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Military SOs. Up and Down emotions much?

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    Military SOs. Up and Down emotions much?

    Well here I am. Sitting and missing my Sailor. I find that since he just recently went back since his leave emotions are really up and down. One minute I'll be fine, the next I smell a bit of him on a tshirt or a sweater and I just want to cry. I wonder, is it always like this? Will I always cry at the drop of a dime or is this because he just recently went back????

    Oh man how I relate to you with this. Every time my Marine has had to leave I find myself in the same exact predicament as you. I'll be fine one minute and then someone will ask about it him or I'll come across his scent and oh god ... let the water works begin. I think I'm most emotional until I find out that he's where he is supposed to be and safe. After that my emotions start to level out, but every now and then I'll find myself crying because I just miss him. Your used to having him around and then all of a sudden he's gone... Talking and laughing helps, friends who are in your position help out A LOT. I can't say it gets better, because it still sucks.. but just knowing that I'm one day closer to seeing him again puts my mind at ease. You just have to think about it like that.


      Oh man how I relate to you with this. Every time my Marine has had to leave I find myself in the same exact predicament as you. I'll be fine one minute and then someone will ask about it him or I'll come across his scent and oh god ... let the water works begin. I think I'm most emotional until I find out that he's where he is supposed to be and safe. After that my emotions start to level out, but every now and then I'll find myself crying because I just miss him. Your used to having him around and then all of a sudden he's gone... Talking and laughing helps, friends who are in your position help out A LOT. I can't say it gets better, because it still sucks.. but just knowing that I'm one day closer to seeing him again puts my mind at ease. You just have to think about it like that.


        Originally posted by sweetshine View Post
        Oh man how I relate to you with this. Every time my Marine has had to leave I find myself in the same exact predicament as you. I'll be fine one minute and then someone will ask about it him or I'll come across his scent and oh god ... let the water works begin. I think I'm most emotional until I find out that he's where he is supposed to be and safe. After that my emotions start to level out, but every now and then I'll find myself crying because I just miss him. Your used to having him around and then all of a sudden he's gone... Talking and laughing helps, friends who are in your position help out A LOT. I can't say it gets better, because it still sucks.. but just knowing that I'm one day closer to seeing him again puts my mind at ease. You just have to think about it like that.

        Yeah I'm finding I'm not quite as emotional as the days go on. It still sucks though, definitely. I miss him so much sometimes and all I want to do is call him up and I cant even do that. But yes, I am one day closer to being with him again and that's something I should keep in mind. Thanks for letting em know I'm not alone. (: I have no friends in my position though, that's why I'm hoping this site will give me a good outlet similar to that.


          I signed up a while ago, but wasn't active. After getting an email, I came back and really wished that I would have been more active in it because it has already helped. People here are so supportive. For those who arent in your shoes really don't understand what it feels like. Some of my friends moan and groan when their lovers are gone with the guys for the weekend and I just want to tell the to put a cork in and be happy they'll be back Sunday Night >:0 ... My emotions get the best of my sometimes. lol


            Originally posted by sweetshine View Post
            I signed up a while ago, but wasn't active. After getting an email, I came back and really wished that I would have been more active in it because it has already helped. People here are so supportive. For those who arent in your shoes really don't understand what it feels like. Some of my friends moan and groan when their lovers are gone with the guys for the weekend and I just want to tell the to put a cork in and be happy they'll be back Sunday Night >:0 ... My emotions get the best of my sometimes. lol

            Right?!?! Girls are always complaining about their men being gone for like a couple days. My mans gone for 6 months to a year. And I bitch and moan less. Its frustrating. And no one I know can really relate to me so talking to them is like talking to a wall. Thats why I'm trying to get active on this site, I feel like it could really help me. (:

            ---------- Post added at 11:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:19 PM ----------

            Originally posted by sweetshine View Post
            I signed up a while ago, but wasn't active. After getting an email, I came back and really wished that I would have been more active in it because it has already helped. People here are so supportive. For those who arent in your shoes really don't understand what it feels like. Some of my friends moan and groan when their lovers are gone with the guys for the weekend and I just want to tell the to put a cork in and be happy they'll be back Sunday Night >:0 ... My emotions get the best of my sometimes. lol

            Right?!?! Girls are always complaining about their men being gone for like a couple days. My mans gone for 6 months to a year. And I bitch and moan less. Its frustrating. And no one I know can really relate to me so talking to them is like talking to a wall. Thats why I'm trying to get active on this site, I feel like it could really help me. (:


              And no one I know can really relate to me so talking to them is like talking to a wall.
              RIGHT! lol I was trying so hard to be supportive of my friends ranting and I was just like do you hear yourself? Be thankful! ...She had to think about it for a min, needless to say many of my friends do not complain when I'm around. They have learned I will get extremely irritable or will break out in tears. Most of the time, I'm ok though... just some things get to me a little easier than others.


                I can relate to this too. My boyfriend is a soldier, and every time he comes to visit, everything is awesome. But as soon as he leaves, I feel super depressed and almost anything makes me cry. He came to visit me a week ago, and now that he's gone, it seems like everything reminds me of him. And this time, I don't know WHY I did this to myself, but I've been torturing myself with Nicolas Sparks novels and movies. I'm reading Dear John, and it was the worst idea ever.
                The only thing that helps is that my friends know how difficult it is for me after he leaves. They know that when he leaves I'm going to probably stay in my house for days, and they'll normally force me to come hang out with them. I'm glad that they do because I always have a good time, and it keeps my mind off of missing him, if only temporarily.


                  Originally posted by mouse411 View Post
                  I can relate to this too. My boyfriend is a soldier, and every time he comes to visit, everything is awesome. But as soon as he leaves, I feel super depressed and almost anything makes me cry. He came to visit me a week ago, and now that he's gone, it seems like everything reminds me of him. And this time, I don't know WHY I did this to myself, but I've been torturing myself with Nicolas Sparks novels and movies. I'm reading Dear John, and it was the worst idea ever.
                  The only thing that helps is that my friends know how difficult it is for me after he leaves. They know that when he leaves I'm going to probably stay in my house for days, and they'll normally force me to come hang out with them. I'm glad that they do because I always have a good time, and it keeps my mind off of missing him, if only temporarily.

                  I'm glad you have understanding friends.
                  Our relationships arent for the weak and I give kudos to all the ladies dealing with a LDR. Its not easy. I'm glad we have each other to vent to and we know what each others going through.


                    When I was flying back from my visit a couple of weeks ago, the kid next to me was watching Pearl Harbor ... I WAS LIKE REALLY? ... I wanted to cry, but I had just managed to get myself together from the departure at the airport. (awful experience btw)

                    Friends are awesome, they always have the most unique ways of cheering us up.

