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Huge Fight Turn into a Complete 180°

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    Huge Fight Turn into a Complete 180°

    So me and the SO were talking on Yahoo! late last night. And at one point we were joking and it turned into a big fight for reasons that shall remain unnamed (lol). But anyways, we started this big arguement and then all of a sudden it just turned....this was the conversation:

    SO: Angie...

    Me: what?

    SO: I just love the f*ck out of you right now...


    SO: I always do after we fight, so we should fight more often.

    Me: lol...ur bipolar

    I just thought it was strangely funny so I figured I would share. Has anyone else ever been a similiar situation?
    Not to get clever
    but with you I see forever
    But whatever it is,
    Here's to you,
    I Love You Kid...

    lol thats so cute.
    I love you Nathan <3
    5/25/09 <3


      LoL. Probably when you fight reminds him all the good things about you, maybe you have a high temperament and he loves it xD We haven't argued (yet) but I do get annoyed sometimes and he told me "You get mad as fast as lightning and cool down just as fast. I like that." xD


        Something of the sort has happened with me. One of normally interjects and is like this is stupid why are we fighting. My SO once said "I love you so much and I really don't wanna fight with you anymore. I wanna be that couple everyone is jealous of." I thought it was the sweetest thing. I think it's because you realize that that person means so much, and every time you make it through a fight it makes you that much closer. I hate fighting but I defiantly think it's made us grow majorly as a couple. And afterwards it makes me miss him more because we don't get the making up time that others do.


          I can completely relate. My SO and I end most of our fights like this. We argue/debate/communicate/etc...then, we're both relieved that we've made it through the "fight" that we feel renewed and relieved. Almost, like we've gotten through another hurdle in our LDR, and we're reminded why we love each other. I don't think it's bi-polar at all. It makes complete sense. Even through the fights and arguments, it says a lot that you still love each other and what better way than to say it. That's real!


            Originally posted by Krista! View Post
            Something of the sort has happened with me. One of normally interjects and is like this is stupid why are we fighting. My SO once said "I love you so much and I really don't wanna fight with you anymore. I wanna be that couple everyone is jealous of." I thought it was the sweetest thing. I think it's because you realize that that person means so much, and every time you make it through a fight it makes you that much closer. I hate fighting but I defiantly think it's made us grow majorly as a couple. And afterwards it makes me miss him more because we don't get the making up time that others do.
            Thats so cute...& sooo true. The longer we are away from each other, the more little things annoy us...and its just cuz we miss each other..
            Not to get clever
            but with you I see forever
            But whatever it is,
            Here's to you,
            I Love You Kid...


              We've gotten in a few arguments and I'll get mad super fast and he'll giggle and I'll be over it. He'll tell me I'm cute for getting mad so quickly, and that he likes that I can calm down so easily. He's a pain in my butt and I think he does it on purpose


                Today I got back from a visit with my SO, and we got into a few "debates". Our arguments aren't petty arguments or drama, they're literally discussions/debates over things: for instance, he said that art is dying, it's so easy to do and to get the materials for that there are no longer great artists out there, or something to that extent. I argued back my opinion, and we went back and forth for a while. I realized it was going no where, and got frustrated with him, and he told me that he likes it when I argue back. He said he likes playing the devil's advocate, and even if he starts to agree with me, he'll keep saying the opposite of what I say so that I dig deep and find more and more evidence/meaning to back up and support my side, because he likes seeing how my brain works and I guess... he just likes debating. He's turned on by intelligence? Haha. It frustrated me at first, but I realized that at least we've never had an argument about our relationship or anything, so if this is what he likes, then fine, we can have debates over all kinds of things. Lol.


                  I can relate to that. We had several discussions about our future and what we should do next, and every time we had a disagreement about something it would end up in us feeling closer to each other. I guess in the heat of the moment we are reminded of whatever is most important, and that is us. And then somehow we get to feel more intimate afterwards. Also, usually arguments bring out whatever's hidden, unsaid, what is penting up (even if you're trying really hard to be open and sincere about things), and after you clear the air, only the good things remain


                    Yes, sometimes when we fight or argue one of us will crack a sarcastic joke or say something that will make the other laugh or smile If its him who does it, I always end up saying that I hate him (jokingly of course :P)

