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first meeting jitters?

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    first meeting jitters?

    My SO and I have been online friends for about 2 years now, "official" for the last 6 months. I'm planning our first meeting to be in two months but every time I go to buy the plane tickets, I chicken out.

    Though I've sent him hundreds of pictures and we've skyped a lot, I am still worried that he will not like me as much in person. I've talked to him about it and he's always so supportive saying that he'll think I'm beautiful no matter what and that he'll wait as long as it takes until I'm comfortable with the idea of him seeing me in person. Despite this reassurance, I still get anxious thinking about it

    Have any of you had the same problem? How did you overcome your fear? I feel like I'm not being fair if I delay our meeting for something so shallow :/

    It's natural to feel a bit nervous about the first meeting, I did too. Thoughts would pop into my head like, "What if he doesn't think I'm pretty in person?" "What if he doesn't feel comfortable with me?" Alot of "What ifs" It's what most women do, some of us judge ourselves a bit too critically. But trust me when I say, self-confidence is a good thing to have. You shouldn't meet him feeling bad about how you look to him, just feel good that you are meeting him, and from what he's seen, he thinks your great. Have confidence, just try not to think about all the negatives and have a great time with him. Show him who you really are, show him how fun you can be! Remember to smile! It's a great feature!

    The point is, overcoming the fear of not looking good enough is hard for some girls, but you have to try. Just think positive about yourself, tell yourself your beautiful because you really are! I may not have seen or met you, but I can honestly say every girl is beautiful in one way or another. And you know what? He'll think that too. He'll be so happy actually being able to hold you and see you in person that nothing else will matter.

    Just believe in yourself, buy that ticket, and have the best time of your life with him. You'll never know what it's like to actually be with him until you try, so give it a go. <3


      I agree with everything jennyjellybeans said and also, sometimes you just have to take the plunge. I know you are nervous/anxious/afraid, but I don't think delaying things is going to make that a whole lot better. The sooner you meet your SO the sooner you will be able to put those fears to rest.


        Thanks ladies I think that's exactly what I needed to hear. I'm going to take the risk and book my flight! I'm still plenty nervous but he's worth it :P


          I had the same worries. I was so paranoid with what if's. What if he doesn't find me attractive, what if we decide to just be friends, what if im to shy and he finds me dull. All these what if's. And in the end all my worries were silly. You just have to do it, and go for it. If its real and meant to be it will all work out.
          I love you Nathan <3
          5/25/09 <3


            It's really normal to be worried about things like this, but I'm pretty sure you have nothing to worry about! I was so nervous to meet my SO for the first time that I almost wasn't going to go for fear of him not liking me in that I look back, I really laugh because I later asked him, what he first thought when he finally saw me in person and his response was perfect, that I looked beautiful and was everything he liked. For sure your SO will think the same of you just have confidence! Book the flight!!


              All the best aarsgirl!!! I hope you have a great time, and it goes just the way you imagine it to xoxo...I'm going through the same thing, I'm meeting my SO after 4 years this Friday. Plenty "what ifs", not knowing what to expect. Reading all these comments seem to calm my nerves a little bit. Thank you! xoxo


                My SO was in your shoes... he was too scared to book his flight because he was worried that I wouldn't like him as much in real life, but we have known each other for almost 2 years now.

                He finally did it in july, and is currently sitting next to me, and its wonderful. Seriously, stop worrying about what he might think of you and just focus on the outcome of this visit - getting to hold and see each other for real!


                  I had this problem. I wanted to delay our meeting. I didn't, but I reeeeeally wanted to.. lol! Even though he had already seen me a ton, clothed and not clothed , in a ton of pics and videos...I still had this huge fear that he wasn't going to find me attractive in person. He was extremely supportive about it, and assured me he didn't care, that it didn't matter to him, that I was beautiful no matter what...inside and out. The closer our first meeting got, the more scared I got....and the second I realized that there was NO way I was going to lose like a million pounds in a week..hahaha.... I got REALLY scared. In the end though, I didn't delay our meeting...and the second I opened the door and saw him in person.... I KNEW he didn't care...that he thought I was beautiful. All my worrying was for nothing. I'm sure it will be the same for you.
                  ♥Started talking online around: 10.31.09
                  Started getting serious on: 2.14.10
                  Met in person for the first time: 10.11.10
                  Closed the distance on 7.29.11 ♥


                    I think once you get your ticket you will be too excited about seeing him to worry about the "what if's". I thought I was going to be obsessed with the "what if's" as I'm a bit shy, but I was too excited to see him and touch him that I had no time to worry about anything.


                      If you are completely comfortable on skype or on the phone then you will be perfectly fine in person.
                      It will take all about 15 seconds to become completely comfortable in person. Good luck!


                        It's more than natural, don't worry but if you torture yourself with those 'what if's you're very likely missing out on so much fun! You guys are dating for a reason, and normally if you feel that connection from any given distance, when you're actually able to touch/kiss/hold them that feeling is only intensified Just book the tickets and start focusing on how amazing you will feel when together-these jitters are nothing compared to how awesome all those 'firsts' are going to be

