, but you could've handled that much better. If you send your SO a message pretty much lamenting being in a relationship with him and saying that maybe he isn't suited for a LDR he's going to take that as a breakup cue. You could've done much better there by just messaging him you missed him and if he had any spare time you would love to talk more. You could've even messaged him something playful on Facebook.

      Communication is so vital in any relationship, but especially a LDR and I'm not talking about just talking to the person. If you feel you have a need that isn't being met you need to communicate that to your partner. You also have to communicate those needs in a way that takes into account your SO's feelings. From the sounds of it, the email you wrote him was full of raw emotion. Raw emotion is good, but not so good when you are trying to discuss core issues in your relationship. I also think you let it go [and let it bother you] for so long that it built up into a bigger issue than what it was.

      I truly do understand how you feel. My SO is very busy working on his graduate degree, working part time, and he's a member of a lot of different organizations that require a lot of his time. Some days, all we get is five minutes or less. It's not easy and honestly, it's not for everyone. But any relationship requires it's amount of sacrifice, LDRs just usually require a good deal more.

      I think overall, you need to decide whether or not your relationship with him is what you need and whether or not it makes you happy. I know you love him, but sadly, it takes a lot more than love [as I'm sure you know]. I also think that right now isn't obviously a time to discuss your relationship with him as he has so much going on, but eventually, the two of you do need to have a discussion about both of your needs, desires, and expectations from your relationship. It probably wouldn't hurt either for the two of you to try to set up a regular skype date once a week or so.


        Thank you so much, Mara, for taking the time to read and respond. Lots of good advice and you are spot on!


          I understand the limited time issues. My SO and I are both single parents with full custody of our children, and we both have careers that each have us working long hours. I don't always get the time I want or need to spend with my SO either.

          Maybe seeing each other will help you realize what you both need to do to make it work. I always feel better about the distance when he and I are able to see each other.

          And I could copy and paste it but I'll just go with - Mara gave great advice - I agree 100%


            I can understand how going from constant communication to minimal can be hard to get used to even with you knowing the reasons behind it, so I understand where you are coming from, I also understand how it would have annoyed or angered you that he had time to post on facebook but not time to text or call which is why it made you send him that email, but did you put yourself in his shoes and see if you got an email saying ' LDR is not for you' would you be happy with that?

            As much as you think you know what you will hear back by saying certain things, it's not always like that as you found out yourself, he didn't give you the answer you thought you would hear.

            I believe he replied the way he did because he was hurt. He was hurt, you were hurt, and when that's the case it's usually when people aren't in the right set of mind I would say to make up a clear decision of what should happen next.

            Now that you are back, and going to see each other again, I think you should talk about coming to some sort of agreement on the communication you two will have so that you can both be happy.
            The only time I hear my SO voice is when he calls at night time to say goodnight and the conversation isn't hours, I think the longest we've talked was like 20 mins, but I adore my goodnight calls, but we do text all day (and I literally mean all day) every single day.
            Not everyone that's in a LDR have the same amount or same way of contact, you two need to find what's right for the both of you, you used to have a way and now circumstances have changed so you have to find a different way and adjust to it.

            It doesn't mean that feeling have changed, or that the relationship is doomed, it's a matter of adapting to new changes and getting used to it. I know it may be hard at first but LDR aren't easy, and if you're together you obviously find each other worth it, so I suggest talking about coming up with a new way or new 'agreement' of how often or how you communicate so that you both can be happy.

            I also suggest that if there is a next time when you feel like that, and you want to send an angry email, to write it, don't send it. take a break. breathe, calm down, and read it again and see if it's really the wordings you want to use and if you even feel the need to send it at all or if it was just written out of anger and wont gain anything by sending it. You may avoid an other argument that way. (and I say this from experience lol)

            I wish you the best of luck and hope that everything works out for you both.


              Wow, I read everything. I've been in a similar situation once, but I can relate to your guy. I've attempted to sacrificed our relationship because it felt like we had nowhere to go from there. Neither of us had decent jobs, both of us are poor and we live in different countries. But she would never let me give it all up.

              Only twice in the beginning of our relationship did she break up with me and I can totally relate to crying blood, listening to music and sleeping repeatedly. It is incredibly terrifying to not have the certainty that someone is there for me. Loving me, thinking of me and longing for the time we're together. It's also nerve-racking to feel alone in the world with no goal (she's been my goal for over 2 years). I'd feel lost and my existence had no purpose anymore (well, you have your kids...).

              You two, for what I read, are merely in the beginning of this LDR, so both of you need to reach a mid point where you can both function healthily in your separate habitats. Please let this man know how you feel exactly (and don't let the sadness talk for you). Be honest and objective. Say you need at least a number of texts daily to function and if he misses a day or 2, remind him of your needs. You seem to be enough old to understand each other. Tell him he can count on you whenever he has a problem, cause from what you said, you had no idea all of that was going on in his life? These are things you NEEd to know.

              Be reasonable and compromise. Both of you.
              My blog: A revisit of my most successful LDR. Posting the story of us in chapters.


                Gosh...thank you all so much for your replies! It's so nice to have SOMEWHERE to turn and people who are in the same shoes. I can't express that enough!
                I have wrote SO many emails and texts to get it all of my chest, then just deleted them. It's helped a lot. My email to him wasn't an angry one, just really hurt. I love him and all my communication to him is filtered through that love. Someone nailed it on the head when they said I held it in too long and when it finally came out, it was a much bigger deal than it needed to be. I guess I just want to know that we can get over this hump.

