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Phone calls.

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    Phone calls.

    I'm not sure if there's already a thread talking about this buuuuuuut...

    How often do you and your SO talk on the phone?
    Would you want them to call you more?
    Do you prefer phone over chat/videochat/etc? Why?
    Did the phone bill increase?

    I'm having some issues because my SO and I aren't able to call each other as often as we'd like to.
    I'm already searching for some cheaper way, like one of those "special" cards or Idon'tknow, but "normal" international calls are really expensive and at the moment we can't really afford them.
    We both have Skype but our schedules don't let us use it too much either (when I can use it, he can't, and viceversa.).

    (Suckish situation, huh?)

    So we just chat as much as we can. By the way, he's coming for a few days, in two months!!!!!!! He told me today, I CAN'T WAIT!

    My SO and I are not international
    We have at least one call a day, usually. It's usually for a half hour or so.
    I don't really need more than that. We also skype probably 2-3 or more times a week.
    I prefer video chat. It's nice to be able to see him. I also feel less like every moment needs to be filled with conversation when we are on video chat. We can just enjoy 'being together' and sometimes we watch tv shows/movies together.
    No because we are not international and we make sure to call during the 'unlimited' times whenever possible.



      My husband and I usually talk daily, recently for at least an hour. It depends on the individual day, though. We both have internet access and he has a landline phone at home. I'm in the US and my husband is in Austria, so I bought this great skype package where I have unlimited calls to Austrian landlines for only €4 /month. Because of this, I'm not really spending any more money on phone bills (luckily, most of my family is old-fashioned and they have landline phones ) than I would if I were at home!
      I generally prefer videochat to just phone (I can see his reactions to what I say and he often fools around and I can see our cat, too! ), but we switch between the two. Often, my hb is tired from work and rather lies on the couch instead of sitting at the desk or he does stuff (cooking, cleaning, even watching TV...) or is already in bed waiting for me to say good night, so then it's just the phone.

      I take it you or your bf don't have landline phones, right? Still, have you looked into the skype rates for calls to Spanish/Italian cell phones? I believe the cost is still lower than what normal phone companies charge. Maybe you could also find a website where you can send text messages for pretty cheap/free... I just know some for Austrian cell phones, but there have to be offers for your countries, too.


        Rane and I are international, and I could count the number of times we've spoken on the actual phone on my fingers. I love it when we get to. It feels more special and more "normal" than having to video chat, or IM. We both have only cell phones, and his rates are insane. Mine are pretty bad too.

        I totally wish we could talk more. But we make do. And like, for the very rare occasion, we will make an exception. Like we got to talk on valentine's day, and we will of course be talking when he tells me how his medical exam and interview go for his visa!


          Well shes only called once, and once i get a normal cellphone you can bet if i cant reach her online then i will call her more often. We normally talk on MSN all the time, she needs to get international calling on her cellphone before she and i can talk on the phone but we probably will more often when that happens


            We're both in the same country so all we need is unlimited text and long distance :P. We've actually never done any form of video chat. It's never even crossed our minds to try. Before I came onto this website, I didn't think normal long distance couples even did that. It seems it's a majority though xD. Yeah, we're really lazy :P.

            Now to the actual answering! We talk on the phone about once a day. Sometimes we talk more if I have to wake him in the morning or if the damn call drops XP. My apartment gets shitty reception ;_;. Anyway, we usually talk maybe half an hour to an hour and a half. We don't need too much since we pretty much text all day :'D. I wouldn't know anything about any international plans, all my family immigrated here a few years ago. Sorry XP.


              We were international and generally skyped daily. Calling would have been insanity.
              When we couldn't get to a computer we'd write or text message. The bulk of our early relationship was all writing so it was almost comforting, though nothing replaces the sound of his voice...
              I prefered skype with just voice over voice + cam, or even text + cam. I'm not really a visual person.
              Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                See if this works for you:


                  Originally posted by William View Post
                  does that work with tracphones????


                    How often do you and your SO talk on the phone?
                    Phone Not applicable since we are an international LDR; We use skype and msn. As for how often we chat.... 1-2 during the week and 4 + hours on weekends.
                    Would you want them to call you more?
                    Since we talk everyday, the only step us from this would be living together since we cannot call each other hourly due to time difference
                    Do you prefer phone over chat/videochat/etc? Why?
                    We prefer Skype over MSN or phone because .... 1. FREE, 2. We can see each other 3. it is soo much more social and more interactive.Also it would cost toooo much to call from Canada to Malaysia or visa versa.
                    Did the phone bill increase?
                    "Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle...rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be." ~ Anonymous
                    "Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul." ~ St. Augustine
                    "True love is rare, so when you find it don't let it go just because of a barrier you can't cross". ~ Ray H Wall

                    Chris and Megan - November 3rd 2009- (Break from June 15- )July 18th 2011.


                      How often do you and your SO talk on the phone?
                      Everyday. There's the good morning text and the "i love you the mostest" from whoever wakes up first. Then there might be a couple of texts during the day. MAYBE a call during the day if something happens that we really need to share it with one another (usually not). Then a phone call to say we're home after work/school. Then there is our nightly before going to bed call. This is when we talk the most and get in our conversation (if he's not going to bed early).

                      Would you want them to call you more?
                      Some times. Usually he's really good about calling, but then there are those weeks where we don't actually talk much. We do talk, just not long for whatever reason (he's going to bed early; I'm doing homework; I'm going to bed early; he's with his friends)

                      Do you prefer phone over chat/videochat/etc? Why?
                      We talk daily. Webcam every few weeks. I like webcam bc I like seeing him but sometimes we just don't have time for that. It usually takes some time for us to both log in and get the video chats to connect. Also we uually just talk while we're in bed then go to sleep when we get off the phone and he doesn't have wireless so he can't lay in bed and get on the computer.

                      Did the phone bill increase?
                      Nope! He's in the Army and stationed a few states away. We use our cell phones and between free nights/weekends we don't even use all the minutes on our plan.


                        How often do you and your SO talk on the phone?
                        We talk every day, on the phone. We are not international. We text and call throughout the day. We text while we are both working, here and there, and I call him on my lunch and breaks at work. Then we usually talk once or twice in the evening..and our big talk is at night, after everything else has calmed down and it can just be me and him. That is our "alone" time. We usually talk way into the early morning hours. Altogether each day its at least 2-3 hours of time spent with eachother.
                        Would you want them to call you more?
                        LOL YES! I am a little needy...i need attention. If I could, I would keep him on my ear all day, while I was going about my business
                        Do you prefer phone over chat/videochat/etc? Why?
                        I prefer phone. He has seen me on webcam a couple of times, while we were on the phone...but he doesn't have a webcam, we have never video chatted. We have acutally only talked on the computer like 5 times.
                        Did the phone bill increase?
                        Nope, we both have cell phones, and he is one of my "friends" on my plan so he gets unlimited calls. He has a plan that is umlimited minutes and texts

                        That is so exciting that he is coming soon! That will be awesome!!
                        Last edited by agentholli; April 7, 2010, 10:41 PM. Reason: im stupid with html :)


                          My SO and I live countries and continents apart, so phonecalls wouldn't be feasible at all. So no, we don't talk on the phone. We mostly chat on IM, and love to do voice chat. And yeah I'd say I'd definitely prefer voice chat over anything else, and the occasional video chat. I'm sure he feels the same way.


                            we're countries apart so phonecalls are limited to special occasion greetings, after-fight reassurance of commitment, and emergencies. we do send text messages on sundays and out of town family trips when we're both offline and away from our laptops. but we do video/chat 3-4 hours almost everyday. i'm happy with that, actually we both are.

                            we are thankful that such facilities are accessible to us. respective families are fine with our relationship. so we are more than committed to make things really work for us.

                            phone bills and electricity bills are expected to kick in a bit. but we believe that every sacrifice we make is essential in building our future together.

                            cheers, everyone!


                              How often do you and your SO talk on the phone?
                              About every other day.

                              Would you want them to call you more?
                              Nope. Every other day is good.

                              Do you prefer phone over chat/videochat/etc? Why?
                              We've never used video chat. I'm not sure which I prefer more...there are some things I find easier to talk about over IM, but I love hearing his voice.

                              Did the phone bill increase?
                              No, my family pays a flat rate for unlimited long distance.

