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    Hi I'm new here I'm Sharon. I'm 19 My boyfriend and I were on and off for four years we met in May of 2008. and like most teenage relationships it was off and on for a while. It was off and on because we both deal with depression he had to move to Pennsylvania to stay with his mom, step dad, younger sister and younger brother.

    During his last week in town we stayed together packing and talking.
    I was really worried about him forgetting me, having a cut off date for our relationship we got into a few fights like any other couple does. There were a lot of tears and hugs and " I love you " s and of course the " will be okay " he did so much to reassure me.

    I feel so lost without him... er let me explain, he is really the only person I hang out with, My other friends are busy 90% of the time.

    Before he moved I made a video for him which he hasnt watched =( I worked really hard on it too, first he said it was because he had no privicy I understood and now its because he doesnt want to be sad, Again I understand this I really do. It just hurts because it took me like 2 weeks of working on it.

    Now that he's moved he has a good job =) his step dad runs a landscaping company you know, cutting trees mowing lawns whatever needs done and he made $400 which he will use to buy hunting stuff

    I'm really proud of him I couldn't be happier for him but I'm hurt he hasnt watched the video and we don't get to talk daily because he has work and we cant set a regular time because he gets tired at random moments of the day. I understand all of this.

    He needs time to settle in.
    He has a job =)
    He's spending time with family that he hasnt seen in ages.

    The thing is, I'm thinking about doing little nice things for him sending him letters and stuff but I feel like he wont do the same for me, mainly because I don't think he likes doing it.
    We are only able to talk on FB, they dont have wierless so he can't cam with me =( so we just message on FB and I want to see him and hear his voice. At the very least hear his voice.

    I don't think he will go for a calling app because of the fact that he has no privecy

    Help I don't want to feel like I'm doing all the work here.

    idk what to do.
    " There is always hope.

    I wouldn't waste your time sending letters and that until he watches you video. For all you know anything you send will never be opened 'cause it will make him sad" I don't understand, wouldn't it make you happy to get something from your SO? If your relationship a secret? If it isn't you can still make a phone call and talk. If you are talking about your day and this and that there shouldn't be anything to hide if a parent is in the room. I would talk to him and tell him what is bothering you.

