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An Update on Closing The Distance

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    An Update on Closing The Distance

    I tried to post this in the Alumni forum but don't have privileges there, so here goes

    My SO and I met on Christmas Eve, online in a game called Second Life. We connected instantly and so strongly it was bizarre. Exactly 2 months later, we met in person crossing 800 miles to be there and the connection was just as strong. A few more visits back and forth and on April 22, yes - less than 4 months later - I moved to his town so we could be together.

    Despite our intentions, we did wind up living together due to work and distance to save money and it's been awesome. We are in the process now of fixing up his house and moving there this week.

    It's been 7 months plus total, and only 5 months since we met but to this day we still have not had our first argument - of which I'm glad. Money has been tight and there have been some challenges in getting used to things with each other but overall it's been great. We kind of fell right into the domestic lifestyle thing with no issues at all We don't have alot of money to go out, and we have differing off days, but we spend alot of time on Netflix watching movies and just hanging out, sometimes game on DDO but strangely enough, almost never are on Second Life together anymore.

    Now, to say it's all been wine and roses would be a lie, but it has been good. There was a major adjustment for me who had lived the same place for the last 40 years of my life. I was lucky to find a job here quickly, so that helped. The landscape however, is vastly different than what I know, my friends are all 800 miles away at home and I have zero family around me except for my daughter. It was learning a new city, new home, new traffic laws, reestablishing my banking... everything in a strange town. I do get homesick, and am now actually but hoping to make a trip home soon. It's not as easy as a weekend drive as it's 13 hours away.. ugh.

    We have an age difference of 17 years and once in awhile, but it is rare I'll admit, I see his age come out. At 26, he has a lot of things he likes to do that I grew past a long time ago and it's fine. Overall however, he's more mature than the men I've known my own age for the most part and it's a testament to his quiet, grounded nature that we don't get into arguments or fusses. We talk, or we walk away for awhile and then come back. Adjustment getting used to each other in person? Oh yes, but I couldn't be happier where I am. We work together as a team on things, which is way different for me as I came from a relationship where it was all about him and what he wanted. This is a very nice change for me.

    Are there things he does that drives me crazy? yep, sometimes and I'm sure there are some things about me that get him too but so far, those are just "things". You can't expect the person you knew online to be exactly the same in person. You tend to build up this idea of what they are like based on voice chats and video conferences, but the reality is a bit different and unique. There have been times I just needed to sit back and regroup. Would I change anything? not a thing and I'm looking forward to the future for the first time in a long long time.

    In any case, just wanted to give everyone an update. It's been a wild ride, and a fast one at that.. but once we decided we were "together" we couldn't stand the thought of not being there in person for each other all the time. Work, money, everyday stresses.. all those are just "things" and we have worked through them. It is possible. It takes patience, and compromise and remembering why you are with that person to begin with.

    Ours was fast, but worked out very well. I guess when you know.. you know.. yeah?
    Three words. Fill my racing mind. Leave me breathless. Lost in time.
    Three words. Fill my endless dreams. Repair my heart. Mend the seams.
    Three words. Fill your heart too. Three words pronounced. I love you.


    You look in the mirror, you don't like what you see, don't believe it.
    Look in my eyes, I am the only mirror you're ever gonna need.

    Met online: 12/24/10 Met In Person: 2/24/11 Distance Closed: 4/24/11
    Not one regret, not one backwards look, only towards the future and beyond!