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Feeling overwhelmed and depressed.

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    Feeling overwhelmed and depressed.

    So I got to have a talk with my boyfriend. He has a good paying job but says he doesn't have the money for a
    phone, which I understand, he is wanting to pay for martial arts classes and a gym member ship so he can get out
    of his house. He has a younger brother and sister, which he isn't used to being around ( when he lived with his dad he was the only other person there ) he also has no privacy now. So he has been feeling overwhelmed because of
    work and his siblings.

    I've been feeling depressed which makes him feel more over whelmed because there isn't much he can do to help me
    I ended up having a brake down while online with him and we decided to call it a night and talk tomorrow ( today )
    Here's how bad my depression got.

    Me: can I ask you something?
    Him: sure.
    Me: you're not like going to change your address and forget about me and abandon me are you?
    Him: lol no.

    I've just been having such negative thoughts like that all the time.

    But we've decided to talk at night and play a multi player game that way we can both unwind.

    How can I get a hold of myself and not feel so depressed. My being depressed is stressing both of us out. and
    making both of us feel overwhelmed.

    thanks for reading and thanks for the help.
    " There is always hope.

    I don't want this to come off the wrong way, but have you considered talking to a professional about it? If you aren't already, that is.
    I've struggled with depression a lot in the past, as have many members of mine and my SO's family. I can understand how it can stress people out - I always feel awful unloading on my SO when I know he's had to spend a lot of time taking care of family members who are much worse off than I am, depression-wise. But I find having an objective person to talk to about it does wonders for all of your relationships. No one can really understand depression unless they've been through it, and that can add a lot of tension and unnecessary stress. But someone who's there to listen, and help you rationalise away those negative thoughts, can help so much. I went to talk to a social worker and psychiatrist at different points, and it was one of the best choices I've made for myself. Screw the social stigmas surrounding it!

    I hope you're ok! It can be scary to have those sorts of worries about your relationship, well, and have depression in general, but know that those fears are just your depression talking, not you!!

    Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

    Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
    Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


      I do see a counselor once a week and I'm on medication that I take every day. I've been doing a lot better but this move has
      hit both of us so hard.
      " There is always hope.


        Hang in there honey, we all get down and out a few times in our LDRs, But its totally worth it! Just keep telling yourself it is going to work out!


          It's good that you already see a counselor regularly as depression can go pretty bad when it's not treated soon. I had it too once and it just messed up everything including my bilogical clock, my mealtime frequency (only ate once or twice a day and they weren't on the right time) and having trouble to focus on assignments.
          So just take one step at a time and try to be patient. Let yourself heal completely and always recite to yourself that things will be all right at the end. Another thing, hang out with people who spread positive energy and give you comfort. I think it helps a lot too.
          I'm sure you'll be fine!

