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    It's something that comes and goes, but I get it especially bad when I have to go for extended periods of time without being able to talk to my SO. I suppose our connection is so strong to one another that we practically feel each other's pain and the way we feel it is by way of heartache. Sounds silly lol. But it's how I get sometimes, but only when I miss him extremely badly.

    Do you guys feel that way sometimes?

    I know how you feel exactly. It really sucks. I guess its all just part of being in a LDR, but its so worth it girl!


      I felt that several times and I've got better at dealing with it. My SO and I sometimes don't get to talk to each other for a few days because of his job. When I'm in a good mood (unfortunately I'm a moody person) I can go through the situation pretty well. But when I'm in a foul mood whilst at the same time missing him very badly, I can get so upset. I don't blame him for that as it's definitely not his fault. For the past few weeks I've got used to it, handled it better so when I'm feeling upset (or heartache) because of lack of contact with him, I heal a bit quicker now.
      It's all right to feel like that.


        I think it's completely common. I mean you care deeply for this person and hate to see them unhappy.

        With my husband's new job on his deployment I only talk to him every few days. Makes me dwell on things we talk about or things he's upset about. I try to just leave my problems out of the convo bc I know he has enough to worry about them. Point is when I don't talk to him all I do is think about him and how he is doing. As bad as it is sometimes I wish I didn't as much but you can't help how you feel
        " Love don't run....Love don't hide...Love don't turn away or back down from a fight.
        Baby I'm right here..and I and going anywhere"

        Mitch and Stephanie July 14, 2011

